Wrath of the Druids

Started by PZ, May 14, 2021, 12:40:47 PM

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I've not been gaming much for a variety of reasons, but the new DLC has been released which makes me want to jump right into Ireland!

These are a few tidbits of interest in playing this DLC

Art Blade

I watched some of a playthrough and decided to cut it short.. the dialogues and fake accents make me cringe so hard that I really can't stand it any more.


Well, I downloaded the DLC and stated playing (this is my second day). I found the complaints online to be quite accurate, at lest with respect to the individuals that complain the DLC is just more of the same. I have really enjoyed this game, even a bit more than Origins, my earlier favorite among the RPG style AC games, so am quite delighted that it is "more of the same". Sure, there are some upgrades to weapons, armor, and even skills and abilities, but the core mission style is basically the same. I now have another complete map, this time of Ireland, and am already looking forward to the Paris DLC. All I hope is that they do not change the style to something "new and different" which might ruin it for me.

I liken my enjoyment of this game upgrade to what I might have enjoyed if they had released a similar kind of DLC to FC2.


Trade appears to be a main focus of the DLC, as has been reported. I thought it would be a bit boring, but they have done a good job of integrating the interesting aspects of building a profitable empire while maintaining the combat features I like. Brought back into this game are the pigeon coops from prior AC games (Revelation comes to mind). You can get missions which are combat focused, but also garner trade items that help fund expanding the trade empire.

Interestingly the trade merchant appears to function like Reda from Origins, but dresses in the middle eastern garb characteristic of Revelations.

Enjoyed a funny moment today: I needed to clear a potential trade post of enemy, this time a pack of wolves. As I was inside the structure a squirrel appeared at my feet and hopped around excitedly in a way that made me want to follow him. He led me to the locations of wolves so I could dispatch them for him. Funny and cute at the same time. I hope I can see him in the future.

Continuing to enjoy the game even more.  :bigsmile:

🡱 🡳

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