Red Dead Redemption remaster?

Started by PZ, May 25, 2021, 10:47:28 PM

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There are rumors of a RDR remaster. I enjoyed the game quite a bit so I'd be up for another go with a remaster  :thumbsup:

RDR remaster


What exactly does a remaster involve? So, they are taking the first game and giving it better graphics, I guess? I saw some live stream of the first game and really don't think I'll be interested, at least if it's anything like the story in RDR2 where I lost interest very early and if it hadn't been for the multiplayer I would have dropped it entirely.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I enjoyed RDR a bit more than RDR2 primarily because you could go to Mexico and battle the bad guys there. Of course, the graphics in RDR2 were much better, but the end of the game fell flat for me as if something was missing. Someone found a way to go to Mexico in RDR2, but other than a few buildings it seems more like a placeholder for DLC, which I have not seen yet.

Unfortunately a remaster is a *bleep* shoot for gamers. It might be just the code ported to a new system (console), but in some cases improved graphics and performance as well as perhaps a few "bells and whistles". For me, I'll wait until the reviews come out because I dislike feeling cheated. On the other hand, of FC2 were remastered, I'd purchase it straight away because I'd take a chance on that one.


Yeah getting games updated to new systems is one way for a company to get some more money at fairly low cost.

Speaking of Far Cry, I actually played the original one a little bit while setting up the Ubisoft client on the new computer. That is a hard game. I died a few time just in the beginning areas, there's little health to be found and you can't carry it with you. You can only heal when you find a health pack and that's it. Shooting was also very different, and well, the mercs were a bit bullet spongy if you ask me. But I got used to it after a while, but still, it was hard. There is also a super high graphics setting that makes it look not too bad on a modern system. The character models of course look like a pile of boxes but the trees and foliage weren't too bad. Just a bit sparse. I recall playing that game the first time and thinking how cool everything looked, back then, it did. I may actually play a bit more of it at least until the mutants show up, I've never actually played that game all the way through without god mode, as I turned that on when they appeared. As it is, I don't know how to turn on god mode anymore, or if it even works on the new version lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on May 27, 2021, 07:54:30 AM
Speaking of Far Cry, I actually played the original one a little bit while setting up the Ubisoft client on the new computer. That is a hard game. I died a few time just in the beginning areas, there's little health to be found and you can't carry it with you. You can only heal when you find a health pack and that's it. Shooting was also very different, and well, the mercs were a bit bullet spongy if you ask me. But I got used to it after a while, but still, it was hard. There is also a super high graphics setting that makes it look not too bad on a modern system. The character models of course look like a pile of boxes but the trees and foliage weren't too bad. Just a bit sparse. I recall playing that game the first time and thinking how cool everything looked, back then, it did. I may actually play a bit more of it at least until the mutants show up, I've never actually played that game all the way through without god mode, as I turned that on when they appeared. As it is, I don't know how to turn on god mode anymore, or if it even works on the new version lol.

I was looking for stuff related to FC2 yesterday and had to reinstall the game because my old one was a bit on the corrupt side. Of course I lost my mods, but I found a really good balanced mod on Nexus which has many options, one of which is a list of saved games that bypass the into tutorials, and gives you all weapons, vehicles, and upgrades - basically everything. The weapons are much more realistic and no more bullet sponges! The upgraded graphics are nice on the eye as well. You can even add a flare gun or IED to your machete slot so you can use both. Also, the machete is not completely silent so you can do assassinations.

As to god mode, I can't remember the specifics, but it is one of the console commands, which reminds me of a good command called IgnorePlayer or something like that so you can wander among the mercs.


Yeah god mode in Far Cry 1 was a command in the console I think. I suppose the info is out there if I bothered to look. Sounds like FC2 has a whole set of tweaks, that's cool.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


If it wasn't for god mode I doubt if I would have finished FarCry  :banghead:   
Respect is earned, not given.


You and me both, nex  :gnehe:

The only way I finish most games is if I keep sticking to it, and play on ultra easy


About halfway into FarCry you encounter those Godzillas carrying what looked like gatling guns on steroids,
without god mode, having lots and lots of luck I managed to kill one of them   :banghead:

Respect is earned, not given.


That sounds like my usual style of game play  :huh-new:


Quote from: PZ on May 26, 2021, 08:59:03 AM
I enjoyed RDR a bit more than RDR2 primarily because you could go to Mexico and battle the bad guys there. Of course, the graphics in RDR2 were much better, but the end of the game fell flat for me as if something was missing. Someone found a way to go to Mexico in RDR2, but other than a few buildings it seems more like a placeholder for DLC, which I have not seen yet.

I just finished RDR2, although I never played RDR I agree with you about RDR2 PZ, the end was a bit disappointing.
But then again, I didn't really enjoy the game as a whole, the main missions in my opinion was a bit over the top. The Saint-Denis bank robber,
you start off with about 6 Policemen but end up having to kill about 16, all of them shooting at you. Fighting off soldiers also, while going
down the river soldiers appear along both sides of the banks where mountain goats can't even get to.

A bunch of idiotic side missions which didn't belong in the game, and the monotonous riding from one end of the map to the other
which luckily improved once you have the fast travel unlocked. I enjoyed the Epilogue prior to the final mission more than the rest of
the game. The devs also went wacky with the last mission, I was using the Semi-Auto Shotgun and the repeater with scope, head shooting
some of the bad guys had very little effect, at one point killing a bad guy I had to empty the Shotgun at point-blank range.
I won't even consider a re-play, so for now no new games.
Respect is earned, not given.


@nex, your summary of the game appears to confirm what I've heard others say about it. I'm sort of glad I didn't get into it.

The only Rockstar game I've played was Grand Theft Auto V. The game world was amazing and I absolutely loved it, but the single-player campaign was a chore. Too much scripting, too much racing against time, too many missions requiring pinpoint controller skills with little margin for error, which sucked if you made a mistake and had to go all the way back to the last checkpoint save.

I remember one mission where you had to ride a dirt bike along the top of a raised embankment next to a railway line which had a train going along it. You had to jump the bike off an earthen ramp and land on the roof of the train, then ride all the way along the top of the train to the engine. The roof of the train was curved, which was tricky enough, but you had to use a key combo to jump the bike from one carriage to the next (for about ten carriages), and all the while the train was going around a long, sweeping curve, not in a straight line. One little mistake and you fell off, failed the mission and had to start all the way back at the beginning, from the embankment. It took me at least a dozen tries and several rage-quits before I finally made it :banghead: There was quite a lot of that sort of thing.

But once the story part of the game was over and it became a free-roam affair with plenty to explore, scads of money on hand, and all sorts of things to try out, it was great fun.


I'm not positive I'll get another one of the RDR games, but maybe. Depends on if something better pops up.

I remember us having that ridiculous train mission discussion some time ago, and I still agree completely with your assessment. I can't stand the timed events, the requirement for pinpoint accuracy, and largely, the requirement to start over at a prior checkpoint. I have no idea why those developer fools think it is a good idea to make people do stuff over and over until they succeed. In my case, I often abandon the game altogether - simply not worth the aggravation.  :banghead:


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on May 26, 2021, 08:08:33 AM
What exactly does a remaster involve? So, they are taking the first game and giving it better graphics, I guess?

Usually that. Same game, but a new paintjob. If R* are going to use the RDR2 RAGE engine, it will be visually stunning for sure. A remake/reboot is the same game/franchise, but gameplay mechanics and story elements are significantly changed. Doom (2016) and Doom: Eternal are reboots of the popular Doom games, but they feature new gameplay mechanics/graphics that was not present in the old titles.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well, for me, it's all about the visuals, followed by game play. For example, I enjoyed the graphics in FC2 (good for 2009) but I did not like the way the mercs all instantly knew you were in the area and delivered withering fire as if they knew your precise coordinates the entire time.

I know I'm in the minority, but I'd purchase a remake of FC2 in a heartbeat.

🡱 🡳

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