Far Cry 6 teaser

Started by PZ, May 27, 2021, 09:49:18 AM

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Just got this teaser video put out by Ubisoft. There is supposed to be a "Reveal" tomorrow.

Official teaser


Was just coming here to post this. Beat me to it lol. The official reveal is tomorrow, depending on your time zone, here's the Youtube link for the premiere:

But I dug around online and found a leaked video by a (I think) Polish youtuber who released a reveal video a little too early and then took down the video, but of course it was out there and here it is:


So, unless you understand Polish, the commentary won't be much help, but you can see several things in the video including several weapons, vehicles (including horses), and at least partially destructible stuff like trees. Also a jetpack/flamethrower/rocket launcher thing that looks pretty cool.

So we shall see, unless something really bad comes to light about the game, I'll be getting this and on the new computer, I'm sure it will look really good, the video scenes of the world look really nice.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Looking forward to seeing the official release video tomorrow.  :thumbsup:

I'm going to get the game unless bad news comes along.  I have done all the FC games, except the very first one. I may not have finished them all, I can't recall  :gnehe:


Thanks for the clip D_B, haven't brushed up on my Polish for a while, but I got the gist of it   :anigrin: :evil2:
Looking forward to the video
Respect is earned, not given.


Here's a game play video without commentary:


Bummer UBI*bleep* DMCA'd it lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Found another source for the first game play video (updated the other post), and here is a different one:



The reveal starts in ten minutes (it's 9:20 PDT right now) I think this is the same as your original post, D_B



OK not much in the reveal we didn't already know, except the release date which is October 7. So yeah, 5 months lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Typical - much ado about nothing


I was actually mystified, why all the hype then? October, really? I thought release was going to be in a few weeks or a month or something, but October? Well, see you in the fall I guess.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, October feels like a long, long way off at this time


They're probably starting with a DLC now
Respect is earned, not given.


Oh I'm sure there will be a DLC. I mean the ones in FC5 were pretty good. Well, the zombie one was OK, the Mars one was pretty decent and gave you some super OP guns you could use back in the main game, and the Viet Nam one was pretty good as well. I forget what I paid for them but I don't recall feeling cheated. So a couple DLCs for the new one is probably in the cards, but they won't be around until this time next year I wouldn't think, if the main game isn't releasing until October.

Then there's the follow-on game if they keep with the same trend, whether it will be a sequel of sorts like New Dawn was or a completely separate game like Primal or Blood Dragon. I really have to get back to those, never finished either of them.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well, even though there was dumb stuff in prior versions of the series, I mostly enjoyed something in each of them. I just wish they would come out with that one perfect game that contains all the elements that I enjoy, but that is likely to never occur because I seem to be an odd gamer.

I wonder if there is drug haze and/or timed escape/running sequences, both of which I dislike.

🡱 🡳

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