Far Cry 6 game play video series

Started by PZ, May 31, 2021, 09:56:41 AM

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Quote from: UbisoftUbisoft explains that Far Cry 6 is set on Yara, a fictional island in the Caribbean. The location is a less-than-subtle reference to Cuba, which continues to be under the thumb of a communist regime and for decades was led by a single charismatic ruler, Fidel Castro, who briefly passed the baton to his brother Raúl before dying. A similar familial link is repeated in the game in the form of Castillo's son Diego, though Diego is reluctant to take on his father's authority.

  • There is what appears to be a funny silent weapon that is based on a CD player, playing Macarena that looks interesting, as well as other strange stuff.
  • It looks like you can flush tank crew out by throwing fie bombs
  • I'm not holding my breath but so far I have not seen anything resembling drug haze or other distasteful game elements. I do not know why they insist on including things that many gamers dislike.

I like what I see so far.  :thumbsup:


Seems to be a more focus on improvised weapons in this one, which can be fun for a few minutes or so, but really you end up just going back to your trusty AK.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Seems to be the case because most videos highlight the AK. However, I'm always interested in some kind of silenced weapon so I can play the assassin  :evil2:


What is it with the AK47, most gamers will do anything for it  ???
You will fire it once and never again, firing off three rounds with an AK47 was enough for me,
take a tin can put a handful of stones in it shake it, that's what an AK47 sounds like, and it's
not as stable and accurate as the stats show.  :banghead:   :anigrin:

Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah the AK is everywhere, both in games and real life. So everyone knows what it is, and is familiar with what it can do. Some games portray it a little more realistically, and others not so much. But I'm with PZ on this, when I have my druthers, I go for a silenced sniper as much as possible. Like in Generation Zero, I'm always switching over to my silenced hunting rifle even though it's much less powerful than my .50 cal which can put down most enemies in a couple shots but is extremely loud. The hunting rifle requires a precision shot on the robot's power cell most of the time which is a bit more of a challenge. Of course when the going gets rough I get out the full auto machine gun and let them have it.

And by the way, on the new computer the sound system is much better than my old one which surprises me as it's just the onboard sound and the old one had a dedicated sound card in it. Could be my speaker placement now is a bit more optimal, but the surround sound setup really has me looking over my shoulder now and then to see what that noise was behind me, even though I'm alone in the room, and it's just an effect from the game. So the guns in most games now sound amazing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I totally agree. The only time I use an AK is when there is no other choice, and ditch it in favor of just about anything. I notice that the AK is the first crappy gun they give you in a game.

I did play with it for a while in FC2 (the gold version), because it was a novelty, but that is about it.

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 02, 2021, 07:53:02 AM
...Could be my speaker placement now is a bit more optimal, but the surround sound setup really has me looking over my shoulder now and then to see what that noise was behind me...

:D I can relate!


I found the onboard sound systems are better than sound cards,

Respect is earned, not given.


I mostly just use headphones so I can't tell any difference one way or another


Here are a few things that FC6 might be doing:

  • Instead of guns for hire, you have animal companions in FC6. One is seen in videos, a crocodile names Guapo who bites and eats people. Another is a puppy with his hind legs missing and in their place is a kind of wheelchair.
  • The cities also seem to be interesting because it is said that you can explore buildings.
  • One might be able to explore the game Hitman style where the character holsters his weapon and is ignored by the bad guys.


hmmm I'll watch that later. But I expect there will be human allies of some type, there have been in all FC games except the first one. As for the dog and alligator, I expect the dog is like Boomer in FC5, will fetch you stuff and distract enemies while you sneak up on them. The alligator will just outright attack like the bear or cougar did in FC5.

Now being able to walk around unmolested if you aren't showing guns would be a new mechanic, and a welcome one. Sometimes you just want to explore and not be bothered.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I believe you are correct regarding the animals, as does the poster of the video.  :thumbsup:  I hope the "don't bother me" mechanic works as it appears to. It would be great to walk around in places without having to kill people. The other promising thing is the big city and the potential for exploration in a Fa Cry game. Those two things alone would be interesting to see.


So far it looks good, I love those weapons, especially the one made from a motorbike engine  :anigrin: 
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah, I'm looking forward to the game a bit more because I've completed Valhalla and the DLC and am now using an earlier save so I can run through Wrath of the Druids again. In other words, I'm kind of bored.  :gnehe:



The colors sure seem more vibrant, and lighting effects more realistic


🡱 🡳

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