Far Cry 6 game play video series

Started by PZ, May 31, 2021, 09:56:41 AM

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Must agree, looks a lot more realistic, nice clip PZ  O0 
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From the video, it seems the main focus are on volumetric lights and fog volumes, reflections and density. Also, more specularity (shinyness) on certain materials, notably the AK. The screen-space occlusion seem to be improved, some segments showed the flaws of FC5's system.

I guess Digital Foundry will make a video about Dunia for next gen.

Being a PS5/Xbox Series X title, I'd guess the segments may have had ray tracing enabled. What worries me is that UBI*bleep* will downgrade some of the graphics, despite running on hardware equivalent to a R7 3700X/RX 6800  :(  4K and 60 fps are confirmed, but no words on ray tracing and 60 fps. Since there is no map editor/Far Cry Arcade, probably means no 120 fps mode.

Another thing I like, is that scopes are now properly rendered. It's not as fancy like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019's dual rendered scopes, but a nice start

Notice the scope model and the barrel of the L96 (AWM) is rendered within.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: LowPolyOWG on June 07, 2021, 01:29:50 PM
Being a PS5/Xbox Series X title, I'd guess the segments may have had ray tracing enabled. What worries me is that UBI*bleep* will downgrade some of the graphics, despite running on hardware equivalent to a R7 3700X/RX 6800  :(  4K and 60 fps are confirmed, but no words on ray tracing and 60 fps. Since there is no map editor/Far Cry Arcade, probably means no 120 fps mode.

It would be a shame if they downgraded the graphics for the high end systems.  :(


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Interesting - becoming the villain from prior games. I wonder if you actually play as the villain or is it just one (or more) of the drug-induced haze segments in which you "think" you are the bad guy  :huh-new:


Yeah I wonder as well, it looks like it's more a hallucination/drug trip type of thing, or a virtual simulation in the main game of some type.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed - it is a bit disappointing  :undecided-new:

The developers appear to be making games for kids that have zero attention span, and have no problem spending their parent's hard earned cash rather than for old guys like me.


Yeah I read the description on the Uplay store page for the DLC. It seems it's a virtual experience of some kind, as you play each villain "in their head" or some similar wording. So either a flashback or some kind of virtual reality excuse will be used. Aside from that, it seems you'll be playing each one in a time before their respective game took place, to get history and back story and motivation, that sort of thing. Which isn't really all that different from the DLC in Far Cry 5, where the Viet Nam one was obviously a flashback, the Mars one was a comic book and the zombie one a movie.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I hope the "virtual experience" is not something that is required. I was never fond of any of the drug stuff in the later FC games.

However, all this talk about Far Cry motivates me to see which platform I played on, and maybe to fire it up some time today. That or maybe Ghost Recon.


Yeah since it's a DLC there's no requirement to play it at all really, just don't buy it.  :D

I actually fired up Blood Dragon and played for a little while. The old Far Cry style came back to me and I had fun shooting the androids or whatever they are. The only thing I don't like about that game are the titular monsters. They are a real pain to deal with. They are practically invulnerable to normal weapons unless you hit them in a very specific spot, and do a huge amount of damage to you. If you aren't in a building you can hide in, you're toast, and even then THEY SHOOT THROUGH WALLS. A normal, single thickness concrete wall of a bunker or other similar structure does little to stop the damage they do to you. You have to be in a large structure with a double set of concrete walls between you and it to block the damage. That's not always easy to do when you're out and about exploring. Otherwise, it's Far Cry 3 with robots and fairly fun to play. I guess at least in the early game, when you see a dragon, running away is the best strategy.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 16, 2021, 07:49:51 AM
Yeah since it's a DLC there's no requirement to play it at all really, just don't buy it.  :D

Sounds like what I should avoid, at least until I see actual game play video.

I found my copy of FC5 yesterday and it is in the PS4 format. I should load it up and perhaps play a bit. Although my memory is a bit foggy, I recall liking the stealth aspect of some of the outpost style areas.


Yeah I liked FC5 quite a bit, even with the drug stuff and getting kidnapped once you reach a certain level whether you like it or not. There was a lot of fun stuff in between, like I spent a lot of time bow hunting with the one ally who also uses a bow, it was a lot of fun. That and the the fact that the setting was essentially the same as the landscape around home so it felt familiar. The other games were all cool and everything, but didn't have that "down home" feeling for me that FC5 does. So, though I'm sure FC6 will be cool and all, and probably more of the same, just different, being a tropical island, won't have that same feeling that five did.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I think you're correct - that seems to be the way the series is going


They have a semi-successful formula, no need to tamper with it too much.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Agree - I don't think they are too worried else they'd change it up

🡱 🡳

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