Hair Not So Apparent

Started by fragger, November 17, 2021, 05:29:23 PM

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 :D Cheers, gents!

Growing back now. My head feels like a Nerf ball :gnehe:


I can commiserate fragger. To save money my wife started cutting my hair years ago and the outcome was less than desirable at times. It is a good thing I did not need to go out in public during those episodes  :gnehe:


 :anigrin: You're a good husband, mate!


Thanks fragger; happy wife, happy life  :gnehe:


@ reverse mohawk  :D

I looked into this trimmer when you originally started this thread but due to lack of motivation (and my tendency towards being a hermit) I've still not done anything towards getting my hair cut.  ::)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"



I can relate to the hermit thing, mandru. I'm not big on society - hence my move to the country :gnehe: Well, that and being fed up with Sydney traffic and expense.

When I first accidentally shaved the middle of my head, I had the fleeting thought of leaving it like that to see if I could start a trend. But alas, I'm not that brave :undecided-new:


My dad had a friend who owned a barber shop, and for many years my dad, my brother, and I went to this guy for haircuts.
When I was 14, my dad had him shave all my hair off. Man, was my mom mad at him!! And then my problems at school also started,
I was in the headmaster's office practically every day for fighting, I punched everyone who mocked me about my shaved head  :angry-new:
I'm also very fortunate, I don't have any boldness in my family.
Respect is earned, not given.


I don't think I'd have made fun of your shaved head, nex.  I was always the smallest kid in the class!  :gnehe:


I was kind of skinny then, but luckily I was born with my dad's family genes. The men are exceptionally strong, and they all have very big hands.

Only the first guy got hit with my fist, he had to have his jaw wired for a few weeks. After that incident, a flat hand was all I needed to convince others

commenting about my shaved head wasn't a good idea.  :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.


Quote from: nex on August 01, 2022, 02:19:15 PM
...After that incident, a flat hand was all I needed to convince others commenting about my shaved head wasn't a good idea.  :evil2:

:D  :thumbsup:


Good on you, nex :thumbsup: :anigrin:  A bit of not-so-gentle persuasion goes a long way!

I never really got hassled much at school, I always seemed to get along with everyone. One kid did try it on with me though, in my second year of high school. It started off with just witless pranks, like he'd swipe stuff off my desk when I wasn't looking, or I'd find rubbish dumped in my bag. He was in my geography class, and one day we went on a field trip. When the bus arrived and we got ready to get off, he was in the aisle as I was getting up out of my seat. He said something like "Wait your turn!" and started shoving me. It hadn't gotten physical before this and I instinctively knew I had to nip it in the bud, so I straight-fisted him right in the mouth. His head snapped back and he nearly passed out, and when he straightened back up, the look on his face was a mixture of surprise, shock, pain and fear. I'd split his top lip and there was a fair bit of bleeding. Not being a violent or aggressive type I felt bad about it for a moment, but it did the trick - he never bothered me again and stayed right away from me.

I did get into trouble from the teacher though and had to see the principal (who was called a "headmaster" in Oz in those days, don't know if they still are) when I got back to school. My Dad was completely on my side though when I got home. He'd had to do his share of fighting growing up and he knew the score.


I also had a hassle-free time at school, had a friend or two but otherwise kept to myself.  Those days schools were split into three categories, Primary school was grade 1, 2, and standard 1, Medium school from standard 2 to standard 5, then High school from standard 6 to standard 10. At the time of my "hairdo" I was in standard 5, but also the youngest std5 pupil which probably contributed to the older kids mocking me, after a few slaps here and there everything went back to normal, besides my hair also grew a cm or two by then.
Respect is earned, not given.


This is a good one:

Being a year younger than the rest of the class I was always the smallest when in high school. To make it worse, My body shape is small and what I would call "delicate bone structure". However, I was never pestered or bullied. I found out much later that a rumor had started because of a story someone told: I was leaning against a car when a tough guy approached me and said something evidently annoying so I picked up a baseball bat and beat him nearly to death. Not a single word of it was true however, but I sure was grateful that rumor had started!  :laughsm:

I have no idea how that rumor started because I did not have any friends in school  :main_knockout:

However, at least some knew of my fondness in creating explosives, a miniature canon, and Estes rockets with explosive warheads  :evil2:


 :laughsm: That might have been the case. You mess with that little feller and he'll blow you to smithereens.  :D
Respect is earned, not given.

🡱 🡳

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