
Started by PZ, November 09, 2021, 09:01:36 PM

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... I've been off the grid except for this OWG site for a while now, and just this evening I checked the OWG You
Tube channel and was stunned to find that in the past couple of months the number of subscribers has increased from about 34 or so to 117, and I've not even visited the channel in that couple of months! 

Then just for interest sake, I sorted by the number of views and what topped the charts was a tiny 21 second video that had 135,243 views and 152 comments  :huh-new:

Hard to believe that neglecting the tiny channel has resulted in the largest increase in exposure  :main_knockout:


I just checked. Must be the youtube algorithm acting weird sometimes and put random videos on the frontpage for some people  :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah who knows what youtube does. People have commented on my 10 year old FC2 videos saying it showed up in the recommended feed for some unknown reason.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, probably the "black box" effect we see in so many online things - never know exactly how they do business.

Just keeping myself entertained while my game does a 36 hour update  :banghead:


From what I've heard about how these semi-A.I. things w0#k on youtube, google, etc, is that even the people programming them don't really know how they w0#k, as they are now in the self-modification mode where the program adjusts itself to new information and it's not completely in the hands of human operators anymore. But as long as it keeps making them money, they just let it grow into whatever.

I feel your pain with the long download times, back then I would have to install Steam on my w0#k computer or bring my laptop into w0#k to get updates for games, or anything else. Stuff like Windows updates that have to be done on that machine would take forever. Here's hoping you can get a better solution in the future.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks D_B; I'm now on my third day of trying to do the update with a bit of the download successful each day. Originally the download was 33 hours, then it increased to 40, and yesterday it was 99+ hours. I reset my console and router in the morning and had to start it over and it managed to download a bit over 9 gb by bedtime.

Today I get back onto the console and it had done a few more gb, but as of this moment the console claims 4 hours left.  :banghead:

At least it didn't have me start over AGAIN, but we'll (maybe) see in about 4 hours  :banghead:


That's so frustrating, especially when it doesn't save what it's downloaded and you have to start over. At least Steam (usually) can be stopped and it will pick up where it left off.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I lost the first few days, but I restarted everything I could, then started again, and it finally finished!

Man, I dread having to do downloads of any kind on the console.


Yeah that is really frustrating.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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