Okay, I purchased Far Cry 6 and first impressions

Started by Dweller_Benthos, October 07, 2021, 07:17:24 PM

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Is that blue metal dog your pet/companion?


Yeah the metal dog is the companion you get with the Blood Dragon set. I'm not sure how I got that, whether just owning the Blood Dragon game gets it for you or what. But he's good at tearing people up. I mean, essentially it's a reskin of Boomer, the dog from FC5 but hey it's cool. I have yet to get in a vehicle and see if he jumps in the front seat like Boomer did.

I went back to the starter island to finish up some things like opening those crates I passed by the first time. The one, I think called cripto-gramma? needs you to find the codes nearby like LowPoly mentioned and it was pretty obvious once I actually looked what you needed. So I don't think there will be a need to go back there unless the story requires it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Did you bought the gold edition? The Blood Dragon set is only available from there ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I recall Boomer - cool dog  :thumbsup:

I have an Irish Wolfhound in Valhalla, and he's quite useful as well. In fact, there are quite a few animals in that game that are fun.


It's possible I bought the gold edition, there were so many choices I picked one that looked like it had the most value, so that's probably it. I also got the DLC pack as well, at least I think I did, the store page says I have it but it keeps pushing the DLC on me as a season pass, so who knows.

I also got a few bonus things from various things like twitch and the UBI*bleep* store stuff, so there's a bunch of things I didn't keep track of.

As for the dog, not sure if he has a name or not, he's pretty useful, the usual thing, point at something and tell him to attack and he does. One thing I found with the gator was if you walk along the shore you'll come across little animals that you can target and your companion (amigo, the game calls them) will attack and kill with little effort and no damage to you or them, this is an easy way to rack up kills for them to get them leveled up.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Have any of you obtained the free items for FC6 from Ubisoft Connect?  There are other things like a painted up assault truck, Vaas' RPG, and Lil' Perrito.

Anyone know if there is anything other than just cosmetics to these things?

PS: I split the original topic into several because it was becoming so long  ;)


Yeah I claimed all the free stuff, well there's stuff that requires the UBI*bleep* money to buy that you get by playing games or buying them I guess. I had 300 or so stocked up from whatever so I used that to claim all the stuff in that category, the couple weapons are mostly meh with cosmetic differences, but since I had the units to claim them I did. There's a few trinkets and things that are completely cosmetic, if you have the UBI*bleep* points saved up, might as well use them, but don't pay real money for any of that. Then there's the weekly challenge bonuses which usually give game money and XP, and you get those by doing specific things in game like killing soldiers with knives and such. There's the community one where this week it was kill 10,000,000 soldiers with the death from above machete kill (jump from a roof or other height onto a soldier and kill them with the machete) that all you have to do is do it once and then after everyone else fills in the huge number, you can claim the bonus.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the info D_B  :thumbsup:

I've collected the free ones, but the simple cosmetic ones don't do much for me. I've been spending UBI*bleep* points to get things like specialized weapons in Valhalla that are tweaked enough from the standard weapons to be worth it.

That's a good tip regarding the community challenges - I'm going to try that one  O0


Yeah the cosmetic stuff isn't much worth the trouble if there's better stuff to get and really even the weapons are only so-so.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It's too bad they don't offer things of substance rather than just cosmetic fluff. Other than cheap and easy to develop, I do not know why they keep following the same recipe.


Pretty much every other game does it too, if at all possible. Fallout 76 is constantly trying to sell you various cosmetic armor and gun paint jobs. Various car racing games, etc, all do the same thing. It's not enough anymore that they just sell you the game, they now want a constant revenue stream for months or years after the fact.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, that is fairly obvious. For now I just ignore anything that costs extra (except some DLC). I have applied some UBI*bleep* credit to a few things.

I'm concerned about when those greedy bastards make it mandatory to purchase something in-game. In that event I'd likely stop purchasing new games and have repeated fun with my old stuff. After all, with my failing old memory it is often a new experience  :gnehe:


That's one thing about forgetting stuff, everything is always new!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



That is definitely me!

By the way, I do not recall if you ever mentioned this, but how did you come up with the "benthic dweller" name?


As for the name, it was something I wanted to be fairly unique and was an old joke we had when my friends and I were out fossil collecting. One of the guidebooks, actually a technical paper on the fossil bearing rocks in one area had a mention of one layer containing a "plethora of benthic fauna" meaning in layman's terms it had a lot of fossils. Benthic meaning the bottom of the ocean of course. So whenever we would go out collecting and not find anything good, we'd say something like "Well, I guess that didn't contain a plethora of benthic fauna" as a complaint that we didn't find anything. So when the internet rolled around and I wanted something that would make most people scratch their heads I took "benthic fauna" (something that lives in the dark on the bottom of the ocean) and switched it up to Dweller Benthos which would also imply the lurking in the dark nature of what I usually do on internet forums.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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