Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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A new update for FC6 has a side mission that is a crossover with the TV show Stranger Things. I've never watched the show as I guess it's on Netflix, but it was a fun side mission to play. A little annoying for the fact that they take away all your guns, supplies and map, and the beginning part is severely limited in the ammo you do get. But it was pretty cool and really I'd like to be able to play it again, it would be neat if they added it to the missions you can do for Lola to get money. Or an edited version of it. I may still make a "highlights reel" of the live stream and post it on youtube, still thinking on how I'd want to do that and if it will w0#k.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


D_B I caught your video of the Stranger Things content and it did look interesting.  I was wondering if the slide into a human (or in this case a humanoid shadow puppet) knock down and machete kill was available without the parkour outfit.  Those puppets (Kuklis?) seemed to display a need to taunt before striking which mechanically made a surprise machete kill a single hit kill but not every encounter could be handled with the element of surprise.

Fire worked well on them but that often required a few flamethrower doses to take them out where as a point blank shotgun (W/fire ammo) blast was also a 1 hit kill.

It also occurred to me that as you were escaping the area (before the big stand off battle) there were the humans with flamethrowers targeting puppets.  They very well may have (if you had killed and looted them) dropped other needed ammo besides flamethrower canisters as their attention was mostly tied up with their encounter with the puppets.

You caught a bit of flamethrower wash from one of them but I don't think they were specifically targeting you.

It was an enjoyable watch.  O0
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Glad you enjoyed it Mandru! Yeah it might have been possible to get more flamethrower ammo from those guys on the way out, didn't think of that at the time. I was getting a little pressed for time IRL though and was trying to get the mission over with before I had to leave. Really should have done it later when I had time to really see everything and try more stuff, but that's how it goes. I wonder if I start a new game if that mission would be available once the tutorial was done with? That's a bit of time too though lol. That's why I'd like to be able to do it over, like the money missions with Lola, that would be cool.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well here it is, in all it's one hour and eighteen minute glory. If you've seen or skipped through the live stream VOD, no need to watch this too, I clipped out the more lengthy sections where I goof up but it's still that long. Oh well.

Also my first content ID claim, because there's 10 seconds of the theme music of the TV show in there. Still deciding if I'm going to mute that section and upload again or just let it go. It won't get any views, so I don't really care about that, and it might pop an advert because of that, but really, it's a bit of effort to re-edit the video and upload again, so I probably won't do anything about it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Hey D_B.  After a couple of busy weeks I've finally caught up with your play in FC6.  I do enjoy watching your game play.  :)

In this latest session you had a target with one of the big anti-aircraft guns you were air dropping to get to.  It was at a very high altitude giving the range of the gun at that location a very large circle of influence forcing you to (1) select available friendly bases of operations further away and (2) all at much lower altitude.  The result being you had to hike or drive to reach the target because you couldn't get enough glide time.  It was one of those situations of every second of approach by air made a significant difference.

I had asked before about aligning yourself with the target's location as related to the initial air drop point to squeeze out every bit of effective flight time and you determined that your initial orientation was random.  I've had an additional thought on this.

I think I recall something that happened in one of your earlier videos where you had started an air drop but had a change of mind about either your start point or the target you wanted to hit first.  If I remember correctly you changed your mind (while gliding in an air drop) and the game allowed you to re-initiated a new air drop.

It has made me wonder.  If once you are in the air and have swung around to be directionally locked on to the location of the target you are trying to reach would restarting the exact same air drop randomize your orientation or stay locked on target.

Sorry for being a nuisance by bringing this back up but it's my nature to seek out tricks and hacks that allow every advantage can legally or sometimes illegally use to enhance game play.  :evil2:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


No problem Mandru, that's actually a good thought. I'll have to try that, see what happens. I haven't 100% determined that the air drop is random anyway, it might be, or it might be that each drop point has a direction assigned to it, so no matter what, dropping from that point will always point you in that direction.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: mandru on May 03, 2022, 07:09:43 AM
...  it's my nature to seek out tricks and hacks that allow every advantage can legally or sometimes illegally use to enhance game play.  :evil2:

Same. That's why some of us modded FC2 back in the day. Sure, not the same game but in my mind more realistic in ways when you recall the all-seeing/hearing/knowing mercs.


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Hey D_B, I've not had a chance to view Insurrection Primal (2) but I'm getting to it.

At the end of your video Insurrection Primal I saw you testing lining up on the target site during an air drop and then reinitiating the same air drop again.

In both of the times you tried restarting that air drop the target site was within 45 degrees of the target.  It seemed to favor more of a bearing to the left of target though that might not be a large enough test sample to verify if it's an actual random initial bearing or not on a re=drop.

Again D_B, thanks for humoring me.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


haha no problem Mandru, it was something to fiddle around with. For sure, you'd have to do at least 10 drops with no target selected, 10 drops with a target selected and then 10 more with a target where you aim at it and then re-drop to see if that makes any difference. Honestly, my take is on the side of laziness, or development time, where they aren't going to put much time into something that the average player may never know about or use. So my guess is that it's random or there's a set of directions that is has to pick from and that's it.

Last week's stream was short as I had to leave early to get my snow tires off, so no Primal on that one lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


 :thumbsup: +1

D_B, I'll apologize in advance for this longish rambling post.

I just watched Far Cryn' Primally and you had me busting a gut when you summoned your ride and the delivery driver plowed into the horse that had recently had the parasite removed off of it's back.  :evil2: 

Then when you tried to take off in the truck there was a temporary 'high centering' that required some grinding back and forth over horsemeat (a far distant relative relative of Fallout's Dogmeat) to get free and on your way.  :laughsm:

Which brings up another point I don't quite get in the game theory of FC6.  There are so many animals that when killed have harvestable assets.  But things like cows, horses, and goats (possibly others) which are known as food and leather worthy animals (in different parts of our world) don't offer up any collectable materials.  Even when you shot the coyote that had just killed a rabbit (this same episode) both coyote and rabbit had something to collect even though the rabbit wasn't your personal kill.

I guess it could be that the game developers didn't want you taking the easy way out of collecting tradable goods for moneda.

I do have a question about the Capybara like animal that is in your inventory that you never trade in.  Does it add a perk, is it a needed ingredient to refresh each new batch of beans and bullets, or does it have some other purpose that escapes my notice?

I have to admit I was pretty indifferent towards the concept behind FC Primal but now that you are further along into the game play and character development it is becoming more interesting.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


No problem Mandru! Glad you're still enjoying the videos!

The horse incident was pretty funny, reminds me of the Austin Powers movie where he gets the car stuck in the corridor and does about 10,000 back and forth to get turned around. Luckily getting off the horse wasn't quite that bad.

And "domestic" animals aren't considered enough of a challenge, so they don't give you anything. I also have a perk or something that gives me more stuff from hunted "wild" animals as well, so even if I kill say a jaguar, I get something else off the body, presumably the contents of it's stomach from it's last meal?

The creature I don't sell is the hutia and it's used to make bullets and beans which gives me more ammo capacity, so I always keep some on me. Though the recipe lasts six real time hours so it only runs out occasionally now that I'm only playing on weekends.

I'm also warming to Primal a bit, though the low tech weapons are kind of outside my comfort zone. But I'm getting used to it's pace and what it's about. Now that I have done the mission to get the grappling hook, travel will at least be a bit easier.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


OK D_B you got me laughing again with yet another horse incident.  :D

In your latest Twitch vid Far Inprimal Cry


When attacking Site Theta at about 0:40:45 (maybe a little earlier for context) an enemy horseman has dismounted to engage you.  You make a comment something like "Sometimes you just gotta blow stuff up" in turn hit him and his horse with a quick shot from the cluster grenade launcher you typically use to take out antiaircraft locations and helicopters.

Both of them go down and you turn and move to the left to deal with or check something briefly.  But when you turn back there is an explosion that throws the horse (a beautiful example of rag-doll physics  :evil2:) a considerable distance to where it lands nearly at your feet.  Beyond belief the horse shakes itself off and climbs back up to it's feet displaying panic mode but before it can bolt you give the horse a few calming pats and soothing words completely altering the horse's mood from fear to it clearly wanting to be you best friend.

A very durable horse from a good family line that I would definitely want in my stable.  ;)

I nominate this encounter to your Twitch Best of collection.  O0

Edit corrected spelling error  :banghead:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


haha Mandru! I went back and watched that, yeah that's a funny few minutes there. Lots of bodies flying around, explosions going off, good times!

For anyone who doesn't want to scan through the whole live stream, here's a highlight:

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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