Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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Well I've enjoyed all your postings of Primal.  I may have missed the first one or two streams but since I've started commenting on them I've viewed all but the most recent post "Finishing maybe".  I need to get to that later today or at least by Friday night before it gets buried as new streams knock it off the watch list.

Mrs. mandru is always amused to hear me reacting or making suggestions to the screen as I watch.  :anigrin:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Glad you're enjoying them! I sometimes watch them back to see how the stream recorded and see things and wonder why I didn't see them at the time, too much going on at once I guess!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I noticed in this last Primal Twitch feed you've successfully found the Striped Wolves you're trying to tame a couple times.  Unfortunately only after they were dead.

There's something I've noticed.  When an animal is encountered in an area and you kill it you can run off for between 75 to 100 steps and kill another animal or group of animals.  Then by returning to the area where you first encountered the animal you are trying to collect it may have respawned.

So if you are trying for the striped wolf that pack he was among should have respawned but a striped wolf may not be among them. It may take a few attempts of running off and coming back for that rare specimen to appear again or even spotting it before it spots you and attacks.

But it is one way after a few rinse and repeats that may allow you to capture the striped wolf and the black leopard.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


That probably would w0#k. The way things spawn in the game (too frequently if you ask me) it might not take very long either. My problem is holding off on instantly shooting something as soon as I see it, and remembering to try to tame it lol.

But I think Primal is winding down, aside from a few minor things to collect which the biggest hassle is finding them on the map as they don't show up until you're zoomed in most of the way so it takes a long time of scrolling around to find that marker for the last bobble to pick up.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Hey D_B,

It was cool getting to see you finish FC Primal @100% completed by collecting the Striped Wolf and Black Jaguar.  From what you were saying you were so close to tossing in the towel.

Then over in FC6 when you were checking that cooking pot you were using for beans and bullets and now I believe you said health restore.  It was funny but cute that the game developers programmed an occurrence where that family of ground hog like rodents came right up to you and was begging for snackies trying to mooch tasty nums from you and you actually had the ability to give them a treat they happily accepted.

With many hours of watching your FC6 vids on Twitch I'd never seen these critters encountered earlier in the game.  It made me wonder if they were hiding because they were the key component for beans and bullets and now that you changed to cooking health restore they became a lot braver being off the menu.

Oh, and the Ghost Gun & Outfit are fun but seriously OP.  :D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah I was just about to give up on getting those last two for completion of the beasts menu when both appeared one right after the other, pretty lucky. So yeah, finished 100% on that game.  Once I took it on it's own terms instead of what I wanted it to be, it's a decent game. Same goes for Blood Dragon too as well I guess, stop trying to make it what it isn't and it will be more enjoyable. Plus upgrading the weapons a notch or two doesn't hurt either, they are a bit underpowered at the start and that can be frustrating. The dragons are still a pain and at this point I've learned to just avoid them if possible.

The little guys you can feed is pretty funny. There's actually an achievement in the DLC to find and feed a golden one, I don't think I ever did that. But they just happened along and I got the feed prompt, otherwise I had mostly forgotten about doing that. Back in the early part of the game when I had Guapo as a companion, getting him to level up was easy by having him attack those little guys, so I figure I owed them some snacks after all the carnage from that, plus using them for a bonus perk as well, gotta pay that back somehow lol.

The current perk is for regen and for that you have to cook the trigon birds and I haven't hunted them but you do get them from hunting crocs so that holds me over enough heh.

Glad you're still enjoying the vids, mostly from now on it will be FC6 and Blood Dragon unless something changes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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