Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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One other unrelated thing - do you have the season pass? If so, is it worth it? (I'm getting ready to order the game)


Yeah backing up with a trailer is something I've not done any of IRL. Though I did OK in game, it's just the controls in the games are a bit touchy, on keyboard of course, your steering is all or nothing because of the on/off nature of a keyboard and using the controller which has more fine control, but only after moving the stick a bit, so you move the stick and it's nothing, nothing, nothing, then turn more than you want, there's no "just turn a little bit please" setting. Hitching a trailer to certain vehicles is something that's been in the Far Cry games a while, but not used often, so it might not be obvious to many players.

I have the season pass for the three main DLC that are coming, but since the first one isn't out yet, either this week or next it will be, I haven't played it yet so I don't know if it was worth it or not. You access them via the game console that is located in certain camps, so it's treated like a game within the main game world. Game-ception if you will, lol. But how good they will be is unknown at this point. The three DLC in FC5 were pretty good, well, one was really good, one pretty good and the last mostly OK.

As for the left hand, that is one of the clothing options that come with the version I bought, it's the outfit from Blood Dragon, so the left hand is actually a mechanical robot hand.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



I don't recall the trailers from prior games, but it has been a long time since I played

I'll be interested in your opinions once the DLC comes out. I ordered the game and it will be here the tomorrow. It was kind of on sale for $10 discount, and comes with the code for the PS5 digital version (although it will take me a week to download the game)


As I recall, hitching a trailer to a truck was only used in one spot in FC5, also to gain access to a loot crate. I don't think it's used in the main game play at all. I don't remember it being used in FC4 or 3 offhand, but it's been a while for those.

I think the First DLC activates today or tomorrow? It's the one with Vaas from FC3, and you have to play as himself as he battles to get out of his own hallucination or something? We shall see I guess.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Very cool - I'm looking forward to working that puzzle you demonstrated in the near future. My copy of FC6 is due to arrive today by 10pm  :main_cool:


Nice! Hopefully you don't need to download too much, the game just updated yesterday for the first DLC and that was a 7GB download. I didn't try the DLC yet as I want some more time than I have in the evening to really give it a go.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I received the package early yesterday afternoon and immediately threw the disc into the console which started a 12 gb download right away.  Of course, it did not finish until about midnight so I had no chance to fire it up.

Today however, I've set aside a few hours to give it a go  O0


I became accustomed to the game while completing the first island. In the beginning I was kind of "meh...", but after a while it grew on me a bit. I really like the Latin American theme and really appreciate the music because it is not that obnoxious head-banging stuff I've suffered through in other games. I even heard Santana while in my ride. I did not realize how much sounds/music impacts how much I enjoy a game. For me it is almost as important as the graphics.

Other things I appreciate:

  • Fond memories of FC2 returned when I got into my ride and it worked much like the truck with the machinegun. Not so much because it works like it, but in combination with the music and the  3rd world country feel of the game.
  • My companion alligator is fun - he likes to kill people and comes back for me to pet him. When I do, I sometimes hand him a hunk of meat as a treat
  • I thought the initial island was a huge map, and when completing the last mission on that island, one is presented with the entire map of the game - it almost takes your breath away it is so big!
  • Like in the other games, close proximity to an area reveals the detail of the location, but I assume you can go anywhere you like (not sure though)
    • There are structures that remind me nostalgically of prior games - almost like revisiting fond old areas.

    One thing I do not care for is that the weapons seem to be severely underpowered. For example, I have a sniper rifle and even head shots do not take the target down. Essentially the enemy reminds me of the bullet sponge mercs in FC2. However, I'm confident that the bullet sponge effect will change for the better as I level up.

    I hope the game does not descend into dumb stuff that was seen in other games. For instance, on the full map I ran across a friendly that told me all about a race "track" where your task is to go through the flares as fast as possible - I guess I'm not likely to do that one.

    Here are a few seconds of video using the machete as a silent weapon. Quite gruesome, it is quite the effective tool. The mission was to capture a fuel station and do away with the commanding officer. I went up to the top of one of those large fuel storage tanks that were reminiscent of those near Petro Sahel in FC2.


Quote from: PZ on November 17, 2021, 09:01:46 PM
One thing I do not care for is that the weapons seem to be severely underpowered. For example, I have a sniper rifle and even head shots do not take the target down. Essentially the enemy reminds me of the bullet sponge mercs in FC2. However, I'm confident that the bullet sponge effect will change for the better as I level up.

Sounds like you need to switch ammo type on the sniper. Just go for the armor piercing ammo, all other ammo types are useless.  ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks LPO,

I think I've not leveled up enough (level 3 right now), or I've missed something earlier on because I do not have access to armor piercing rounds yet for the sniper. In fact I have the basic optic, but no sniper scope yet.


Yeah armor piercing are your best bet, I put them on everything that can use them. I think you can create those right off the bat as long as you have the materials to make them, pick up everything that's not nailed down. You can't change ammo types on the fly, but you can have multiple types on different guns, so if you want to have EMP rounds for taking out vehicles without destroying them, good for convoys, just have another weapon with EMP rounds on it, and swap to that, shoot the vehicle to paralyze it, then swap back to your main weapon for the clean up. Same goes for supremos (when you get them) you can swap them around as you like and have different upgrades on each for different situations.

The races are optional, you don't have to do them, but I find them fun. They are pretty easy, I usually finish with a lot of time left so they aren't like those super realistic racing games where you have toe be a top nascar racer just to finish. Plus they give you money and other bonuses when you finish. There's also weekly challenges that you can do that give you stuff, and the rewards which are good to have, check the UBI*bleep* store link for those. Of course, they want you to buy credits to get them faster, but you get credits for doing things in the game, it goes slowly but I've gotten most of the rewards that way, they've added a few now with the DLC release that I have to earn towards.

Oh and don't forget to head to Miami when given the chance, though you may already be past that point, you essentially have to take the boat from the dock when it's offered to you, the game will show you that ending and then you can reload the save from where you left off and continue.

I'm finding it a very fun game, but then I like the Far Cry "formula" so it's just more fun for me, it might be "just a new coat of paint on an old car" but that doesn't make the car any less fun.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I guess I've not spent enough time collecting materials, so I'll be on the lookout. I do pick up everything I encounter, but I've not explored enough to get enough materials to upgrade the sniper ammo.

Your description of the races has me interested. I'd like to be able to do them, but in most of the other games I've played the races are so difficult I give up after about three tries. The worst ever game for races for me was Just Cause 2 where you had se, air, and land based races. The air ones were near impossible for me.

I remember the spot where I was offered the boat. It almost would have been worth it to see the ending, but on the console I do not have any game save slots, only the last autosave, so I'm glad I didn't take that chance and discover I needed to start over  :gnehe:

I'm now at the spot where I helped Espada "free" her brother. I had a bit of trouble with the tank when clearing the area of soldiers, but I used that rocket backpack after it charged again. The first tine I tried I was apparently too close and I think the rockets overshot the tank because it was only partially damaged.

Any advice for what I should do at this point in the game? I'm between missions right now.

For those that have not played the game, here is a scene while within a mission:


I have not played that mission yet and I just passed level 10 lol. I'm not following the "suggested" path too closely, I usually just wander around causing trouble and now and then clear a checkpoint or capture a FND base. If I wander into an area that has a mission, I usually take it on but not always. Just last night I did the Chicherron mission (however you spell that) where you follow the rooster as he attacks things to get him as a new amigo. That was pretty fun. That rooster is nuts lol. But that was like the second mission you get maybe? So yeah I don't do things in order. I also haven't been in the northern half of the map at all, that might tell you something too.

I do things like this:

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That's one of the special horses you can get. I randomly wandered into an area that had a loot crate that I was going for and found it was a puzzle to get this horse. The puzzle was pretty easy, if annoying, where you had to find power switches to open the door and of course there was live electric wires on the floor to avoid and my ghost puma amigo kept wandering into them and getting killed lol. But once you have the switches all set, the doors open and you get the horse. It's made up like a unicorn for a girl's 15th birthday party which is apparently a big thing in Latin America. So I found a nice spot to grab a photo.

The races are generally pretty easy, I'm no good at racing games and the fact I can easily win these means they are set up to be easy to do. As I said, you don't have to do them and I think you can just quit them in the middle if you don't like it.

So yeah, that's what I do in the game lol.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice  :thumbsup:

I might start doing something similar just to level up to be at a reasonable level when going through the main missions - I'm currently level 3 or 4.  I've not encountered a puzzle yet, but am looking forward to trying them out.

That's also good news about the races. One thing I've noticed in more recent games is that things appear to increasingly be coded so gamers like me don't become frustrated and either quite the game, or worse yet, quit purchasing games from that developer. I'm too old to become so frustrated by races which only results in a raised blood pressure.  :gnehe:


I like how my ride is delivered. It is also nice how you can glitz up the rig with things like bobble heads and things to hang from the rear view mirror. There's plenty more to add, but I'm not at the proper level to do them right now.

🡱 🡳

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