Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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D_B!  You got your badgers.  It's nice that they are fairly slow even if they are tougher than nails.  I wonder if a fire arrow would knock them down quicker as that one huntress woman suggested when she said "use fire".

On the plus side they have a distinct chirping bark that you almost always hear before you can see them.  It gives you a bit of a heads up to decide if you want to take them on or avoid them.  8)

Imagine if you could find a Primal game hack that would give you a tamed swarm of 20 or so of the badgers that are self-feeding off the slain enemies/animals you set them on.  That way they could self heal from any damage they take while doing the dirty w0#k for you without eating up your meat reserves..

When launched into an area of conflict they would have an algorithm that would intelligently divide their number up between however many available targets are present.  :evil2:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah I guess the secret was to not go looking for them, lol A herd of badgers would be cool to send in to attack the enemy while I sit back and watch. I'd have to look in the beast menu and see if you can tame a badger, I don't recall if it's listed there or not.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sorry D_B I'm slow getting this posted.

In the Primal part of your "FAR CRY is a song..." vid there was one specific moment that really stood out as a "Why do I even bother?" moment.

You'd undertaken a free the hostage assignment and killed the enemy holding the hostage but then that Tall Elk busted in, targeted, and absolutely smeared the hostage before you could get to them and complete the mission.  It was bad for you efforts but gave me a solid belly laugh.

I had to watch that bit three times.  :laughsm:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah that elk was a real pain lol. Plus those rescue missions go wrong more than right. Either there's another dude somewhere I missed who one-shots the hostage or the dummy walks off a cliff or something. If not for the comic relief they wouldn't be worth doing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I was kind of tepid on the Primal parts of your videos when I started watching but I think I'm enjoying that part of each episode more and more over the FC6 portion.  Hopefully there will be an eventual power up in the Skill Tree that will allow you to make more than 12 steps in the game without something trying to eat your face or stomp you into a muddy paste.  ::)

I think in Primal I've seen you set a quick save point or maybe it was the Cyber game.  But this kind of situation the fail point wasn't the enemy holding the hostage. At this point your character has advanced enough to make them each an easy take down.  It was the distance to the hostage.  He was the first thing the tall elk saw and targeted as it came up over the back of that rise that had hidden it's presence that really came into play.

Because I'm not the one playing it's easy for me to say that with a quick save if you had charged in closer splitting the soon to appear tall elk's target options , dealt with the enemy (who at this point in the game are a lot easier for you to kill) and then use fire spears on the tall elk.

Also I don't know if you can recover fire spears or arrows when you get to your dispatched targets.  If you can't recover those items it would make using fire weapons a more resource expensive option but I suspect since it was a specific point the Hunter Woman provided you as a superior killing method that somewhere later in the game it will be a necessary tactic (to be readily familiar with) to get through some upcoming massively difficult parts of the game.

And hey!  You have an owl.  :anigrin:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah I always forget the owl. Each time I use it I have to look up the keybind for it lol. As for the quick save, I don't think Far Cry saves the world when you save, just your position and inventory, progress, etc. So when you load the game you're not where you were but at the closest load in point (safe house, etc) and the world "resets" as far as activities in it go, at least for random encounters like that. So doing a quicksave to try different outcomes in a certain encounter probably won't w0#k. I can try it but I think that's how it's always worked in most of the recent Far Cry games. Cyberpunk is different where it saves exact world situations so you can go back and try different things.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


D_B, I found this weeks Primal video to be really enjoyable.  I liked the story arc behind the bringing Dah (an Udam) into the Wenja fold.

First Dah is surprised how his defeat turns into capture.  Then being brought to a cage in the Wenja home camp only to face a revolt of the Wenja against their absent leader who upon return needs to save Dah once again and firmly set the tribe straight.

Finally there's the generosity and respect Dah is shown when he expresses his discomfort by the player character resulting in his cage being turned into a hut and additionally up graded for comfort as well.

However with that said and I may be wrong but I suspect you may have missed some dialog with Dah by not attempting to speak to him between the hut upgrades.  Even as you ended the session the front door of his hut still had the orange diamond of a mission marker.

And now for "Dog" the bear.  I loved it (when you were capturing Dah's home camp) Dog became a hairy self propelled Molotov by charging straight through a camp fire to attack a nearby Udam enemy which in turn set them ablaze too.  :anigrin:

I was wondering if in order to save yourself from unwanted conflict can you dismiss your animal companions when you need to dash through an area quickly and call them back once it's clear.

Really.  A bear who insists on defending/attacking is no match for several mammoths or three woolly rhinos.  You would take a serious hit getting close enough to toss Dog some meat and as soon as he had his feet under him he would charge back into attack against a herd of animals 5 to 8 times his size.  :banghead:

You took almost as much of a beating trying to resuscitate Dog as he was.  That fiasco made me recall a movie dialog line "If you do that again I will shoot you myself" (possibly from the 1979 movie The In-Laws with Alan Arkin and Peter Falk).
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


HAHA, yeah glad you enjoyed it Mandru! That quest to meet Dah was a bit hectic for sure, and dismissing Dog the Bear ahead of time would probably have made it go more smoothly, but maybe not as much fun though! It's possible I also missed some dialog by upgrading the hut so fast, didn't even think about it really, as I had the materials on hand and figured might as well get it done right away.

Oh and I forgot to post this clip from FC6 where a truck has a bit of an issue with gravity.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Hi D_B, yet another great installment with Less Far, more Cry.

I find I'm becoming more infatuated with the Far Cry Primal content on your videos.  That said there are moments I'm afraid that are far (I'm crying) too frenetic for my slowing reaction times to be able to keep up with if I were to attempt the game.

Scanning through a few YouTube Primal tips and trick vids I've encountered a couple interesting additional features your character is capable of.  There's a couple of Take Down options that stack with the Silent Sprint skill I believe you added in this last session.   One thing I noticed if you are point blank range facing a humanoid enemy an equipped spear will stab and pull back as a powerful attack.

Another thing is the Far Cry staple across the FC franchise being that there's a Death From Above move that allows a player to equip a high level stone shard and drop from a ridiculous height (that would normally kill you) and basically silently one shot an unsuspecting target.

Plus there's a straight out run up behind them and Take em Down skill.  With the Silent Sprint it allowed a guy I watched clean up 3/4 of a Udam settlement before they were alerted.

And there's a top secret weapon.

Udam are deathly allergic to being set on fire through any of several methods of delivery you have at hand.  :evil2:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Hey thanks for the tips, and I'm glad you're enjoying the videos! A lot of things that can be done (the owl, right?) I just don't think of at the time, for some reason in this game most of the special moves and other stuff just slips my mind, it's not like other games I play don't have stuff like that, so why am I always forgetting them in Primal? Strange. Since it's a caveman game, maybe I'm just stuck in the mindset that arrows and spears are about all they can muster so it doesn't occur to me to use anything else. I'll try to keep it in mind lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I was thinking about the skull fire Dah is suffering from and it occurred to me that it might be associated with the d!et and habits of the Udam.

Being aware of a disease called Kuru (a TSE Prion disease) among tribal people in New Guinea who practice cannibalism as part of their funeral rites I thought the possibility of something similar might be at play.

Though the Udam are a different species than that of your non-cannibalistic character (Wenja) unless the Udam also eat their own dead they are not strictly cannibals.  The Udam are another branch of Hominid and closely enough related to be affected by a prion disease.  Just as humans die from Mad Cow disease.  There is no cure for the various Prion diseases.

In digging deeper into Dah's condition among various fan base forums I find that my thoughts on this subject are not unique but still interesting nonetheless.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Interesting, and here I just thought he had a migraine and needed some Goody powder!

Now I think of it, might be not everyone knows about Goody powder. For the most part I've only seen it commonly in the southern USA, not so much or at all up here in the north, first time I heard of it was down there. It's essentially aspirin with I think caffeine added in powder form you mix in liquid and then drink that instead of taking a tablet like regular aspirin. Now that I look into it, they have a ton of different types of course, so there you go, link here for more info https://www.goodyspowder.com/

The fact the game calls it "bone powder" was just a nice coincidence which reminded me of it right away and I think next time I visit my relatives down south I'll ask them if they have any "bone powder" around because I have a headache lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Needless to say, I've never heard of "Goody powder" in this corner of the world. I have a feeling that if I walked into a local pub and asked if anyone could sell me some "Goody powder", I'd either be offered something entirely different or I'd be visited by the local constabulary :gnehe:


Yeah not sure where the name comes from, and I bet a lot of people here in the states have never heard of it either, it seems to be mostly regional and down south.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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