My weapons and gear

Started by PZ, November 27, 2021, 03:55:38 PM

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I'm posting this mostly for myself, and a guy on our YouTube channel who asked:

Currently at level 466 with all skills and all but a couple of abilities. The only time I died within the last few months is when doing a careless leap of faith. With that setting the stage for my choices, each item below is followed by runes that confer that confer the indicated characteristics.

Armor: Hidden ones 5/5

  • Hood: -1.5 weight, +2 heavy resistance, +2 heavy resistance
  • Robes: Increased armor when stunning, +18.9 health, +3.5 melee resistance
  • Mask: +3 armor, +3.3 Heavy resistance, +2 fire damage resistance
  • Gloves: -1.5 weight, +2.5 ranged resistance, +18.9 health
  • Leggings: +5 armor, +2.5 ranged resistance, +18.9 health


  • Kopis dagger: Chance to poison on parry, +3.3 poison damage, +5 block
  • Stutungr"s Claw: Ignite weapon after critical hits, +4 heavy damage, +7 ab-lity damage
  • Bullseye (predator): Heavy hits poison, +5.6 strength, +4.9 critical damage
  • Dreka (hunter): Stealth headshot kill spawns trap, +4.2 health, +3.9 critical damage
  • Iron-Cloud (light): Increase attack the further away, +3.3 poison buildup, +4 elite damage

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