Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Started by nex, December 03, 2021, 08:36:14 AM

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Some years ago I purchased a game "Alcatraz", after about 30min of gameplay I labeled it the worst game ever and promptly uninstalled it.
About two weeks ago I purchased another game, "Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2".

You are Beamed down on top of a very big and very high "plateau" with the instructions to take out some bad guy/woman at some site which can be up to 4000 meters down in the bottom of the Plateau. If you miss a shot all hell breaks loose, each and every gun-wielding bad guy pinpoints you and starts shooting at you, regardless of what type of firearm they holding, shotguns, assault rifles, or sniper rifles, not to mention the mortars, you're about to push up daisies If you don't get the hell out of there.

The weapons are ridiculous, especially the sniper rifles, you want to take two guys out, one is about 1000 meters from you, the other about 600 meters, you drop the one at 1000 m with one shot, when shooting the second guy you actually hear the round bouncing off him without him even flinching.

Eventually when you've done the mission if you don't run out of ammo before then, you leg it to a nearby extraction point, "Beam Me Up Scotty"

Respect is earned, not given.


Quote from: nex on December 03, 2021, 08:36:14 AM
... If you miss a shot all hell breaks loose, each and every gun-wielding bad guy pinpoints you and starts shooting at you, regardless of what type of firearm they holding, shotguns, assault rifles, or sniper rifles, not to mention the mortars, you're about to push up daisies If you don't get the hell out of there.

You sure you're not playing FC2 nex?  Just kidding  :D

I've played at least one of the Sniper Ghost Warrior games, and was a bit unimpressed.  I hope it gets better for you!


FC2 doesn't even come close PZ. ducking when a guy fires a shotgun at you at 500 meters plus?     :undecided-new:
I got to a point where I can't go any further, I need to take out the leader of a camp at about 1500 meters, once that's done I must protect an escaping prisoner.
Unfortunately the leader (a female) is related to rubber man, the ammo for the sniper rifle I can afford bounces off her like BB's.   :angry-new:
You're way up on top of the plateau with no way of getting down to ground level unless you sprout wings.    :banghead:

The pricing for these weapons is crazy, I completed three missions and received just enough money to upgrade my three weapons, the sniper rifle, assault, and handgun, all I did was add bigger magazines, silencer, and scope. The most expensive sniper rifle is the RON B107 with a 150,000 price tag.
Looking at the rifle stats on the picture I posted, the black bars indicate my rifle's stats, the green is the rifle highlighted, the red is the same rifle's inferior stats to my rifle.
Respect is earned, not given.


Dang, that game sounds like it sucks,nex  :sad-new:

About the only good news is that you've warned us about it. Because I've played one of the predecessor games, I might have taken a look at it. Now I know not to - everything you mentioned sounds like what I dislike in a game (in addition to bosses, races, etc. - the things I always complain about)


Yeah that sounds weird, how are you supposed to do the mission then? Get lucky?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Before you shoot someone with the sniper you're supposed to spot your target with the binocs to get the range, no matter if the target is 10 meters or 1000 meters from you, then while sighting through the scope you then adjust the scope's range. I stumbled onto two enemies about 20 meters from me, my assault rifle doesn't have a silencer but my sniper rifle has, not to alert anyone else I used it. Unfortunately the last time I used it the scope was set for 1500 meters, my sniper rifle is a "light" rifle, and knowing some enemies wear padded clothing and my rifle's ammo can bounce off them I aimed for the head, the round hit the guy in the guts, he groaned like hell and came straight at me firing his assault rifle, I was lucky to eventually walk away from that fight. :banghead:    :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.



No matter how far you're from your target you have to hold your breath to steady your aim otherwise the rifle weaves around, hench me shooting the guy in the guts instead of the head.  ::)
Respect is earned, not given.


Dang that's a lot of drift at 20 meters! So it's one of those ultra-realistic shooters then.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 10, 2021, 07:42:58 AM
So it's one of those ultra-realistic shooters then.

Unless of course, you're a special forces shooter  :gnehe:

I think the realistic shooters should allow you to use a ultra-steady carbon fiber tripod to steady your aim. I've never been fond of that weaving as if you're drunk.


It mostly shoots very well and is steady, that is when the range is right and you control your breathing. The scope's range starts at 0000 and moves up 100 meters a click, to get a hit you must adjust the scope according to the target and control your breathing, like a sniper rifle is supposed to w0#k for real.
With other games you can use your sniper rifle successfully at point-blank range without the need to adjust the scope, you just need to control your breathing when taking long shots. That's what makes it so difficult with this game, you have to be aware of what distance your scope is set in for, you can't just lift aim and shoot. 
Respect is earned, not given.


I wonder if there is a sniper game that has you take in to consideration wind direction and speed, ambient temperature, and other things needed in order to hit a target a mile or more out.


Quote from: PZ on December 11, 2021, 10:46:24 AM
I wonder if there is a sniper game that has you take in to consideration wind direction and speed, ambient temperature, and other things needed in order to hit a target a mile or more out.

The only one which comes to my mind was CoD: Modern Warfare (the first one, I think), and only in one mission. You had to use a sniper rifle to take out some Russian kingpin-type guy at very long range from the upper floor of an abandoned building in Pripyat. There was a car parked near him with a little flag on the hood, and you had to watch the flag to get an idea of the wind direction/speed and aim accordingly, as well as allowing for bullet drop. You also had a limited time window. If I recall correctly, if you missed or took too long before the guy moved out of line-of-sight, you failed the mission and had to start over from your last save (it may have been a checkpoint affair, I can't remember now). It was quite tricky and it took me about ten attempts before I finally figured everything right.


nex, that game sounds like a rage-quitter to me :anigrin: If there's one thing I hate more than a bullet-sponge, it's a bullet-reflector.


Quote from: fragger on December 13, 2021, 04:24:58 AM
... It was quite tricky and it took me about ten attempts before I finally figured everything right.

That's the kind of thing that causes me to drop a game. When they make a game it too difficult even while playing on easy, it stops being fun for me. That's why I really like the option in FC6 to play in a very easy mode called something like "Story mode".

Quote from: fragger on December 13, 2021, 04:26:45 AM
nex, that game sounds like a rage-quitter to me :anigrin: If there's one thing I hate more than a bullet-sponge, it's a bullet-reflector.

Same here. The enemy should at least stumble or be in some significant way, impaired.

🡱 🡳

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