27-ton Log Splitter

Started by mandru, November 13, 2021, 09:05:44 PM

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It would be a treat to see that 27 ton beast of a splitter devouring some of those logs.  ;)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I think I took a few pics - I'll dig them up and post  :bigsmile:


I only found one pic which was taken about 5 minutes into my splitting adventure. We've lost a couple of trees due to wind, and took down three others that were quite large - I broke down and bought a larger chain saw just to buck them up! (actually, I began switching yard tool brands a couple of years ago as things broke down and needed one anyway). It has a 24-inch bar and the motor is large enough to require a compression valve just to be able to start it  :gnehe:

The logs are up to 20 - 22 inches in diameter. and the splitter made short w0#k of them. I cut my usual winter seasons worth of wood in about four hours, which would have taken me days using a maul.

Man, I am just plain stupid for not getting one sooner (actually I was too cheap to get one as my wife says).  :banghead:

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Very cool PZ.  8)

I always enjoy seeing tools that do a righteous job.  Thanks for sharing that.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks mandru!

I feel lucky to have a son that is so thoughtful  :bigsmile:


Thoughtful? Nah, he got you that beast to prevent you from handing him the ax   :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.



PZ I'm sure it was because of generous and thoughtful upbringing that predispositioned him for that to be his nature.

***In reconfiguring my PC to my personal preferences after updating to Win11 I've lost all of my additions to the spell check dictionary.  Everyday words like "reconfiguring and predispositioned".   :banghead: ***
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I feel blessed to have such good kids  :thumbsup:

Quote from: mandru on November 15, 2021, 06:49:35 PM
***In reconfiguring my PC to my personal preferences after updating to Win11 I've lost all of my additions to the spell check dictionary.  Everyday words like "reconfiguring and predispositioned".   :banghead: ***

??? I was doing the checkup to see if my Surface i5 is able to run W11, and it is not, at least for now. I'm wondering if it is even worth upgrading  :undecided-new:


Wow, that splitter is a gutzy machine, and really looks the business (actually, it looks a little like a howitzer in the photo :gnehe:) Great piece of hardware there, PZ :thumbsup: Glad to see your son is so thoughtful towards his old man, he's a good one alright.

Quote from: fragger on October 31, 2021, 05:12:44 PM
...find some new place that the city-slickers haven't heard about - yet :gnehe:

I just happened to re-read this. Look at me saying "city-slickers" like I didn't spend almost 50 years of my life living in the city :anigrin: Oh, well. In two day's time it will be my 13th anniversary of moving to the country, so I think I have achieved bumpkin status. I'm pretty sure 10 years is the official prerequisite :gnehe:


Quote from: fragger on November 17, 2021, 03:20:18 PM
I just happened to re-read this. Look at me saying "city-slickers" like I didn't spend almost 50 years of my life living in the city :anigrin:


I've lived in my bumpkin place for over three decades now, and it the longest I have lived in any place. Before this place, I too was a city slicker  :gnehe:

Quote from: fragger on November 17, 2021, 03:20:18 PM
Wow, that splitter is a gutzy machine, and really looks the business (actually, it looks a little like a howitzer in the photo :gnehe:)

:D :thumbsup:


 :anigrin: I'd say living in the sticks for over 30 years qualifies you as a bona fide rustic, PZ!


I'd say so too, fragger, although I can't say it out loud because the true rustics in my area would disagree. One needs to be a multigenerational family living here for the entire time to qualify  :gnehe:


Well, we're heading in to winter, and I managed to split a bit of wood for the New Years gathering we have with a couple of friends. I've been really lucky this year, managing to get a chore done the day before some kind of catastrophic weather. Now at least I have a few reasonable photos!

For years we have hosted a New Years party for two other couples on New Years eve and they stay the night because we indulge in good food and spirits  :gnehe:

As part of the festivities I go our a couple of hours before midnight and start a rather large fire in an equally large fire pit. I am alone and can hear the sounds of happy party-goers in the house as I warm myself in solitude in front of the fire while fireworks are going off in the distance. It is one of the best moments in my year.

Here is a link to the album (keeping fingers crossed that it works)



That's a dang big pile of wood for just one bonfire, must be a doozy!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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