Fallout: The Show (maybe)

Started by fragger, November 03, 2022, 01:43:40 AM

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Don't know if any of you chaps have heard about this, but apparently there's a TV series in the works based on the Fallout series. I have no idea what the format will be, what the story is, or anything else, but there are a few cool stills of sets and things in the clip below, plus some speculation as to the nature of the show.

Judging by what's in the video, the crew have done a meticulous job of recreating the aesthetics and physical attributes of FO very faithfully, with sets which look like they're straight out of the games.

Shows and movies based on games often don't pan out very well and this one might not even make it to full production, let alone release, but for a die-hard fan of FO4 like myself (which I still play, btw), it's most intriguing to look at and ponder.


I've heard of it, but nothing more and of course speculation is rampant and the hype will surely overshadow anything that is actually released and everyone will be disappointed. Not sure why they are even making it, they will never satisfy fans with it and regular people who haven't played the games will be mystified as to what's going on. But I could be wrong and it might be good, who knows.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed, I don't hold out much hope. They've tried this with Super Mario Bros, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Tomb Raider, Halo, Far Cry (yep, there was actually a movie, loosely based on the original game - I never saw it but apparently it stunk and it sank without a trace) and I'm sure there are more which I can't think of. Movie adaptations of video games nearly always bomb. Maybe they've ALL bombed, I dunno.

I agree, FO fans will no doubt complain about things being unfaithful or "non-canon" (they can't even agree with each other on what IS righteous) or it simply won't live up to their expectations. I know I'll be a tough audience :gnehe: Non-FO players (and non-gamers) won't have any connection with the franchise at all, so I don't really know who the movie is being made for. Fallout fans I guess, and jolly good luck with that...


I watched Far Cry  :sad-new:  and as you say fragger, it sank without a trace
Respect is earned, not given.


Yep, I've heard it was pretty terrible.


They did a movie based on the Uncharted series recently. Although linear, that series remains one of my favs to this day. The movie was kind of good, but does not really give one a sense of the in-game action.

I also like the Fallout series, and FO4 was my fav because I heavily modded the game (much like FC2).  The AC games are my favorites of all games but the movie they made based on it stunk.

No telling if a movie based on a game will be good, but the probability is not good. Of course, I'll try it out when/if it comes out.  :gnehe:


I'm trying to think of a video game movie that was good? I mean the Tomb Raider ones were ...... just OK, but really just generic action movies with a Tomb Raider name. Let's not discuss the disappointment that DOOM was, again, a generic action movie with a video game name plastered on it. There's Ready Player One and Free Guy which were decent movies about video games but not any particular video game, so not sure they count. They had problems but were decent enough fun to watch. Same with Tron, the original, not the sequel. I spent more time playing the video game that spawned from the movie, it was actually decent. I guess there was a Warcraft movie that came and went, I didn't see it so can't pass judgement but I take it that it was pretty bad. The fact I can't come up with any others and I know I've seen a few reflects how good they were I guess.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


(@ D_B) Yeah but...  ::)

In my experience games made from movies are even worse.  E.T and Superman on the Atari 2600 come immediately to mind.  :banghead:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


That is true as well. I never played the E.T. game on 2600, I've heard that it's not as bad as people say, I'll have to try it on the emulator and see what it actually is. Same goes for the Superman one, wasn't even aware they had one lol. The Tron arcade game was pretty good, I recall playing that quite a bit in the arcades back in the day. There was one for the movie Krull as well, I think that was decent, and I do recall one that the name escapes me was a really decent game but the movie didn't do so well.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I watched a documentary on You Tube quite some time ago about the Atari ET game debacle. As I recall, the developer was given a ludicrously short lead time (a mere five weeks) and the result was reportedly duly lackluster. Atari manufactured several million copies, and at first the game sold well, but units were grossly over-manufactured leading to a negative supply/demand situation, with hundreds of thousands of unsold cartridges ending up in a landfill in New Mexico (although it wasn't solely ET games buried there, but other non-sellers as well). The affair almost killed not only Atari but the fledgling home video game market as a whole. The episode became known as "the video game crisis of 1983".


I've seen a video on that where they go to dig up that landfill to see what's there. So yeah, a lot of E.T. carts but a lot of other things as well, seems they think it was just a video game distributor who had to clear out a warehouse for whatever reason and all that stuff got dumped there. The main feeling about E.T. was that it was as good a game as could be made by one guy in five weeks. As I recall the developer responsible also did a couple well received games and the bad PR dumped on E.T. isn't really fair. It was a time when the video game market for those types of games was starting to drop out anyway and it just landed at the wrong time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Apparently, the Fallout TV show is still in the works. Here's an update video. I have to say, some of what they've come up with looks very true to the game aesthetics-wise, especially the shots of the guy in Brotherhood of Steel power armor carrying an "Assault Rifle", the Prydwen-type airship and its attendant Vertibirds. They look like they're straight out of the game.

A he@lthy dose of skepticism may be in order in view of certain other reported aspects of the production, but I'm still remaining tentatively (and likely foolishly) hopeful.


I'd definitely watch it!  I'm a bit skeptical as well. The Assassin's Creed movie was just okay, and not worth a repeat watch for me (which is unusual because I can watch things repeatedly when I like them  :gnehe: ).

I cannot actually remember a movie/show modeled after a game that was good.


A trailer just dropped, the show will be out on April 12 next year. Whether it'll be any good still remains to be seen, but I'm definitely curious.


Yeah the trailer looks pretty good but you don't know if they are cherry-picking moments that look cool and the rest is junk. My big beef with it is that it's on Prime Video and I really don't want to give Jeff Bezos any more money. I will probably get a subscription and watch the show then cancel it, I already have too many TV services.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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