Just Cause 3

Started by PZ, March 10, 2023, 11:54:50 AM

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I had an old copy of JC3 so I installed it on my laptop and it works great. I've been playing it for a couple of days and I like it better now that I've added a grapple hook mod which allows me much easier travel. One of my original problems with the game was that getting from point A to point B was like trying to beat a racing challenge. Now the distance my grapple hook takes me is just about as far as I want, and I can easily reach my targets.

I'm not much of a gamer, so I never play on high difficulty because I just lose interest quickly if I have to repeat a try over and over.  :gnehe:


I haven't played any of the Just Cause series, must take another look at it
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It is kind of goofy at times, but I love the music and the fast pace (if you want it to be). It is open world in that you can do what you want outside of missions. However, I guess it is like all games for me - I will like or dislike based on subtle characteristics.


Is that the game where you can rope a fighter jet then connect the other end to a truck or something and they go bouncing around like crazy? saw some funny videos of that kind of stuff back in the day.
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yeah, that's the one, and they have kept those grapple hooks in each version of the game. These are some of the funny things you can do:

  • Hook one end to a propane tank and the other to something else you want to blow up (soldiers, cars, transformers, fuel tanks, etc.
  • Hook a soldier, then attach the other end high on a building - funny to see them trying to escape
  • Hook a stuck car, then to another into which you can go to un-stuck the car you wanted.
  • Just about anything you can imagine in an open world hooking things together with wire(s)


Almost like Spiderman!
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Now that I think of it, you're correct!  :anigrin:

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