Playing Far Cry 5 using the Mod Installer

Started by PZ, April 21, 2023, 11:44:49 AM

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I thought I'd post my experiences using a modded Far Cry 5 beginning with the start of the game when Game+ has failed to materialize. Below is essentially the same post I did in another FC5 thread as a starting point.

avoid looking if you have not played the game
I do not think my play through triggered the Game+ feature because there is supposed to be a "New Game+" button which is not there.

Because my save after fishing the game does not w0#k to even go back into the world to play around, it is useless to me right now, so I archived it into a zip and started a new game. The good news is that I applied the mods from the mod installer, and because I already knew what weapons, etc I wanted I only had to do the following in my game plan:

  • One of the mods skips all the intro screen pics and intro missions - you start the game at the first island which you need to clear - took me about 30 minutes because I had a fighter companion that I sent in to do most of the hard w0#k
  • Once in the world I went to John's region to pick up my dog Boomer - only took about 5 minutes
  • Now I needed my weapons and holsters to put them in (I have changed the rewards to give me a ton of perks, and only an hour into the game I already had over 500 - I rebuilt almost all my perks except for the locked ones near the bottom of the list dealing mostly with the fighters.
  • After I opened the weapons store my favorite weapons (forget what they are called, but some kind of special) are available - all I needed to do was purchase the attachments - easy, peasy.
  • Next I took a long road trip to pick up Cheeseburger - that took about an hour or less and gave me the bear and opened up lots of the map

The bottom line is that the mod installer has allowed me to create a pseudo Game+ because it was so easy and relatively quick to get back to the most important parts of my kit. Oh, I also activated the "No capture parties" mod - we'll see how that goes.

I guess I don't need Game+ after all  :gnehe:

Finally, I may be with you, D_B: FC5 is rapidly becoming my favorite. I like just about everything about it except the timed events.


Today I'm playing the game with the "No Capture Parties" activated. I do not know if this mod is the cause, but the first application of the mod which should take me right to the start of the mission had me start over two times before it let me play properly.

We'll see how it goes with a couple of bugs.


I'd suggest posting bugs you encounter in the Discord.
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