Hello world!

Started by BinnZ, June 24, 2023, 11:19:26 AM

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Indeed - the image looks great. I notice that it is housed at Steam so the image BBCode you used is the same as you would use here if you use our gallery.

I responded to your other post with more detailed info: https://www.openworldgames.org/newowg/index.php/topic,48138.0.html

Let me know what method you would like to use and I'll get you started. The gallery is the cleanest method because you can do your own album, but is more involved.


Thanks PZ... I am not so sure about the accuracy of my memory anymore, but wasn't there an easier way to do it, back in the day? Like the same ease as with your attachment option. I did that in the other thread. However, it doesn't allow me to quickly decide WHERE I would like the picture.
Just tell me if I ask too much :gnehe:
"No hay luz"


Some more screenery on Valheim:

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"No hay luz"


Quite honestly BinnZ, I believe I'm way older than you so my memory is way worse!  :-[ I do not recall if the old software allowed placement order in a post (other than the position of the BBCode). I really liked the old software so it might have allow you more choices. Unfortunately the developer of the old gallery decided to stop supporting it several years ago, and in doing the security updates for the forum, the old software would no longer run so I had to install what was available (what we now have). Sorry that it is not easier!

Great pics by the way. Because all your pics are in the same post, the gallery lets you scroll through them by clicking the right/left arrows (I do not remember if the old software allowed that).

Valheim certainly looks futuristic!


Yeah that's pretty cool, catching all those guys and using them as decoration in the bridge! And makes it a fun game to cross the bridge while they try to catch you. Everything else in those shots is so awesome, I never have the creative impulse to build like that. In Fallout 76 you can build your camp pretty extensively and even more so if you subscribe to Fallout 1st but I don't do a whole lot of it. My main camp is just a fairly standard house structure that has the basics. It looks nice but isn't up there with the best ones I've seen that are very grand. There are also the private shelters you can build in, and each has a theme, quite a few are various vault rooms like the vaults in Fallout 4, but you can build whatever you want in them. The others range from underground mineshafts to blasted spaces that are pretty much empty to fill as you like and a section of a city street to build in. I have them all and they are pretty much empty lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: PZ on July 06, 2023, 11:00:53 AM
... Because all your pics are in the same post, the gallery lets you scroll through them by clicking the right/left arrows (I do not remember if the old software allowed that)....

That is a great feature indeed!

Funny that you say it looks futuristic! It's supposed to be a viking game, pretty far from futuristic! I think it's my building style that makes that impression, which is a quite funny achievement :)
"No hay luz"


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 07, 2023, 05:00:18 AM
Yeah that's pretty cool, catching all those guys and using them as decoration in the bridge! And makes it a fun game to cross the bridge while they try to catch you.

Oh yes!!! :)
"No hay luz"


haha we were on at the same time, I was editing my post after looking at your other screenshots while you were posting lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, what a coïncidence :)

I reread your post. Sounds pretty cool, those private shelters sound great, I could imagine going crazy on the opportunities there! But Fallout 76 won't be it for me.
I did some building in the old fort in Falout 4, that was fun.
The cool thing about Valheim is that you can build anywhere you want. You can sail around the globe and when you suddenly find a great spot, like a small island close to shore, or a pool surrounded by massive rock formations, you can decide to build a base there. Some of the natural environment can help you set your defences, water being the best. I own a base that is situated on both shores of a river that runs through a piece of land which is quite big, but on one end is almost like a massive island. I built in a way (placing workbenches everywhere that prevent enemies from spawning within its range) that no enemy can spawn on the island, so it is a complete safe place. I hid the workbenches, mostly under ground or built in think stone walls, so they won't stick out.

"No hay luz"


Looking forward to your stories and pics  O0


Ah nice, yeah building anywhere you want is definitely a benefit, makes it a real sandbox way to play. I like the idea of blocking enemy spawns too, so you know you're safe there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Cool screenies, BinnZ  :thumbsup: I really like some of your design ideas! That first one looks pretty trippy :gnehe: I like the castle one and the oriental-style one.

I do like the idea of building wherever you like, instead of being restricted to set locations. I never got into FO76, from what I've seen and read it doesn't sound like it would be my bag.

I probably spend more time building in FO4 than doing anything else in the game. I've learned and discovered enough building tricks and tips to fill a page, but there's not much point if I'm the only one playing :anigrin: Maybe I'll do some screenshots and stick them in the old FO4 topic sometime, if I remember to get around to it :bigsmile:


Quote from: fragger on July 18, 2023, 01:05:56 AM
I probably spend more time building in FO4 than doing anything else in the game. I've learned and discovered enough building tricks and tips to fill a page, but there's not much point if I'm the only one playing :anigrin: Maybe I'll do some screenshots and stick them in the old FO4 topic sometime, if I remember to get around to it :bigsmile:

I may not be playing right now but I installed FO4 on my laptop last week. I'm sure there are plenty of mods on the Nexus to keep me busy for a long time.


Hello world! I am living in a country that is far right! We have a soon-to-be-president that officially hates muslims, that is pro Nexit, that thinks the climate crisis is a hoax, that has warm ties with Putin and doesn't support help to Ukraine, that finds minorities in general a pain in the arse and that rules his party of a stunning 37 seats (out of 150) purely by himself. I don't know ONE name of importance besides mr. Wilders himself.

I think I will cave in for the next 4 years. I know some of you have experience with that (Trump) so if you have any tips, do's and don'ts, please let me know :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"


I'm really sorry to hear that, BinnZ. The world seems to be changing to authoritarian politics, which is greatly concerning. Unfortunately, we are seeing this in virtually every corner of the planet. My mother was in in Germany during World War 2 and she told stories of Hitler parading through Berlin amidst wildly cheering crowds. In retrospect, I wonder if after the war how many of those Berliners would be cheering for Hitler after they had experienced the horrors of the complete devastation of their country. Unfortunately we are now experiencing much of the same as what she described in Germany: people angry at the government at how the country is managed and many, many other factors. A friend of mine voted for Trump and when asked why, he replied "I just want to see someone in office who will shake it up" obviously  meaning he wanted something different than the status quo.

The quandary is what to do. I do not like Joe Biden (mostly because he is too old), but I know that Trump will want to install himself as president for life (because the people demand it) just like Ji in China, and Putin in Russia. Even though things are far from perfect in this country, I would definitely choose democracy over dictatorship. Knowing human nature of these ambitious politicians, they cannot help themselves from instituting ever increasing control of the people (just think of what Kim is doing in Korea). The awful part is that those dictators are clever enough to reward people for turning in their friends and family as traitors.

I have lived all my life in a country that cherished democracy, and I now fear that we will eventually descend into dictatorship, and when that happens, we can be certain that our current freedoms will be taken away one at a time. For example, can you ever imagine any dictator allowing unrestricted gun ownership? The very people that revere the 2nd amendment here will be sorry when their guns are taken away.

There is no simple answer, but informing the public is the only hope of saving democracy. The problem with that is that many people will not believe the problems until it is too late because "they just want to shake it up" just like they did in Germany. There will be nothing left if there is a WW3.

As the adage goes, those that refuse to study history are doomed to repeat it. Throughout history we have seen this type of human behavior over and over with the rise and fall of civilizations.

🡱 🡳

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