Just started a Fallout 4 session

Started by PZ, July 23, 2023, 11:59:30 AM

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I'm setting up my computer with a bunch of video games and Fallout 4 is one of them. I just started playing and it is almost like a new game for me because almost everything looks new  :gnehe:

I did not know that you can install mods right from the game menu. That feature is uber cool and of course I installed a cheats mod called Cheats Terminal which is an option on your Pip Boy.

I think I'm going to like this game more than I did before  O0


Yeah they added a mods menu at one point, but aren't they paid? As in, not free? Or is that only some of them? I also remember they had some kind of points you could trade for stuff instead of using real money,  think I got a few things that way.

In any case, have fun!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks, D_B  O0

I have not installed many, but I've not seen anything about paying. If that turns out to be the case I'll just go to Nexus which I've used for years. They have a mod manager called Vortex which appears to be excellent. I'll see, I guess.

The Cheat Terminal is excellent because one can manipulate so many settings.  :thumbsup:


Just for the sake of having a FO4 console command list, here it is:


Yeah the Vortex from Nexus is pretty good, though sometimes a mod will just not w0#k right using it to install and I have to install manually. Though of the mods I use for Cyberpunk, only a handful are like that, most of them just install in Vortex and w0#k fine. I used to have a ton of mods for Fallout 4 but after upgrading my computer, Vortex no longer found them even though I pointed it at my mods folder, it complained that it wasn't it's mod folder (which it was) and things might not w0#k right. If I ever get back into FO4, which is unlikely but you never know, I'll just have to re-download them all in Vortex. Problem is, some of them I made myself and those definitely won't w0#k in Vortex lol. At this point they probably don't w0#k at all and I'd have to figure out how I made them and that isn't likely either.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 26, 2023, 07:48:26 AM
... Problem is, some of them I made myself and those definitely won't w0#k in Vortex lol. At this point they probably don't w0#k at all and I'd have to figure out how I made them and that isn't likely either.

Yeah, I too made mods, but for FC2. Of course I've forgotten how to do them so I'm glad that I managed to salvage my old modded game. I rarely play it these days, but fire it up on occasion just to play for a bit.

I heavily modded Fallout 3, but to date I've not been able to get it to run - tells me that the game can't find the CD. Vortex does not seem to w0#k with several of the games I've tried it with, but I've not explored why.  It looks like it will make a good organizer for the games that w0#k with Vortex.


I think I only had a few mods for Fallout 3, or maybe none at all, don't really remember. I know I haven't done anything with in in Vortex as I've not played it in ages.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


The Fallout Wiki has tons of great help and info (they actually cover all the Fallouts).

This link takes you their comprehensive list of console commands. There's an absolute shipload of them:


The "tcl" (clipping on/off) command can be a godsend if a collectible or some other goodie ends up under a floor or something, or a baddie who you need to bump off ends up inside a non-enterable building or a bit of the landscape. It happens occasionally.

I've found a couple of the commands in the "Quests" category to be helpful if a quest gets stuck (which is very seldom, but it has happened to me), and some commands in the "NPC" category are useful on the rare instance when a companion or NPC goes kablooie. Example: Companion gets stuck somewhere and does the "running on the spot" thing. Bring up the console, click on the companion to make their ID appear in the console, then type "moveto player" (no space between the "move" and the "to"). The companion will then teleport to where you are, and you can both continue.

Anyway, I hope you have fun with it :thumbsup: After playing FO4 for about 6 years (and a sobering number of hours), I'd humbly consider myself to be a minor authority on the subject :gnehe: Any questions mate, you know where to find me :)


Thanks fragger  :thumbsup:

This is just what I need because I rely on cheats of some kind just to get through the game  :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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