AC: Valhalla

Started by PZ, January 08, 2021, 06:50:25 PM

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The game was on sale for $39 so I took the chance. Also an enticement was that the developer gave the programmers two years instead of the usual one year turn-around to fix any problems BEFORE release. At first I did not think much of the game, which is an RPG (like AC Odyssey) which is usually not my style. However, getting into the game has proved that it is a bit more interesting than I had first believed.

In AC Origins there were Phylakes, which were super strong guys hunting you down, and were deadly before you leveled up. I saw the same kind of guys roaming Valhalla, and in Origins they left you alone until a certain mission after which they nailed you unless you had leveled up enough.

In this game I was going through a main mission and fought a bad guy that acted really outrageous. Of course he was a mini-boss and I had to defeat him. As he lay on the ground, up comes a prompt with two options: 1) Kill him 2) Let him go. I chose the latter. He was shocked, got up and informed me that due to my kindness in sparing him, he had information that might be useful. He told me to go to a certain area and look for a scroll. When found, I was to burn it because it contained a list of the "Phylakates" in this game that would be coming for me (just like in Origins). He said they had not read the scroll yet, so if I could burn it they would leave me alone. I did so, and now these guys continue to roam the landscape leaving me alone.

I like the game in general, but now appreciate the RPG element which changes the outcome if you choose wisely. Naturally I have continued to choose the compassionate pathway. We'll see how it goes.

Art Blade


Actually I got this awhile ago. I got stuck needing some item and never
got back to trying again. From what see around the Steam etc, I'm likely
the only one not too impressed.. :) oh well...
Edit: oh wait... AC thought I was looking at the viking one Valhalla.really should look before posting. haha..
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


That is what happened to me when playing Odyssey, and I have yet to return to it.

At first I found the run and gun mentality boring because I like the assassin way of working through a game. However, the further I got into the game the more I was able to fine tune my assassin abilities so midway through Valhalla it was actually even better than my older favorite, Origins.
By the time I finished the game I had as much fun running and slashing as I did the stealth way. I'm now eagerly awaiting the promised DLC  :gnehe:
I ended up liking it so much I'm considering going back to Odyssey to give it another go.
We will see I guess


🡱 🡳

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