
Started by Dweller_Benthos, August 23, 2023, 07:37:24 AM

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Hey glad you got to see some of it, and have fun visiting!

I'm really getting into this game for sure. So much to do. Just a quick note about how you can just run into something new to do. I landed outside the main city on the one planet to check things out and figure out how resource scanning works, so I was wandering around, scanning animals, plants and rocks like you do in No Man's Sky, and trying to get everything scanned which you can then go sell that information for money, which I need for other things. Anyway, wandering around, shooting the animals that are hostile, finding stuff to scan, ran into a place called abandoned camp, where a guy was hanging around, who was a bounty hunter. Talked to him and he said he was trying to capture a wanted criminal nearby and needed help, so I went off to help him, to another old research station, cleared the place out, got a bunch of loot and got paid by the guy at the end. Just something that I stumbled upon while wandering around, and that happens all the time. So that's how the game goes lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It's more or less the same Bethesda formula, so if you enjoy it, go ahead. :)

As for pure space exploration, No Man's Sky would be the better game.

Performance-wise, the game runs better on AMD cards than Nvidia for some odd reason.

Starfield player tricks AI with 'unbeatable ship' made only of corners

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah AMD is a partner with Bethesda on this one, so the game is "optimized" for AMD and a modder has already created  a mod that makes it run with DLSS on Nvidia GPUs, but, he's charging for it. Big controversy in the modding community, but he's already made like $40K on it, so can't argue with results. I have no issues running it on my Intel/Nvidia system, usually getting at least 50-60 FPS in most areas of the game, but in thicker forests and heavily populated cities, it does drop to 35 or so. This is on all ultimate graphic settings, so it looks pretty good. Runs pretty much as good as Cyberpunk, so there you go.

Clip of my live stream doing some space combat, another thing people are complaining about being too hard. Once I got the hang of the controls, I found it was OK, against one ship like this I don't have much issue, but when they gang up 3 or 4 ships on you, it can get a bit hairy. Died once to that but haven't since and definitely haven't died over and over like I see some people doing. Trick is you can't be timid, as soon as you get a enemy detection, you have to go on the attack instantly, targeting one ship and just blasting with everything you have. This is where I find the tutorial in the game is wrong or misleading. The tutorial mentions using one weapon to take down shields, then w0#k on the hull with the other weapons, until you win. That might be OK if you're going to disable the engines so you can board the ship and loot it or steal it. I haven't tried that yet, I just go for the throat and destroy them outright.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Oh man that's so funny. So each vendor just has a chest somewhere that holds their inventory and cash? That's just great.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Just like any other Bethesda game LOL
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Ripe for the stealing, I say lol. Get the mod that allows achievements when using console commands and other mods, get a no clip and you're all set. If you don't care about acheivments, just hack away.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I saw that one, very clever, or a good exploitation of the stupid AI lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


New update just dropped yesterday which includes the creation kit, now there will be a ton of mods that can be installed directly from the main menu with little trouble. A few new things from Bethesda themselves as well, but most are tied to a cash price, the usual, you buy some kind of fake currency for real money and use it to buy the mods. Some seem worthwhile like a new quest or new stuff to build in an outpost, others are just cosmetics which are up to the individual if they are worth it or not.

Also, a new main story DLC will be coming soon which looks very cool and fills in the story behind one of the game's main factions:

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Looks like Bethesda is following the mod potential inserted into the game like in Fallout. Increasingly it appears that games are created with modding built in.

The images in the June update video reminds me of a futuristic Fallout.


The main thing people are not happy about is the cash shop and the fact they are selling quests, not just cosmetic stuff. Is a kind of crummy move if you ask me. Cosmetics, fine, if I want a fancy space suit I can buy it but a full on side quest? And one that I hear takes about 15-20 minutes to complete and costs the equivalent of $7, that's not cool. I have the premium edition so I get 1000 moneys to spend in the cash shop but I'm kind of not wanting to, it's kind of slimy if you ask me. The creation club stuff will be much better I'm sure, and hopefully be free, as long as modders don't lose interest or boycott because of the cash shop prices.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Dang, that's too bad. They have simply found a new way to raise the price of a game. So, instead of what is typically called a ""DLC" formerly free is now costing money, but at least you get a reasonably large expansion. Now they want to sell DLC by the mission? OUTRAGEOUS!  :banghead:

Before we know it, they will sell a basic core game engine (or something like that) and then a laundry list of missions you want to play. Of course, they'll give a discount if you purchase 5 missions, a teeny bit more of you buy 10, etc. ad nauseum. I'll give up gaming before I fall to tactics like that.


Yeah people complain how bad EA Games is and compare to them any time another company comes up with something stupid like this.

On the other hand, Fallout 76, another Bethesda game, just released a huge update with a new map area, several quests, new loot and weapons, for free. Go figure.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I don't think I need to say anything more.  :o
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳