Grand Theft Auto VI

Started by LowPolyOWG, December 05, 2023, 02:14:39 AM

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So, 10 years after GTA 5...  ??? Anyway, PC release in 2026  :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


As much as I hate Twitter .... errrrrr X, this is funny

No direct link to the actual video that I could find.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I absolutely loved the game world of GTA V, once it became a free-roam affair after the tedious and exasperating grind of getting through the single-player game. That was a slog, but I still think V's game world is one of the most detailed, immersive and impressive ever made.

I'll tell you this though: If I decide to get into GTA VI, I won't make the mistake of buying a store-bought copy like I did with V. Since I last played V I've acquired a whole new rig, and though there have been times when I've felt like reinstalling the game and suffering through the SP campaign just to get to the post-story, free-roam fun, I'd be looking at lord knows how many hours of updates to get there (most of which are multiplayer-game oriented and thus of no interest to me). I mean, it would probably be days, if not weeks, of waiting for several years' worth of updates to come down. My remaining life span is too precious for me to invest that much time in it :gnehe:

If I get into the new one, I'll def be buying it on Steam. No more store-bought gaming media for this little black duck - those days are over. It was fine before the "sell now, patch and update later" methodology of contemporary game development, but the option of purchasing physical gaming media from a store is no longer practicable. I don't know how stores which sell physical gaming media are still staying afloat, to be honest.


Quote from: fragger on December 16, 2023, 05:06:39 AM
I absolutely loved the game world of GTA V, once it became a free-roam affair after the tedious and exasperating grind of getting through the single-player game. That was a slog, but I still think V's game world is one of the most detailed, immersive and impressive ever made.

Totally with you fragger, except that I never finished the game I got so tired of things like timed events, etc. (same thing I always complain about). I'm currently looking into a trainer for the game so I can enjoy going through it at my pace. If I find one and it is anywhere near as good as the one I just installed for RDR2, I'll be in gaming heaven.


I wasn't crazy about the checkpoint-based save game system in GTA V's missions, either. I've always hated the checkpoint method in games and I don't know why some devs seem to think it's a good idea - I don't think anybody likes it. In GTA V's case, I remember the exasperating checkpoints triggered a few rage-quits on my part :angry-new: One of the later Tomb Raider games switched to a checkpoint system even though the earlier titles allowed you to save anywhere and it turned me off the game AND the franchise.


Quote from: fragger on December 19, 2023, 01:58:03 PM
I wasn't crazy about the checkpoint-based save game system in GTA V's missions, either. I've always hated the checkpoint method in games and I don't know why some devs seem to think it's a good idea - I don't think anybody likes it. In GTA V's case, I remember the exasperating checkpoints triggered a few rage-quits on my part :angry-new: One of the later Tomb Raider games switched to a checkpoint system even though the earlier titles allowed you to save anywhere and it turned me off the game AND the franchise.

I forgot about those checkpoint saves.I can't stand repeating the same thing ad nauseum until I make it through.  :banghead:


Quote from: PZ on December 19, 2023, 08:20:41 PM
I forgot about those checkpoint saves.I can't stand repeating the same thing ad nauseum until I make it through.  :banghead:

Me either, especially when I'm within a hair of the next checkpoint and I fail, only to get booted all the way back to the last one :banghead: There was one sequence in GTA V where you had to jump a trail bike off an embankment and land on top of a moving passenger train, then ride along the top of the train to the engine. The roof of the train was curved and the train was going around a long, sweeping bend, and if you strayed too far from the centerline you fell off. If you failed to properly time jumping the bike between one carriage and the next, you fell off. And of course if you fell off, it was back to the embankment - and there were about ten carriages to negotiate. Once I missed the timing right when I reached the engine and I had to start all over again :angry-new:

There was a lot of that sort of thing in V, and none of it was fun. The post-story free-roaming was when I really started to have fun with the game, but it was such a chore to get to that point. It would be nice (as a single player) it you could just go straight to that and play in the sandbox.


I recall you and I commiserating about that exact same event years ago. Everyone knows how bad my memory is so for me to remember it that long gives testament to how much I detest those kinds of things.  I actually stopped playing V just because of that particular mission. :gnehe:

I hope this thing where I am able to bypass a task is something that applies to that mission in particular - I'll see I guess.


Now that you mention it PZ, I do recall that discussion. I thought I sensed a bit of déjà vu when I wrote my comment :gnehe:



I've never forgotten that conversation because that mission is what killed gta5 for me. I really love the environment (especially the rundown areas like the desert) and much of the game play. Now with this trainer I might be able to really get into it again.


Yep, the environment is fantastic, no doubt about that :thumbsup: It's such a great place to explore, and I like some of the activities and mini-games - the various races, flying around in choppers, playing darts and golf, and my favorite activity of all, nicking a superbike and going flat-out against the oncoming traffic on the freeway to see how long I last :gnehe: Good for an adrenaline rush!


Indeed; GTA5 is full of adrenalin rushes!

🡱 🡳

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