Light No Fire

Started by Dweller_Benthos, December 08, 2023, 12:43:02 PM

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The next game from Hello Games who made a little game called No Man's Sky.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sean have been joking about the marketing behind NMS on X :laughsm:

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah the memes and tweets (or I guess we call them X's now?) have been running rampant. People are watching that video frame by frame analyzing every little thing to try to get any idea what the game can and can't be. Even with people saying the hype train should be slowed down, there is no stopping it now, it will run at full speed and speculation will make people be disappointed when the game finally arrives. There hasn't been a date announced as far as I know, next year? Year after? Who knows.

My take on watching the video again: no vehicles of any kind much less space ships. Animal mounts only, riding and flying, and walking and running. So getting around the planet will take a lot of time. Depending on how/where you spawn, it could take literally years before anyone reaches the other side of the planet. So, if everyone spawns in a central area or "town" then spreads out from there, exploration will take a lot of time. There will be areas and places that no one finds for a very long time if ever. Looks like multiplayer is on always, so an MMO type game. Even if there is no PvP, there will be conflicts, looks like a bunch of people building a base of some type? That will just not go well with a bunch of randoms trying to build something together without anyone being in charge and controlling what gets built where. Sure, it looks great when a bunch of the devs who are sitting in the same room talking to each other build something, but people with different ideas scattered around the internet? No that won't w0#k.

Different factions, you've got skeleton people, rabbit people, couple other types, who appear to have other, smaller followers. Those could be lower level players or NPCs who help the player do whatever they are doing.

Speaking of doing things, aside from building a base there seems to be a lot of wandering around looking at cool landscapes, but is there a goal or quest system? The only combat seen is what looks like players hunting and battling monsters.

We shall see.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Who can forget the furor which followed the release of No Man's Sky! Even though it thoroughly hooked me in when released, that rush only lasted for about three weeks until the range of things to do came to an abrupt end. Not to mention the hours and hours spent jumping through hyperspace over and over again with great expectations about reaching the center of the galaxy, only for the reward to turn out being immediately dispatched to another samey galaxy to start all over again - and literally start all over again, with all of one's hard-earned goodies unceremoniously taken away and the player dumped back on square one.

Hello's name was mud for a while after that, and a lot of folks will remember being misled by the hype and straight-out false advertising. In light of that, I suspect there will be a great deal of scrutiny as this new game is developed. Although NMS "came good" eventually, it took years for it to do so, and I'm not sure if people will have the tolerance for a repeat of that, should it happen.

Like you said D_B, we shall see.

But speaking for myself, I don't think I'll be very enthusiastic about this one. I have an aversion to MMO games and the griefers they tend to harbor. I'm a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to gaming, I'm afraid.


Yeah, and as expected, speculation and expectations are running rampant. NMS was released a year too early at least. The reason that seems most likely is that Sony gave them a ton of money and said to have it ready before the holiday rush that year and that was too soon. This time, no requirements from Sony, if this game can even run on current gen consoles, much less last gen. As usual, compromises will be made to make it so and it will still cause problems, people will complain and PC players we respond they don't see anything like that on their end.

So speculation is that the release will be next year, maybe as early as summer. I kind of doubt that, but you never know. As far as playing it, that all depends on what the game actually is and we won't know that until we get more details. Is it just a kind of World of Warcraft thing, which is the granddaddy of "fantasy RPG" games. Will the MMO aspect help or hinder? Will you constantly have to defend against other players, or even just maneuver around them to get what you want to do, if there is no actual PvP? Fallout 76 is the only online "MMO" that I play and for the most part, find it mostly enjoyable and very very rarely have trouble with another player. Actually can only recall a couple of incidents over the years I've played and those were mostly because the person wouldn't shut up and I had to mute them which is easy enough to do. There is very little PvP combat and for the most part people are civil or just go about their business and don't bother you. NMS is also technically an MMO but encountering other players outside community events and the hub for them is exceedingly rare, so much so it's a non-event and not even in consideration. And the fact that PvP can be completely turned off or even multiplayer itself turned off makes it even less of a concern. So this new game still needs a lot of blank spaces filled in before I can pass judgement, even if it does look like the MMO part will be tolerable, a "fantasy RPG" isn't really in my interest area as far as games go.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: fragger on December 13, 2023, 03:07:00 AM
Who can forget the furor which followed the release of No Man's Sky! Even though it thoroughly hooked me in when released, that rush only lasted for about three weeks until the range of things to do came to an abrupt end. Not to mention the hours and hours spent jumping through hyperspace over and over again with great expectations about reaching the center of the galaxy, only for the reward to turn out being immediately dispatched to another samey galaxy to start all over again - and literally start all over again, with all of one's hard-earned goodies unceremoniously taken away and the player dumped back on square one.

Hello's name was mud for a while after that, and a lot of folks will remember being misled by the hype and straight-out false advertising. In light of that, I suspect there will be a great deal of scrutiny as this new game is developed. Although NMS "came good" eventually, it took years for it to do so, and I'm not sure if people will have the tolerance for a repeat of that, should it happen.

Like you said D_B, we shall see.

But speaking for myself, I don't think I'll be very enthusiastic about this one. I have an aversion to MMO games and the griefers they tend to harbor. I'm a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to gaming, I'm afraid.

Good points. Considering the amount of time it took to "fix" NMS and regain thrust. From interviews in 2019, he admit the hypetrain wasn't managed very well and that they initially had not a vision for No Man's Sky being an evolving world. I think this new game shouldn't have too much of a launch debacle on technological grounds, as they have the necessary systems up and running for online play. I feel the graphics shown in the trailer is much upgraded (interactive grass elements, fog systems and lighting) compared to NMS. Should be said some redditors have voiced their complaints about NMS assets being used for the trailer. Like, the dragons literally use NMS ship take-off animations  :D

Sean Murray on No Man's Sky, I thought we were making a niche game
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


At the end of that article, interesting to see they had a working title for a new game, the Last Campfire, seems that got changed to Light No Fire or is a completely different game and the name just a coincidence.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Probably a prototype project?
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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