Life itself is Will to Power

Started by BinnZ, December 11, 2023, 01:45:34 PM

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I want to get, to obtain, to swallow and to gain
I want to take, to steal, to penetrate, to heal
I want to have, to create, to conquer and to mate
I want you, I want it all, I want the world, before I fall
"No hay luz"


A living being seeks above all else to discharge it's strength,


Weird dude, if you ask me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


All of it sounds like the mantra of a p0L!t!c!an.



"Is your name not Bruce then?"
"No, it's Nigel"
"Mind if we call you Bruce to avoid some confusion?"
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I didn't expect to bring up so much filosopher stuff!

I just wanted to express something that boiled up inside of me, which reminded me of FC2's  saying

I think every now and then you have to connect to your drifts. We're humans after all

Pooring it into some poetic structure may make it more bearable, more touchable, without losing sense
"No hay luz"


Sorry mate, I didn't mean to derail your point with that video. But that Python song never fails to amuse me - not just because it's clever and takes the piss out of philosophers, but Aussies as well. Sometimes the mockery of us is warranted :gnehe:

Seriously though, I'm on your page. Though not all of us act like animals, an uncomfortably large percentage of humans do, it often seems.


No need for sorries Matey!

I just was surprised that my post was associated with philosofers. And I too like the Python song :)
"No hay luz"


Anyway, I think I like the way it's going with this topic. And just today I had another philosofical conversation with one of the inmates I treat. She said: "There's no grey scale in friendship. You're either a friend, or you're not."
I am usually very much a fan of greyscales, but I gave it a good long thought, and I think she's right.
"No hay luz"


I suppose that's true, many of the people I know I wouldn't consider "friends" and if I didn't happen to w0#k with them, wouldn't otherwise choose to spend any time with them, or very very few of them. Of the hundreds of people who I have worked with, only two did I want to spend time with outside w0#k and would have called a friend. Of course, the nature of that can change and after a while the friendship becomes stronger or weaker, so I suppose there is a grayscale element to that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I like the grayscale reference. Normally I group people into either friends or a acquaintances. However, even in the friends category I have people I spend more time with. Grayscale works perfectly for me.  :thumbsup:


Hmm... I thought I posted a comment here, but I must have just done a preview and forgot to post. Wouldn't be the first time :gnehe:

It was about friendships and the "grey scale". I have a few friends who I can only tolerate in relatively small doses, and a few who I have all the time in the world for. My personal yardstick for determining whether someone is a truly good friend is to ask myself, "How much do I trust this person?" Whether or not the answer is "fully" is a way to separate the true friends from the acquaintances.


Grey scale?

I was once asked by a coworker why I was so unfriendly.  I responded by saying:

"This is my job, I focus on doing it well, and I go home at the end of the day.  I'm not here to make friends.

If I were actively trying to make things more difficult for you or conflicting with your productiveness then that would be me being unfriendly.

I'm neither friendly nor unfriendly while I'm on the time clock because I'm engaged in fulfilling the task at hand and moving on to the next project.  The type of interaction you seem to be seeking from me would interfere with my productiveness so it might be best for you to consider me as part of the workplace environment and be less concerned about how I fulfill my time here."

I was there with that company long after he moved on to other job arrangements.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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