Cyberpunk 2077

Started by Dweller_Benthos, November 07, 2018, 08:28:39 AM

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That's actually how I determined it is a fetus, but until then.... a bed pan  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Well, only one way to find out:

I went back, opened that canister, and took a few sips of its liquid content.. let's say, the patient must have been a diabetic given the sweet undertones.. it probably was a bed pan after all.

Eeew.. needed to get rid of that taste. There was only one source of water: a toilet.. I desperately took a mouthful of that fresh water from the bowl and sloshed it around in my mouth a couple of times but I accidentally swallowed that. Then I passed out.

I must have dropped face first onto the lavatory brush because when I came to, I had its handle sticking out of my mouth. Kind of unpleasant when the big end comes all the way up when pulling it out..

Man, I'll never do that again. Really wasn't worth it, the sore throat.



I .... whut?

Too funny, Art.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I can't help it. It's just that my humour kicks in when others stop.  :bigsmile:


Humor is always appreciated - there is not nearly enough of it these days

Art Blade

I think here it's a combination of both a vivid imagination and a sense of humour that tends to be on the black side of the spectrum. And essentially I don't even hold back when it's kind of inappropriate to make jokes. However, I remember situations when everyone would turn their heads and look at me in disbelieve, shaking their heads and scolding me with their frowns.. That's when I learned to identify situations in which, tempting as they may be, it's best not to joke aloud but in my mind I'm chuckling anyway. :anigrin:


 :anigrin: I know just how you feel, my friend  O0


Yes, it's sometimes best to be prudent with humor, and keep it to yourself, just as long as you're not sitting at a funeral chuckling to yourself, that's almost as bad!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 11, 2021, 07:39:48 AM
Yes, it's sometimes best to be prudent with humor, and keep it to yourself, just as long as you're not sitting at a funeral chuckling to yourself, that's almost as bad!

lol, yeah, that would be in bad taste  :gnehe:

Art Blade

"The deceased had a bad taste, both in life and quite notably as an ingredient of this funeral meal. What?!"




But yeah I may get Cyberpunk eventually, maybe after I'm done with Far Cry 6, and need something to get through the winter. Maybe by then they will have fixed the issues.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

CP has been running well on high end PCs so you don't have to worry about that aspect. Then the recent patches were in total enormous, so a lot got fixed and a few things were changed.

However. I found out that, of all things, scopes for sniper rifles are now affected by the patch(es) in a really annoying way. Before, you found a scope (either loot or in a shop) and checked its stats to see whether or not it was any good. Two values were shown. One was "ADS Time" (which was never explained anywhere but I learned it's how quickly you can "aim down the sights") and the other one was "Range" which translates to zoom level.

Now the zoom level isn't shown any more. It's impossible to know how good or bad it is unless you dismount the scope, mount the new one (yeah, makes sense if you have to buy it first only to test it) and then try to remember how much more or less zoom you've got between those two. And I've got a collection of a couple spare ones and now I don't know what to do with them because of the aforementioned. :banghead:

Really.. almost worth getting upset about.


I'm planning on getting CP for my winter as well.

I'm liking the AC series still, and also plan to play some of the older titles like AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations.

🡱 🡳

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