Modding Cyberpunk 2077

Started by PZ, February 22, 2024, 09:45:43 AM

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Well, I'm heavily in to the game, largely because of the modding aspect.  D_B pointed me in the right direction to get started and I've managed to install several so far.

The latest mod is one that allows you to attach a scope and/or silencer onto just about any weapon. I got it on the Nexus:


Yeah when 2.0 came out, they removed the option to put silencers on revolvers, because of something called "realism" as revolvers in real life can't use them. Hmmph. I was bummed because my favorite pistol was the DR Nova with a silencer. So of course I had to change to one of the automatics and put a silencer on it and really don't mind too much. It's not all that different taken as a whole.

There is one special silenced sniper that you get as part of one of the main quests, but I like it's louder, larger cousin, same gun but also special or more special, but you only get it if you do a certain quest just right and complete it successfully. But it's an absolute beast, very loud and shoots explosive rounds to boot. Those typical groupings of three or four bad guys standing around talking to each other can all be taken out by one well placed shot on the ground between them, you don't even have to hit any of them with it, just the explosion will take them all out. I rarely use it though, as it's so OP that it makes killing the bad guys trivial  :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I don't know why updates often make playing the game worse because they become more restrictive. Why not let everyone play the game that they prefer. If silencers on revolvers is not "realistic" enough for those fools, then a gamer simply need not attach one! I dislike how the decisions of a few people affect the outcome for the masses.  :banghead:

Is that powerful sniper based on the SPT32 Grad?  Sounds like a weapon to try  :thumbsup:


Yeah the 2.0 update did a lot of things that I didn't like. Removing all perk bonuses from clothes for instance, where you would look for special clothing that had various effects and you could add mods to them like you can with weapons. Now there are a very few clothing items with any kind of bonus and you can't add mods to them. I miss that, as it was a fun thing to do in the game, looking for that particular item that had a nice bonus and you could add even more to it with mods. All that is gone and pretty much all the clothes are the same now and pretty much I scrap them all for components as anything you find goes in your wardrobe to be used as cosmetic only, so there's no point keeping anything that doesn't have a direct bonus on it. So once you've found a jacket with the 25 armor bonus, there's no point looking at anything else as that's the best it can get, and with cosmetic clothes from the wardrobe, you can replace it's looks with anything you want or nothing at all. So that is sorely missed.

There's at least mods you can run that will give you back most of the function of weapons that was removed, but as far as I know nothing does that for the clothes.

Oh and sticky grenades, I really, really miss those, they were so fun. You'd toss one at a person, it would stick to them and they had no way to get away from it, and it would turn them into a fine mist lol. The thing is, you could carry hundreds of them and in one of the harder boss fights, you could just stick dozens of them onto the boss and take them down very easily. As you mention, the complainers didn't like that, but it didn't stop them from doing it until the devs removed them entirely. There was no mention of hey, if you don't like it, don't do it, because they are little children with no self control and had to have the fun stuff taken away for everyone.

Yes the big gun is a variant of the SPT32 Grad. The silenced one is unique named Overwatch and the explosive one is called the O'Five. And that's another thing they took away, the O'Five used to be able to shoot through walls. Yep. So, you'd sneak around, use your scan to target all the bad guys, so their outline would show up through the wall, stand safely on the other side and shoot them through the wall and they'd have no idea where you were. Another gun, a pistol called the Comrade's Hammer would do that as well, shoot through walls, but that was also taken away. There are of course, tech guns that will shoot through walls but they aren't quite a powerful. Maybe with all the right perks and upgrades you could get one close, I have one that's decent but again barely use it as it's very OP. Which I guess was the problem, all that stuff is so overpowered that it make a lot of the enemies trivial.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It seems like the developers are looking for people to have fun to increase sales, but then they eliminate the possibility of continuing that fun with their updates. To me, it appears a bit counterintuitive to create a game and then eliminate the things that people like and find useful, even if there are not that many using those features.  :banghead:

If I were a game developer, I would create all the potential possible to increase sales. My motto would be: "if you don't like a feature just don't use it!" For example, I really like the way Cyberpunk has the modding potential built in to the game. I have resisted purchasing many games because either trainers/mods were not available, or restrictive updates come to mind. One I recall is RDR2 in which there was a glitch in which you could return to a cabin repeatedly to loot gold bars, but then R* "fixed" that so after finishing the game I never returned. I'm now in RDR2 because I found a trainer and mods that I like. I pesonally do not like struggling to get through a game and I cannot stand having to repeat the same lame sequence endless number of times because I am not that good a gamer. I'd just as soon just quit playing (the motorcycle scene in which you need to ride atop a train is a good example).

Sure, trainers and mods are not realistic, but who are the "realism police" to determine what people can and cannot do! I really enjoy working my way through the game using my trainer and cheats. I'll bet in my own way I get as much fun out of it as the "realism police" do. [/rant]

The sticky grenades sounds really funny, especially throwing countless numbers of them at the bosses!  :laughsm:

I'm going to try to find the weapon(s)? that shoot through walls - that sounds really fun  :thumbsup:


Yeah it seems there is a very vocal minority in a lot of things who complain about the game being either too easy, or no real enough. And they shout so loud they are the only voice heard and the players who are just fine with it or ignore the parts they don't like don't get heard and the game gets changed.

Unfortunately there is no mod I can find to return sticky grenades, seems it wasn't very popular. Or enough for someone to do the w0#k to make the mod. I think most people tossed them once and not much after that, not realizing their potential. They were less common to find and more expensive to craft, but a much better option than regular grenades which like in any game, tend to bounce around and not go exactly where you want.

There are a few different weapons that have the shoot through walls feature, they are in the "Tech" category. There are several perks to go along with them, that make them pretty powerful. Using the mark enemies option in your scanner (point at an enemy and click middle mouse while in scan mode) will keep them highlighted even very far away through several walls. Then using the tech weapon to shoot them through the wall is very fun and can let you clear many areas out without them even knowing where you are. Of course, there's a limit to how thick and how many wall you can shoot through but it works quite nicely.

My go to tactic is to hack a camera from a safe distance, use it and the others in the network to scan for enemies and mark them, then find a secure spot to shoot at them from through the walls.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the tips, D_B!  :thumbsup:

It sounds like I am much like you in gaming style. I too prefer to do things like mark an enemy and move to another locale to do the off-ing.

It is too bad that the sticky grenades are not available - I sure would have liked to coat the bosses with them like you did - how funny that would be!

I think I'll investigate the tech weapons, and probably max one out complete with silencer (I do not care about realism). I think it will be fun to snipe enemy from afar. Reminds me of the time I did a silenced long distance AS50 in FC2 - hilarious to see the mercs run around not knowing where the shots were coming from.  :D


Yeah the tech weapons are fun to use for sure. I've also started going for the melee weapons which I usually don't do, but just for something different, it's fun to bash some heads with a baseball bat studded with bolts. Or sometimes I just straight up punch them, with the gorilla arms augment fully upgraded you can just punch people into dismemberment.

Good thing we're talking about video games as that was quite an anti-social statement lol.  :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on February 28, 2024, 07:39:08 AM
Yeah the tech weapons are fun to use for sure. I've also started going for the melee weapons which I usually don't do, but just for something different, it's fun to bash some heads with a baseball bat studded with bolts. Or sometimes I just straight up punch them, with the gorilla arms augment fully upgraded you can just punch people into dismemberment.

Good thing we're talking about video games as that was quite an anti-social statement lol.  :laughsm:

Which cartel do you belong to?  :laughsm:

For melee I'm using some kind of wire thing that is fun to use - sure does kill efficiently  :thumbsup:

There is so much to do and so many tasks to complete!


Ah sounds like you're using monowires, one of the few things I never did try. Maybe one of these days I'll swap out gorilla arms for the monowire and see how they w0#k. There's also some kind rocket launcher you can get embedded in your arms. Never tried those either lol. Oh and mantis blades too, never tried those.

The other thing I've only tried very briefly to get the achievement was sandevistan which is a slow down time thing, just didn't appeal to me too much.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yes, I believe they are called monowires. I kind of like them because they are so effective. The rocker launcher sounds fun, as does the mantis blade. I had not heard of them until you mentioned both.

There is so much to explore!


That's another thing that was changed in 2.0. Some cyber upgrades were only available from certain ripper docs, so you had to go to them specifically to get what you wanted. That is no more as now all ripper docs have the same inventory. Not a huge deal really but made it a little bit of a scavenger hunt to find the best gear, which of course was just as easy to look up online who had what and go to them.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Definitely looks like one can dive deeply into the game  :thumbsup:

There is a recent update, but I've not examined what it entails.


Yeah I just last night updated all my mods that needed updating for the latest version. I think it was mostly bug fixes, I recall there not being anything too exciting.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the mod update reminder, D_B  :thumbsup:

🡱 🡳

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