Traditional Biltong

Started by nex, November 14, 2017, 08:44:07 AM

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I'm honored that you entrusted your methods to me, nex  :thumbsup:

I did a large batch and vacuum sealed a bunch to send to my son (he is on deployment). When I texted him that I made it and it is on the way, it is the fastest I have ever received a reply from him  :D

I'm enjoying slicing up tidbits and chewing on them - you can extract flavor for a long time.  O0

Thanks again for all your help getting me started, and everyone in my family and close circle no longer enjoy jerky - we have them spoiled.  :gnehe:

However, I had to promise to make more for my wife due to the disappointed look on her face when she saw how much I was sending away


You're most welcome my friend.   O0
When my brother lived in Calgary Canada he often went hunting
then made game biltong, something he'd been doing for many years
back home.
He gave his local butcher some to taste, this guy wanted to
buy all the biltong my brother makes, instead, my brother showed him how
to make his own in exchange for a better price on choice cut beef and pork.
Respect is earned, not given.


That sounds like a great deal!  :thumbsup:

We had a shop like that years ago, but they went out of business as the town grew  :undecided-new:


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Ready For Slicing

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Now for an ice cold beer and a Cricket or Rugby game
Just ran across this biltong nex made - looks much like mine does   O0

🡱 🡳

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