The eclipse video

Started by Dweller_Benthos, April 10, 2024, 09:39:38 AM

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If you haven't been living under a rock, you'll know there was a total solar eclipse Monday. Since my relatives up in the mountains were living in the totality path, I had to go up and view it there. Was very convenient to have a nice lunch, relax, set up cameras on their lawn, and watch the eclipse in comfort. The one in 2017 was a bit longer where I was viewing from but took a lot more planning and travel to go see it. This couldn't have been more relaxing, and the weather was near perfect. All the stars aligned (pun intended) (is that even a pun?) to make this one a very enjoyable experience. Since the next one is in Africa and after that Australia, I doubt I'll get to see either of those, but if I'm still capable in 2044 when the next one hits the USA, I'll be sure to try for it. Seeing a total eclipse is an amazing experience and I'm so lucky to have seen two in such a short time frame.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


All I can say is WOW. We went outside and tried to get some kind of view, but we're too far north to see much, and it was cloudy enough that we cloud not exactly see where the sun was. Not a very satisfying experience, but we've seen quite a few photos and videos, and yours is among the better ones.

What camera did you use?  Video was quite good  O0


Thanks! The camera was just my plain old Panasonic video camera that's now at least 10 years old. Shoots 1920x1080 regular old HD size, so it's not anything fancy. Luckily it has some manual control over focus and exposure that are hidden behind a couple menus but were enough to get a decent shot.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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