Art Blade's MEGA list of games

Started by PZ, April 11, 2024, 10:31:24 PM

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Art maintained a All our old classic games - it is worth a look.

There is also a large group of game boards called Other Games

Both are useful resources for some of the old games you might like to play. Both links open OpenWorldGames Server One in a new tab. When you are done there, simply close the tab and you will return here.  There is also a link in that server's top menu that returns you to this server easy-peasy


Wow, there's heaps there! A lot of them I'd forgotten about but I'm sure I still have tucked away in some obscure corner of the house.

We certainly have covered a lot of games over the years, haven't we? :gnehe:


We sure have!  :thumbsup:

I had also mostly forgotten about the list, but at the same time wondered what happened to it. It was such a big project that I had created a redirect to it as it it were a category of the forum. Art Blade's MEGA game list is under the Assorted games we enjoy category which is accessed from the Home page of this site.

I dure did travel down the old memory lane when I built these redirects!  O0


LOL! I forgot about this list, Truck Dismount is on there, so funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


lol, absolutely! It sure is a fun blast from the past looking at some of the old things we used to do. I'm glad I took the time to link to some of the old stuff because I occasionally think (now, where did I see that again???).

It is kind of funny reading my own posts at times because even way back on 2009 when OWG started, it seems now like it was just a short time ago instead of 15 years ago.

🡱 🡳

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