Tags system

Started by PZ, April 11, 2024, 11:06:04 PM

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You may have seen the Tags menu item above. When we type a tag into the proper box in a post it will be added to a list of others with the same tag, or start a new list. Once posted a topic or post will have a green "tag" embedded in the title when viewed in the list of posts/topics

You can click the Tags menu and up pops a list of tags used in our posts. The larger the font, the larger the number of posts with that tag. For example, there is a tag called "food and drink" which brings up all posts (no matter where they are) with that tag.

I'm actually using tags to create a list of posts/topics that might be difficult to find among tens of thousands of posts. I wish I had done that when I was looking for nex's biltong posts.

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