New features the old platform did not contain - updated regularly

Started by PZ, April 12, 2024, 12:03:39 PM

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This will be a running tally of all the notable new features that helps make interacting easier and more fun

  • Posting URLs: When using WYSIWYG you can copy a link from somewhere (or to another post in this forum) and paste it into the editor. This is a smart feature that distinguishes a local URL or an external one and adjusts appropriately. If an external URL it opens in a new tab, and if on-site, it opens the local URL in the same window - no more [iurl]!
  • Saving drafts: This has already saved me several times. i wanted to put up a post with an image, but I needed to be on a different network to access my photos. Unfortunately, I was doing a massive file transfer on the current network so I wanted to leave my post. Simple fix: click the Draft button and it is saved to my profile for future editing.

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