Fallout 4 videos

Started by PZ, April 15, 2024, 08:11:53 PM

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Having binge watched the new Fallout series on Amazon Prime, i was excited to revisit the game. I went online to Steam for DLC because I might spend a bit of time here,, and found a package of all the DLC for $9.99, which included the base game. I decoded to get it because I had to go through gyrations to get my DVD setup to w0#k. $9.99 for everything seemed a good deal.

I'm going to watch a few videos and check out the posts you gents have made so I have a reference library, starting with this live game play which looked kind of interesting. The nice thing about posting here rather than redirect to YT is that the ads are eliminated:


Yeah my install of Fallout 4 hasn't worked in a long time due to mods that are no longer installed correctly or just plain don't w0#k. I was really adding them there at the end, since I'd finished the story and was just fooling around. Probably time for a clean sweep and install just the "necessary" ones lol. If only to see what the new update in a couple weeks will bring. I doubt I'd play the whole thing again, but you never know.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, I like to do clean sweeps every now and then just to start with that blank slate. I get most of my software through Steam these days and usually wait for a good sale to get the titles that I may already have, but in DVD form that requires the disk to be in the drive (what a pain). Although I have an old copy of FO4, I spent $9.99 for FO4 GOTY version with all the DLC for $9.99. Right now they also have FO3 GOTY with all DLC for $4.99 - I might get it.

I really like that Bethesda built modding right into the game. I briefly opened the game a couple of days ago and went right to the mods area and up come thumbnails of all kinds of good stuff. I'm looking forward to getting in to the game, but right now I'm reorganizing all my games onto a single Sandisk 4tb drive. I had games scattered over on the main SSD and a couple of other SSDs. Now they'll be in one spot with backups elsewhere.


Yeah that's handy for sure trading in a disc version, though most of my disc versions were just an installer and steam integrator anyway lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I'm still heavily involved with FO4, even after all this time. I don't post about it anymore because we pretty much exhausted the topic, but I'm happy to chime in should someone else want to discuss :gnehe:

I don't have any mods installed, but I've got all the major expansions and DLCs thanks to Art Blade who so generously gifted the season pass to me all those years ago. At the time, Art was trying to talk me into getting the game but my finances were very tight and I couldn't afford to fork out for new games, so he made me a present of the whole shebang, for which I was most grateful and touched.

FO4 never seems to get old for me, probably because it's the type of game where you can take as much time as you like and has such enormous scope for experimentation. It's probably the most flexible open-world game I've ever played. I once had a single playthrough which lasted for two years - two actual years that is, not game years - and there are still things in it that I haven't tried yet.

There is certainly no shortage of videos about FO4 on YT. It's still a pretty popular game, and the TV series has generated (or rekindled) a fair amount of interest in it.


I've been with FO4 since it came out way back then, but never did get fully in to the game because something else came up. Now because of the series, and because I finally realized the built-in modding.

Quote from: fragger on May 06, 2024, 02:33:46 AMI don't have any mods installed, but I've got all the major expansions and DLCs thanks to Art Blade who so generously gifted the season pass to me all those years ago. At the time, Art was trying to talk me into getting the game but my finances were very tight and I couldn't afford to fork out for new games, so he made me a present of the whole shebang, for which I was most grateful and touched.
??? wow, I did not realize he did that - very generous indeed  :thumbsup:  I miss seeing him around here - he was one of our foundational members

🡱 🡳

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