Started a new Fallout 4 play through

Started by PZ, April 24, 2024, 08:24:20 AM

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I finally got back into the game and started with a completely new play through just to refresh my memory with the background. of course, I'm using mods and have installed a few weapons, a player house, a mods bunker, and a cheats trainer.

I have not seen the player house yet, and have not visited the mods bunker (I kind of remember this one from a prior play through)

I like the cheats trainer because it is built in to the Pip-Boy.

For me, it is much fun to be able to walk through the wasteland without fearing for my life during each moment of my existence.  :gnehe:


Just in time for the update to break all mods! LOL!

Yeah I'm waiting until mods get updated, then I'll fire it up again just to poke around. Not sure if I'll do an entire playthrough again, but it would be cool to fire up my old save file and see how much of it is broken.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Probably a good idea.

In my old install, I had the mods installed. When I did the updates the cheats mod was broken, but all I needed to do was uninstall/save/reload/reinstall and all was good. I hope the other mods will be as forgiving.


Mine seem to w0#k mostly, except for script extender mods as I mentioned in the other thread.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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