How to increase brightness?

Started by PZ, April 25, 2024, 11:36:56 AM

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Anyone know how to make Fallout 4 less dark at night? There does not seem to be a way to do that. Daytime brightness is fine but at night I can hardly see around me and the raiders are practically invisible.


I'm not sure if it has a gamma setting or not, there's probably a console command or something you can put in your ini file.

I did boot it up after the update yesterday and what do you know, my old save still loads! It complains about mods being loaded but it seems to w0#k, well at least enough to wander around Sanctuary a bit and remember all the stuff I built there. Let's just say it didn't crash (yet). The script extender hasn't updated yet so any mods the require that of course didn't w0#k, so a couple of the specialty things I had built like soda bottle racks just don't appear and the bottles either fall to the floor or just hang there on nothing. Kind of funny. But if that's all that is wrong, I can deal with that. But I'll wait for the script extender to release and try it again, then go after the new quest.
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Nice!  O0

i was concerned about the mods after you mentioned the potential problems, but I only have three, and they appear to be simple, and do not require other plugins to run, which is probably why I have not experienced issues.

As to the brightness issue, I seem to recall the same problem the last time I played. I think I found something to change the brightness of the night without affecting daylight times.  :banghead:


Yeah I don't think there is any brightness control, here's a reddit thread from 9 years ago, I doubt it's been fixed since.

from r/fo4

and that's only one of many complaining about it. A couple nexus mods might help but they are reshades, not specific brightness settings:

There is this, but like most I've found, it makes the game darker not brighter:

that also requires some console commands looks like.

Actually looks like this one might do what you want:

Gives you a holotape you access in the pipboy to change brightness, I think that's probably the best bet to try.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks D_B  :thumbsup:

Very helpful. I've been looking through the Nexus, but there are so many I gave up.

I did try one that was highly recommended - I think it is called SweetFX or something like that. It was encouraging because it has a setting that allows you to edit the brightness of dark areas but leaves sunny or other lit areas alone. The bad news is that it broke the game - the first screen where you can adjust settings, etc., but when I clicked Play, it would exit to the Windows screen.

I'll try the items you suggested.


Yeah looks like trial and error is going to be the method to figure this one out, lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


You're right about that  :gnehe:

I've started using Vortex in addition to the built in interface to control my mods. It appears to be working okay so far, but I do not have that many installed yet. I do recognize some of my favorites as I peruse the Nexus site.


Vortex generally works OK, though some mods don't like the way it installs things, and those you just have to install manually.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed. I've already experienced that issue when installing a Pip-Boy map modification. Worth it though because I find the vanilla version does not even look like much of a map to me  :thumbsup:


Oh yeah I have the high resolution pipboy map with colored icons mod installed, and it still works, so it must have been a manual install. The script extender is being worked on and in testing but issues with the base vanilla game are slowing things down. Probably have to be a new bug fix from Bethesda first then it will be released.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Definitely looking forward to having everything fixed so all the mods w0#k again  :thumbsup:

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