RetiredGord has passed away

Started by PZ, April 13, 2024, 09:55:49 PM

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Since many of you might remember one of our old friends, Gordon Sisson (RetiredGord), I sadly report that he has recently passed away. I do not know any of the particulars, but I discovered his passing when I recently visited his Facebook page after not hearing from him since 2022.

Although he was not active on our site in a long while, I have periodically kept in contact through Facebook. I checked our records, and the last time he was active at OWG was on OWG Server One on July 26, 2014, 05:27:24 AM.

We teased him about being our oldest member and to rub it in a bit, I had changed his registration date to 1969-12-31 which meant that he had about three rows of stars in our old system of longevity as a member (our oldest member). He was amused that he was a member long before OWG was formerly started in 2009.

If anyone is interested in remembering his posts, one can go to OWG-One, click on his name (retiredgord) in the member list (easy to find if you soft by registration date) and peruse his posts.

Always a good sport, he will be missed.


ah yeah I remember Retired Gord in general if not any specific post. Sad to hear he passed, just another to have come & gone in our lives.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed. I've chatted a couple of times since he dropped off the scene and he mainly had been doing family things and not doing much online and nothing with gaming. He just kept up with family on Fb


Rest in piece RetiredGord........
Respect is earned, not given.


Ah, I missed this one. That's sad, I liked Gord. I used to enjoy reading his imaginative posts about missions he completed on FC2, they were a lot of fun to peruse.

R.I.P. old mate.


Sorry to hear about Gord's passing.  :(

In the old FC2 anytime someone spotted an abandoned wheelchair scattered in some odd location around the game maps there would be a picture and the comment "Gord was here".

At the time I liked to think Gord had to abandon it due to its becoming too damaged to be usable after he'd employed it towards beating an enemy to death. 
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"



Good one, mandru - thanks for the fond memory. I'd completely forgotten about that. I think it wonderful to remember old friends in a humorous way. I'd like to think that folks would remember me that way.


Glad you're still with us, mandru :) Haven't heard from you in a while, I was starting to get a bit concerned and was almost ready to start asking around...

Mind you, I can't point any fingers about being scarce at times  :gnehe: 


Well said, fragger  O0

The time we old timers spend on the forum varies with the things that go on in our lives. Sometimes I game quite a bit and am on the site quite frequently. Other times I hardly game at all and do not visit as often.

I'm just thankful that you gents appear to be doing well.  :thumbsup:


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


R.I.P. Retired Gord

I do remember we did that trick with the stars, that was pretty fun! Took a while before he recognized it himself, if I remember correctly.

I remember his avatar, with a massive pint. That was next level  :bigsmile:

"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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