Fallout: New Vegas

Started by Art Blade, August 30, 2017, 02:53:15 PM

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Art Blade

Alrighty.. I've started to play FONV (because FO4 was just updated with mods to pay for and now I have to wait for the modders to update the mods I'm using, and I especially need F4SE to be updated)

New Vegas is apparently some kind of Wild West setting, albeit after the war. The graphics are, erm, uhm, acceptable. :anigrin:

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What I already hate is the same *bleep* I hated in FO3: DEGRADING WEAPONS AND GEAR :banghead:

I can only hope that god mode sorts that out. ::)

Art Blade

OK, played a bit. When you start off fresh, you're in for a lengthy start up "treatment" (some Doc takes care of you) and you'll have to define your character. All a bit clumsy compared to FO4 but it's OK. It's much more FO3-ish than anything. Then you need to choose a handful of skills here and a handful of perks there and some more of this and some more of that.. and then he's kinda in a hurry to kick you out.

Resist.  :anigrin: Take your time and loot the whole bloody place before you leave  :gnehe:

Out the house and about to enjoy my new freedom, all the DLCs greeted me by way of causing some pop-up notifications and included a level cap rise by 5, most of them did. OK. After a cascade of pop-ups, I decided to enjoy my newly won freedom. For real, this time.

So I came past some bloke called Easy Joe or something like that, had an interview session with him (you pick a line from a list and he replies/answers accordingly) and decided to check out the environment. Of course I ran into some massive scorpions and some weird poisonous flies. Time to test the weapons. Some stuff came with the DLCs.

Trying to kill a rad scorpion with a degraded 9mm pistol is easily en par with trying to smash a window by tossing ripe figs. It just won't w0#k. But I got some kind of single shot grenade launcher, the likes of which we know from FarCry2. That's a better idea. Still, it compares to trying to sink a frigate throwing big rocks at it. It simply takes an awful lot of time.

And time to find out that despite god mode, I managed to get poisoned by those flies. Great. Didn't do much, some -23 AP (action points, needed for VATS, that aim system) but god mode gives you unlimited AP anyway. How did I notice I was poisoned? Well, I kept hearing weird sounds, repeatedly, constantly. Like every few seconds as if someone splashed a bucket of water in my back. I didn't see anything but it kept making that sound, so I checked my stats in the Pip Boy (board computer type of thingy, wrapped around your wrist) and there I found that poison stats. I had some antidote that was against animal poisoning and the sound stopped. I hope I won't need it any time soon again because I only had one.

And that's it for today, folks  :anigrin:


Any mods loaded yet? I just checked my NMM for FNV and see 78 active mods and 92 plugins...I was afraid to start :D

Art Blade

Art Blade

ok, FO4 mods w0#k again, so back to FO4. That doesn't mean I'm not going to play FONV. Just not right now.

"I'll be back." :gnehe:


I played NV for a while then did other things. It's still sitting there waiting, I'm past the first few tutorial missions and I think I have to go get something and bring it to someone, but I'm in no hurry to start it up again, being burned out on the Fallout stuff after a year and a half or so of playing Fallout games. I don't think I'll pick it back up until winter is in full swing, to have something to do until FC5 comes out. I forget right now what mods I loaded, probably the unofficial patch, the usual pipboy and map fixes (love my satellite maps) and the advanced player home or whatever it's called. Some type of underground bunker with all sorts of room to store weapons and display stuff. I haven't even been there yet.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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