Divinity Original Sin 2

Started by KingRat, August 31, 2017, 02:08:23 PM

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I'm pretty sure I made a post about Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition on the old forum. I had a lot of fun with that one, and when DOS 2 pre release was available on Steam last year I bought it...played it about 10 min. and sold it back. DOSEE was fully voiced and had controller support, something DOS 2 didn't have at the time...FF almost a year and now they've fully voiced the game and added controller support...watched this today and immediately went to the store and dropped $189 on the CE  :o So far I've only seen it on Steam, but I'm hoping for an xbox release also...I play DOSEE on both so, yeah.

Art Blade

blimey, that price is a bit steep, don't you think?


Gotta spend it on something Art; don't plan on leaving anything to the state or relatives that don't talk to me. Might as well be on things I like :) I just sent an extra Evga 1070 FTW to a young lady that was streaming on twitch at 15 fps and only asked for shipping cost.

Art Blade

+1 :thumbsup: for that, you're a really nice person and I can fully understand your motives :)


Thanks Art  :) You know I have an unopened CE for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided sitting on the shelf...gonna have to open and play it pretty soon  8)

Art Blade

Art Blade

And you finally earned your custom title, by the way -- also, I restored your old avatar. Now you're ready to rock :gnehe:


 :laughsm: my bazooka toting squirrel  :thumbsup: Somehow I managed to lose all my photos via various crashes and I'll probably have to pack up a dozen or more hdd's to send to drive savers. I'm hoping they can find the photos and transfer them to a dvd. I admit to being a hoarder, but having 20 years of computer parts stacked up in the small bedroom I use for a shop is  ::)

Art Blade


On 8/31 they finally got around to releasing the DOS2 Definitive Edition for Xbox One and PS4, also a free upgrade was available for pc users although I needed to start  a new play since with all the changes old saves are not compatible. Still in my top 5 all time favorites :D

🡱 🡳

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