No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Yep, it's back. I decided to try the latest update for a while. The same old stuff we are familiar with is there, sentinels, empty planets, finding weird aliens and trading with them, etc. But the new stuff is pretty cool. The freighters you can buy are huge. The inside area is bigger than the old space stations, at least the areas you can build in. I haven't tried to buy one yet as I'm sure they are out of my price range.

There's also the planetary bases you can find and build. I only just started building one. In survival mode, you have to collect the resources to build stuff so you'll soon be stripping the entire planet for iron. But I think I might spend some time and see how it goes. Will be a change from playing Fallout 3 a bit.

Anyway, took a screenshot with the new photo mode, which is pretty cool. There are a lot of options, for lens type, time of day, weather, plus you can fly around and get the perfect angle.

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hmmm, how do I make that smaller to fit the screen better? Art, help!
here you go :) added "width=800" inside the "img" tag /Art
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Code would be [img height or width=<your_value>]<url>[\img] ;)

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

already sorted before I read your post, GKID, and indeed, that's how it works. I prefer width over height and usually width=800.

D_B, is that the moon you mentioned in the chat? That's a pretty intense hot pink there, damn :anigrin:



PS: I changed the default width value of the image tag to 400 px so you need not add the width parameter unless you want to change it from default

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks Art!

Yeah that's the moon, and even though it's listed as a "Paradise Moon" the weather can get a bit extreme. Something to keep it from being boring, I suppose. Usually during the day it's a balmy 19°C but when a storm rolls in, it can drop to -60°C in no time. But for the most part the sentinels leave me alone and I built some stuff, just fooling around mostly. I need to get to the station to enable the teleport device so I don't have to fly back and forth, and I need to build some workstations and hire some dudes to man them. I need to be able to make glass to build some of the stuff, but I don't know how to make glass, so that's either something my construction guy will tell me how to do or I need to build the other research station to get the next level mining tool that allows me to mine the new ores I see around.

So, they have expanded the game a lot from release, but I still think of it as early access or beta, it still has the unfinished feel.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


You're playing on "survival," I believe? Does that make a difference regarding mining and building stuff?


I'm playing on whatever mode the original game was in, not sure if that's now called survival or not. I know there's a hardcore version where stuff is harder to find and things are out to kill you more, and you spawn initially somewhere out in the wild instead of right next to your crashed ship, so you actually have to find your ship first, and it might be half a planet away. Then there's the one life mode, no thanks, and sandbox, which I might try out to see how everything looks and works before I go and try to build it "for real".
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I think sandbox mode is what I'd prefer to play on. I don't need pirates :anigrin:


I actually had my first pirate attack the other day. One where they disable your jump drive and you have to fight it out. I ignored him for a while, but it was taking to long to get where I wanted to go, so I shot him down. He was no match really, should have re-thought his life decisions.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."




Sounds like he chose the wrong career path :anigrin:

Art Blade

Never mess with D_B when he's out in space (not saying spaced out) :anigrin:


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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