No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Art Blade

you can tell something's wrong if you're on top of your ship and something comes walking up the size that it still looks as if you could hand-feed it from up there. It might skip the appetisers and go for the whole menu especially when it's conveniently served at mouth level :gnehe:


Oh yeah, some of the hostile critters will jump up and bite you even when you should be out of reach on the top of your ship.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that calls for an extra large fly swat and some swift action with determined and fierce swipes at those vermins :anigrin:

Art Blade

Update 850.5 MB


Thanks for all your continued feedback - we've been listening carefully and have continued to make a number of improvements and today we're releasing Patch 1.38. In this patch we're introducing an overhauled save system, which makes managing saves between game modes much easier. Read on for full patch notes!

New save system
You will now be presented with 5 save-game slots (each of which can be used for any game mode). Your existing saves will be mapped into these slots
Selecting an empty slot will start a new game, allowing you to then pick which game mode to play from the mode select menu
There are now two sub-slots for each save-game - one for auto saves, one for manual saves
Starting a new game with no existing saves will take you directly to mode select

If you experience any problems with the new save system, be sure to let us know!

Improvements & changes
Made the temperature range of dead planets more varied
In-flight weather effects now vary in strength based on height
The Analysis Visor can now be used to scan farm plants and see the remaining growth time
Analysis Visor can scan ships to determine their class, type and value at a distance
The Analysis Visor can be used to see the approximate distance of resources discovered with the Scanner
Added error message when no outpost is found by the economy scanner
Added the ability to skip black bars when discovering a planet or solar system
Prevented the cursor being reset to the center of the page as you switch between pause menus
Trade outposts now provide hazard protection
Added a chance for pirates to spawn earlier than usual when a player warps into a certain systems, to add more variety to exploration and trading
Galactic map now respects user mouse sensitivity settings
Galactic map now respects user control inversion settings
Prevented trade terminals having a negative quantity of stock
Made trading terminal stock values replenish over time
Separated stock levels for trading posts and space stations in the same system
Lush biomes in survival mode now occasionally exist without an aggressive sentinel presence
Reduced cursor UI slowdown when using a pad
Improved NPC ship target selection in space battles, prevented them reacting to accidental player fire
Added exotic ship audio for AI and NPC ships
Added ability to transfer items to and from containers in your base or freighter
Added tooltip text to explain the planet icons on the discovery page
Added ability to sell items from ship cargo slots at terminals
Storms on humid/lush planets are no longer toxic; humid/lush planets now have a chance of their rain being very hot. Note: no new storms have been added, and the frequency of storms has not been adjusted. Humid planets that previously had freezing rain storms in 1.3 have had that storm type changes to heated rain.
Added ability to transfer items from cargo slots during maintenance interactions
Improved trading by giving NPCs independent stock levels
Made NPCs who give directions refer to a wider spread of locations
Added ability to rebind the discard key

Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where some delivery missions would continuously tell players to visit other systems
Fixed an issue where the requirements to complete some missions could change as you spoke to NPCs
Fixed scaling issues with creature feeding icons
Fixed an issue where mining units would occasionally incorrectly produce Heridium
Prevented mining units being placed inside each other
Fixed an issue where base parts, including storage containers, built outside the base building radius in unlimited building mode would not be transferred when the player moved to a new base
Fixed an issue where storm-prone planets could be labelled as 'Mild'. Storm frequency has not been adjusted - the text should now more accurately describe weather conditions.
Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator audio would occasionally continue after terrain editing completed
Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator hologram would remain in one location after subtracting from the terrain
Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator would occasionally create longer lines than intended
Fixed an issue where the ship crosshair would appear at incorrect times
Fixed the Upload All button on the discovery page not deactivating after being used
Corrected button prompts in the ship combat wiki
Restored Spectral Class to the galaxy map text
Prevented users occasionally falling outside the trading post platform when exiting their ship
Prevented traders from attacking pirates which are far out of their range
Fixed an issue where NPC ships would stop outside the entrance of freighters and space stations in systems with no trade routes
Fixed an issue where smaller freighters and containers could not be destroyed
Corrected Roamer and Rover inventories appearing incorrectly in the transfer window
Added protection to allow the Mind Arc step of the Artemis story to be completed even if a player deletes their base
Fixed issue where a blue eye icon would occasionally appear over the crosshair
Fixed an issue where the Space Anomaly could remain in the player's home system indefinitely
Fixed an issue with dismantling tech on ship compare screens not correctly destroying the tech
Fixed an issue where unbinding a key would exit the control menu
Fixed an issue where selecting a new key binding could accidentally result in it being set to a mouse button
Fixed an issue where the Space Anomaly mission had no objective text in the log.
Fixed an issue where some players who should have been able to restart distant missions were unable to do so
Fixed an issue which could cause excess stacked inventory items to be lost

Art Blade

Quotea new game with no existing saves

I keep seeing and hearing "with no" a lot for some time now -- must be a fashion. In school, our teachers said there was one word for that: "without." Funny.

QuoteAdded a chance for pirates to spawn earlier than usual when a player warps into a certain systems, to add more variety to exploration and trading

Are you KIDDING ME  ??? :banghead:

QuoteImproved NPC ship target selection in space battles, prevented them reacting to accidental player fire

A little confusing is this part: "prevented them reacting." First, I think it should have been "prevented them from reacting." Second, the past tense, "prevented." Does that mean that now it no longer prevents them from reacting unlike the way it used to be or should it read "prevents them from reacting," which to me would make a lot more sense?

I guess the latter. If so, then that's actually good. We all had our share of accidentally getting into a mass firefight because of ONE stray shot. Let's hope their fix actually works :)

If not, then oh dear, it means that the devs had accidentally removed exactly that "friendly fire, go kill him"-behaviour and now NPCs WILL react again to accidental fire and come after you, just the way we've known it. Great  :banghead:


I think whomever writes the update notes probably does it late at night after no sleep for 24 hours. Or they are just terrible at writing.

But there are a few improvements, so I'll take a look sometime.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I played a couple hours the other day, starting out just meaning to go to the next system to hire a farmer, and getting caught up in a side quest of sorts.

I warp to the system where the farmer is and on my way to the station, pick up a radio signal. After figuring out how to open the radio, as the game said the push a button with an octagon shape instead of telling me the keyboard button I have assigned to it, which is "V". I don't even know what button that would be on a controller, because when you use the controller, it tells you to hit down on the D-pad.

Anyway, the transmission was from a lost traveler and sent me on a bit of a goose chase. First was to find a hologram transmission tower to better talk to the person. So I find the place and it's a new structure I haven't seen before:

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I activate the device and talk to Artemis:

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They are lost somewhere, they aren't sure, and since they don't know where they are, they can't tell me how to get to them unless they know where I am, so I have to build three beacons on three different planets so we can figure out where we are. So off to the three planets in this system to make beacons, then run back and forth a few more times until something happens and they go offline. After that you get in contact with the next guy, Apollo, who seems to be a bit mysterious, so you head back to the hologram station to contact him, so here's a shot of the hologram transmitter in the day time with some birds flying by:

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So, he's a bit gruff and something was going on between him and Artemis that isn't quite clear.

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So that's about where I left it. I have a quest for my farmer to build some garden plots and grow some stuff but I got distracted by this side quest.

Oh yeah, on the way to or from the running back and forth for this quest, I got waylaid by some pirates, though they were called renegeks? or something, like renegade, only they were Geks, and I could have paid them off, fought them, or something else. Anyway, I took a few potshots at one of them, then I just ran away until I could use my pulse drive again. Didn't see them after that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

sounds a bit confusing on one hand but on the other hand, there's something to do. Not sure what to make of it, whether it is fun or annoying. Anyway, nice pics.  :)


It was interesting, and since I wasn't really into finding the stuff I needed to get my garden plot going right then, having the distraction was nice.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I just watched this video from start to end. Because it was so good. I know it was recorded before the recent updates but essentially, from what I learned here thanks to you guys' posts, it doesn't matter -- enjoy this video as it is spot on regarding what really happens and what doesn't when you play NMS. I really had a good time watching it. Not in a way that it was so funny but because I can absolutely recognise every single bit the narrator experiences. And I realised for the first time what the simple truth is -- all of what he said. Brilliant. I came across this guy when I watched his 2.5-hour (!) in depth analysis of FallOut4 which he recorded one year after he played it on release. He is very analytic and nails it. So again, watch this.. even if it only serves to remind you of yourself playing it for the first time. :bigsmile:

Art Blade

I want you to know that I watched it a second time and again I had a good time despite already knowing it. I don't know why I find it so funny to listen to his dry analysis -- maybe because instead of cursing all the time he instead holds it together and just reports all the nonsense he's experiencing and what he is experiencing is what all of us had to experience ourselves. Stating it the way he does makes watching it enjoyable, maybe because it is in a way satisfying to watch someone else go through all that while listening to their thoughts. Anyway, should you like his way of presenting NMS, you might find and enjoy this or that other video he made. Just check out his channel. I had a good time watching a few of those. :bigsmile:

By the way, this video, 23 thousand likes versus only some 400 dislikes. Also, for a change, the YT comments beneath the video are actually worth reading :anigrin:


I didn't watch the whole thing, but got the drift. Essentially, even now, I'll be the first to admit, there's not much more to do really. Most of the quests are just minor incentive to go somewhere or collect something, then you get a small reward. If you aren't really into the base building aspect, and it's limited because you can't build everything right off, you have to do the quests to learn how to build stuff, there's not much else to do. The last quest I posted about is the most interesting thing I've come across so far, and really at it's core it's a "go here, build something, go there and collect something" quest. I really doubt I will ever find a satisfying answer to who Artemis is or where they are and what that Apollo dude is up to either. It will all be some mystical non-answer mumbo-jumbo.

So, yeah, there's more to do, but it's still essentially the same thing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Played some more tonight. Did more of the "Artemis/Apollo" quest line. Got to the point where you have to go find a portal, so that's what the point is to this quest. Along the way, though, I made a friend:

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You can tell he's my friend from the smiley face above him. He will eventually poop out Coprite, which I need to complete the farmer quest by planting it in my hydroponics bay back at the base. I need a lot more though, so it's back to finding more guys to make friends with.

On my excursion to this new system (which was to meet a Vy'keen and buy an upgrade to my multi-tool) I found a ruined structure, half-submerged. This planet has these guys in the oceans, and they aren't friendly. Look familiar?

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Anyway, not wanting to leave a planet unexplored, I visited all the planets in this system, this one was hot and dry, but had these guys flying in the air.

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I didn't spend much time there.

I headed back to the base to build my farming stuff but then found I needed more of the "Coprite" to finish it, so that's where I left it. I think I'll finish the base building stuff then go on to the portal quest for Apollo, see where that takes me.

Oh yeah, the upgrade to my multi-tool was the terrain deformation addon. It lets you dig away the terrain as you see fit, or build it up, with the choice of material (rock, sand, etc) so you can adjust the terrain around your base or just dig your way out of a cave with the little more finesse than using the grenade launcher.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Those ocean guys don't look familiar to me. But I fondly remember the grenade launcher as a tool for getting out of caves. :anigrin:


Maybe if you imagined the creature underground instead of swimming in the ocean? Mostly it's the head too.


Anyway, I went out to get the "Coprite" needed to fulfill the quest. There's supposed to be 7 animal species on the planet where my base is, but I drove for 20 minutes and didn't see any, so who knows where they are hiding. I did get a shot of my dune buggy while some ships fly over head though.

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Went to the hot planet where there's abundant animals and fed a couple of them so they could poop out some of the stuff I needed. This guy is my new friend, and no, that's his entire body, he just hops around on the stump of his torso.

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I got the Coprite I needed so I took off in search of the last animal species on this planet so I can get the bonus. No luck. But I did fly through some pretty canyons though.

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On my way to this planet, I had some pirates attack me, but I just ignored them and went about my business until they gave up. Another trip, a single pirate attacked me, so this time I shot him down just to mix things up a bit. Then I stopped off at a freighter to see if I could buy it. I thought I was rich with 12 million space bucks, but not really, a freighter (at least this one) costs 97 million.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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