No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Art Blade

thank you for that motivational speech :anigrin:

Seriously, thanks for all the info and your last post because indeed, it works. I now have a better feeling about the game and what you just mentioned makes it less unpleasant when considering to return to the game. However, I am convinced that I will try and get mods and whatever cheat options to make my life easier and that includes money for freighters.  :anigrin:


Yeah, the grind for money looks like it might be a bit of a drag. I can't say as I haven't done any of it yet.

I don't have any pics because I forgot to upload them, so maybe tonight heh.

I scanned all the planets in the fourth system I had visited, and was trying to get to the third but could not find it on the star map. That thing is just wonky, don't know who thought that was a good idea. Even with the controller it's not too great, but at least you can navigate around and zoom in and out, which you can't do with the mouse. But I did see a marker for "Journey Begins" or something like that and it was for the first system I started in, so I went there figuring I can find the other systems I went to from there. The good thing is, I can always use the station teleporter to go back to my base directly, which makes wandering around the universe more appealing, knowing I can go home with little effort. I can also build an Exocraft pad anywhere can call my dune buggy from where ever I left it a couple systems ago.

One thing I did notice, and not sure if it's because I was in another system, but I can no longer store stuff in my base inventory. It may be there's a distance limit or that I jumped to another system, so that's a drag. But I think if I take the teleporter back home, I should be able to use it to go back to that system again to continue where I left off.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I finished exploring my original system, strange thing. It has four planets, two retained the names I gave them back then, the other two completely reset and I had to name them again. Some other weird things with continuing a previous save, the one planet lists as having no animal life, but I've found about 12 so far, so a bit of a glitch there.

Anyway, I came across this multi-tool and figured I'd show what the class difference is. Though this is only a 23 slot, so I had to pass it up. But it's an "A" class which is the second best, I guess, and you can see the bonus modifiers it has for the various attributes. Same goes for ships of different classes.

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These guys are all over my starter planet. Reminds me of that character in Family Guy who I don't recall the name of. Bottomtooth or something. Anyway, there are herds of them everywhere.

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On another planet in the starter system, there were two types of flying creatures. Here's one type:

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Here's the other type:

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Here's a shot of my ship flying past the second type. These two types are actually the same species, so maybe male & female? Young and old? Who knows.

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They are unkillable, as far as I can tell. I tried shooting one down with my mining laser and they just twitch a bit and keep flying. So I got in the ship and flew slow behind one, shooting it continuously with the phase cannons and they had no effect. I wanted to get a shot of a dead one on the ground with my ship parked next to it. Oh well.

After that, I went to the map screen and found I could travel to the second system in my journey, so I went to the station and teleported back to my base. I can teleport back and continue, so that will be no issue. I sorted some stuff into storage and made two circuit boards which I went to the station and sold for just over two million, a little under average, but I haven't checked where I can get the best price yet. But that about makes up for the money I spent buying cargo storage slots for my suit. I thought nine would be the max, but I could add a tenth, so if they keep the grid even, that means, I think, you'll be able to have at least 12 cargo slots, maybe more. They really come in handy to have that extra storage space. They are getting expensive, though, the last one, the tenth, cost me 600,000 space bucks.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

the multi-tool class difference you showed is bloody enormous ??? I reckon it's going to be even more difficult due to randomness to find one that has got 24 slots AND the bonus modifiers you want. I also reckon that there will be random bonus modifiers so that is going to be a gamble on top of it all. It virtually screams for mods, though :anigrin:

All in all, your stories about your experiences have changed in a way that it now sounds like a normal game, just as you said, almost like back in the day when we all jumped straight into it. I'm enjoying your stories and pics and everything you've got to report. It is very interesting. I am inclined to give it a shot in the near future :)


Quite a difference between Multitool classes. I wish there was some way you could add slots to it, like you can do with your suit. Then you could have gotten the 23-slot "A" number and bought/added a slot later.

Last time I played I came across a 24-slot Multitool but it was prohibitively expensive for me at the time. I can't remember what class it was.

There does seem to be many more upgrades for the Mutiltool than there are slots for them all, so you have to be more picky about which ones you choose. I never used the Boltcaster ones in my previous game. I found I could get by just fine with the laser and grenades. I don't know whether that would still be the case now, but if so, I wouldn't bother with the Boltcaster gear. Back in the old game, with a fully upgraded grenade launcher, one or two 'nades were enough to blow open the locked doors to those manufacturing plants, which was much quicker then trying to pump it full of Boltcaster shots while getting clobbered by Sentinels. Then I could run in and do the business before the Sentinels could draw a bead on me.

One note about that 24-slot Mutlitool I found - it was at an Outpost (with a landing pad) and I found it shortly before I quit the game for the night. When I loaded the game the next day, the Multitool on offer had changed into a different one, with only 9 slots or so. So it appears they are randomly generated between game sessions. Something to be aware of I guess. This is just speculation, but that session-specific randomness may apply to salvageable shipwrecks too. So if you come across a crashed ship or a Multitool that takes your fancy, try to get it during your current gaming session while it's on offer, or it may change into something different next go-around  (I definitely know it will change if it's a Mutlitool :gnehe:)


Yeah, I didn't think of save scumming to get a different tool, next time I'll try that. But yes, getting the number of slots (well, maximum, right?) with a decent class is going to be a chore. I don't know if I want to go the save editor route yet, we shall see.

There are a bunch of new weapons to add and since there's only really one option, you have your choice. Though I'm not sure you can swap out the mining laser, and since you also have the terrain manipulator, which is the second choice when swapping weapons, does it w0#k like in the ship where you can have multiple types, and just cycle through them? There is one called a javelin, and I haven't even tried it yet, as I'd have to dismantle a bunch of the laser upgrades to make room for it. So do you have a bunch of lower powered weapons, or one really powerful one? Since the fully upgraded mining laser does pretty good, I don't see the point in experimenting yet. Now, if you could have two tools, and make one for combat and one for mining, that would be cool.

So get ready for a screenshot dump. I went on the portal mission, mostly by accident, and figured I might as well finish it. So, after looking on reddit for the technique, you build a device that will find things for you. These used to be something you'd find in the world and pick what you want to find, drop pod, signal, crashed ship, etc, but now you can build them, I knew this because I had one built at my base but pretty much forgot about it. So I built one and told it to find a monolith. You can find these at random as well, but it's easier to get a location first.

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You activate it and one of the options is to find a portal. You need an object matching the dominant race in that system in order to do that. So for the Gek, you need a Gek relic, for the Vy'keen you need the dagger, and I don't know what the Korvax one is, probably the casing or convergence cube. So I'm keeping these items on me now instead of selling them. Once you find the portal you now have to activate it. Bring along a lot of Heridium, Iron, Plutonium, Zinc, etc, as you need to repair each of the symbols on the dialing device (anyone think this is a lot like Stargate? well, it is lol)

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You then have the option to activate the portal or get the address of the world you're on. This is the address of the world in my starter system, once you find a portal in the game, you can use this address to go there. I would imagine all you see that I was there is that I discovered the place and gave it a name.

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You can then activate the portal, and you do that by using the glyphs you've found at graves, which I posted about a little while ago. I only have three glyphs so far, so I can't dial a specific address, so I just put in the ones I have at random, and it will either connect to something out of luck or say that the address is invalid and it will connect to the nearest planet it can. It does the exact same animation as the Stargate does on the TV show and looks like this:

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So for the Artemis quest, you go to various places and get information on how a portal works, and it dials some random address but doesn't give you the glyphs, but does a little explanation on how the process works. You go through the portal and end up ..... somewhere, and for me it looked like this

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I wasn't there long, not sure what those mechanical things are, but I was teleported to an Atlas station and talked to the black hole thing there and it sent me back, not to where I was, nope, to another system. Then I had to hike from the portal to my ship, which was broken, launch thruster was offline, and it needed iron to be fixed, good thing it was parked right next to that cave with all those hexagonal columns which are iron.

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So it wasn't too big a deal to fix the ship and get going. I'm now in a new system looking around. I could have, of course, gone right back to my base from the station in the system, but why not scan some dinos and get some money for it?

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This guy was friendly, thank God

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Same with these guys. These are all on different planets in the same system.

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Found a crashed freighter and flew through part of the wreckage

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Remember I said the one vehicle you can make seemed pretty pointless? Well, I found out from the wiki that it's amphibious, goes across the water just fine. Makes finding the kelp plants you need to make rubber which you need to make other things much easier

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Beats swimming around lol. Here are the plants needed, you can mine them with the laser on the Nomad, but if there's a lot in one place it's easier to hop out quick and use the mining tool on them, as it's a bit awkward to aim the laser on the Nomad down into the water.

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Of course they look different on different planets. The shadow on the water in the upper right is where the Nomad is parked.

Flying through canyons again.

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Leaving as fast as possible

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and a parting shot of a powered portal.

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I'll explore this system a bit more, then head back, drop some stuff off at the base, then try to find the last system in my original path.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Not another dump, but a few pics and a video.

I still have to go on the next segment of the Artemis quest, after getting through the portal, I had to go to another hologram transmitter only now there's a new guy there who I didn't get a screenshot of, just video, maybe I'll take a screengrab of him. But anyway, I now have to build a new gadget to get in contact with Artemis who's apparently dead, but that's not stopping us, so who knows.

Back at the base, I finally have enough material to build the landing pad I've always wanted.

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I soon found out that without a place to land, the trader ships would circle the base endlessly making a horrible noise. So I built another landing pad, after extending the farm tower another level.

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Yes the landing pad is hovering unsupported over the Nomad parking spot. But in no time I had my first trader.

After that, I did some more exploring, and went to get more kelp pods to make rubber to make more landing pads and dipped into the water only to see this guy.

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I ended up shooting him to get the kelp I wanted. Then I stumbled on this guy, had to take a video so you could see how he gets around. I laughed.

This planet is actually pretty nice, except the sentinel rating is "frenzied" because of the gravitino balls that grow here. So you can't do anything without getting attacked every 2 minutes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

ah yes, those gravitino balls.. I remember digging up a few of those in my old game and how the sentinels would overreact to anything and everything around there. :anigrin:

Funny video :)


Yep, even not digging up gravitino balls will get you attacked on this planet. Just walking around, they come up, scan you, then start firing, no questions asked. Jerks.

Thing is, with the farming stuff, you can grow gravitino balls now, so no need to go looking for them.

I didn't play last night, so no pictures today.  :(
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

no worries :) stories can be told without posting pictures.


Yeah, there's not always things that are picture worthy.

I traveled back to the third system I went to way back when, it was hard to find as it had disappeared from my list of discoveries. I went to the second system and then scrolled around the star map a bit, then went back to the list and it appeared again. So after a bit more star map searching, I found the system and went there. Not much exciting going on, the usual, and if you look up the old thread, a lot of the same pictures I posted back then are still relevant, including the elephants who can fly on tiny butterfly wings. Brought back memories, lol.

So aside from that, not much happened, I'll finish exploring this system, which had a planet added from the last time I was there, then I'll head home and start a serious try at farming the stuff I need to make circuit boards. I want to buy a freighter, and as I warped into the third system, there was a space battle going on which I took part in and it was for another of those giant freighters like the one I posted about before, only this one was a different color.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on October 25, 2017, 10:30:27 AMhard to find as it had disappeared from my list

That's something that I really, really don't like. Stuff that gets "lost" and you're the one to find w0#k-arounds for that kind of sloppy programming. :angry-new:

Apart from that, sounds good.. I think I'd too like to have a big beautiful ship. :)


I'm not sure if it was sloppy programming or a result of the universe reset that changed all the planets, but I found it again. It may also be that I had to stop there on the way out as my warp drive wasn't fully upgraded then and I had to hop systems to get to where I needed to go, but now I have the high level drive, I can skip right from the first system to the one my base is in. That took three or four jumps back then. But anyway, I found it and re-claimed everything just to be sure.

Did some farming last night, at least for the start. To make circuit boards, you have to grow four plants, then combine the two pairs of resources you get off the plants into sub-components that you then combine into the circuit board. Of those four plants, two grow fairly quickly, the other two take and hour or two to grow, and I think that's real time, so yeah, there's some waiting involved.

I think I'm going to find planets that grow those resources naturally, and go there with the dune buggy and have fun riding around collecting the stuff instead of waiting for it to grow, at least at the beginning.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Did some farming last night and went on an excursion to a Korvax system to get some of the materials needed since they grow there natively. I also don't have much reputation with the Korvax so I figured I'd land and drive around, finding the plants I need and getting some credit built up with them.

Landed at the station and after reading on Reddit that taking on missions from the quest guy at stations is a good way to make money, I looked him up to see what was available.

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You can see in the list there's one for 269,000 space bucks. I can't take that one yet as I don't have the standing needed with the guild that is offering it. So I took the lower value one which was a fetch and deliver mission where you have to collect some materials, if you don't already have it, and deliver it to a certain trading post. No big there, just some back and forth in the ship to go there, deliver, then return for the reward. So I did that one and another worth a little bit more.

I also talked to the people at the station just to see what locations they could provide and followed one to a factory (the ones you have to break into by blowing the door open) and found a blueprint for a stasis device, which are extremely valuable.

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Yep, 18 million a pop. I don't have the blueprints to make the two components needed though, so I have to find those, but the Iridesite I do know how to make and it takes a lot of ingredients and sub-crafting. So, the stasis device is the go-to thing to make tons of money, but requires a lot of resources that don't always appear commonly. On Reddit, people post about searching for a system that has all the required elements and just traveling between the planets to collect everything they need. I won't be doing that, I don't think.

I also landed at a few drop pods and upgraded the cargo slots on my suit. I now have 21, so that means the suit can fit at least 25 when the row completes. Not sure how many you can get, I suppose I could look on the wiki, but I'll find out. The price has leveled off at 600,000 space bucks each, so I have to make a couple circuit boards to pay for all that storage.

So, on one of my trips back to the station, using the pulse drive, I thought, "I wonder if I can take a screenshot during a pulse jump?"

Yes, you can:

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Someone posted this video on Reddit. Thought it was a good showcase for the vehicles, in this case the Nomad, in a multiplayer race. The other players are the glowing orbs. It's 6 minutes, but the first minute or two will show you want the vehicle can do.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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