No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Some of it could be, not really sure. I just thought it was pretty cool the way they did it.

Anyway, today was base moving day. After a bit of fiddling around (more like an hour's worth) because I didn't entirely understand how the new base transferred items from the old base, and I kept re-loading my old save because I didn't want to lose all that stuff, I got it figured out. What I wasn't understanding was what happens to the contents of the large storage cubes, and after asking on Reddit and looking around a couple other posts there, I was assured that you can disassemble the storage cube and when you build a new one at the new base, all the contents will be retained. And so it is, as I found out. So I disassembled the old base and carved a parting message in the ground for anyone who stops by in the future (though I don't think other players see your terrain modifications)

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Got the new base started, my vehicles and storage settled and created a few modules. I'm using bio-domes now instead of farming stations. A bio-dome can grow 16 plants, if you don't create a door in the side, so I built it on top of a room with a ladder up the middle. This allows all the planting stations to be occupied. I have the first set of plants growing in the dome, and the row of five plants just outside are the plants that can grow natively on this planet, so I don't need to plant them inside. I'll have a field of these eventually.

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The bio-domes are a bit expensive to build, but I can grow the crystal needed for the glass, I just then need to gather iron (everywhere) and the aquatic plants needed for the rest can be found on ocean planets.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Did some more farming last night, planted more crops and made 4 circuit boards that I sold for over 5 million. The station in one of the other systems gives a better price and so I go there and then to one of the planets there where I have a grave marked to pick up another rune that can be used in the portal to access other systems. I wish I had marked the other 3 or 4 graves I'd been to, I could visit them all and have most of the runes (sorry, glyphs) by now. So, if anyone ever gets back to playing, be sure to drop a marker next to any graves you find, it's a lot easier to go back to an old one than to find a new one.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


More farming and resource gathering. Sold three more circuit boards, just over 30 million now. Still a ways to go to get that 300 million freighter I want.

Anyway, after I switched my multi-tool a while ago, I never finished upgrading it. Since there's a few new things to have attached to it (they really need to increase the number of slots on tools) there's not the room to add everything back that I used to have. So I put on as much as I could and had to head off to a planet where I could find Radnox, to make the final upgrade, and it just so happens I knew where one was because I posted a picture from there a while ago. The one with the weird floating jellyfish things. Anyway, they are a source of Radnox, so I visited the place and after de-orbiting, flew low over the terrain because it's fun to do. Snapped this pic just cresting over a hill.

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Gathered the resources needed to add another bio-dome to the base, so now I can start to ramp up production. If you look closely in the dome on the left, you can see the plants growing in there, they are in a ring around the outside edge, and the center of the dome is open where the ladder leads up from the room below.

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sounds like you're having a great time in the game, D_B  O0

If it weren't so cartoonish, I'd probably give it a go.

Art Blade


The game is a lot more engaging now at least, and having the goal of getting enough money to buy a freighter gives you something to w0#k towards. Speaking of, I went on an excursion to get more supplies to fill the farm plots in my new bio-dome and went on a buggy trek across a planet in a neighboring system. Of course, I can't just look around for the stuff I need, I have to bag a couple waypoints while I'm at it, as you get money for turning those in, too. So, I saw a waypoint on the horizon, headed towards it to find that it was on a pedestal of land sticking up out of the floor of a crater. The buggy can climb vertical walls if you aim just right and use the rocket boost at the right time, so I blasted up the wall and over the edge to land just so on the beacon.

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After collecting what I needed and spending a lot more time just zooming around in the buggy (it really is the saving grace of the game, without it, doing any exploration is a real drag, probably why the game lost it's shine back at release) and finally went back to the base and made 5 million more in circuit boards. Half way there to a cheap freighter, which are about 80 million, and still a long way to go to get the one I want.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Last night I only did some AFK while I was busy elsewhere, so that my plants could grow. Figured I'd show some pics of inside the bio-dome where I found a sentinel had spawned inside and was slowly circling around as it couldn't get out. But you can see the plants growing in the hydro ring around the outside edge. The advantage of the bio-dome is that it doesn't need to be refreshed with power like the normal planters do.

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I still need just a bit more supplies to make a third bio-dome then I need to collect the plants to grow there, then I can really ramp up production.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I hope that sentinel doesn't start to shoot you when you start to harvest in that bio-dome.. :gnehe:


Stupid Sentinel. That's like having a fly in your bedroom when you're trying to sleep - like I did the other night :banghead: And do you think I could find the little pest when I got up and put the light on?

Nice pics and stories, D_B. Hey, now that I have a decent rig, I might give it yet another go. I'm sure my old GPU had a lot to do with the lousy frame rate I was getting, which was what largely turned me off the game (even though I could get other games to run okay on it).

Not just yet though, I want to play around with FO4 some more first.


That would be great, Fragger, it would be cool to trade portal addresses and drop in on each other sometime!

I've been giving the farming a break for a while, and went back on the atlas path to get the upgraded pass to open all the doors in the various places. I know what you get isn't really special, but anything I can sell to make more money is fine with me. So I went exploring and traveled to a couple new systems. Looking around one of the moons in the first one, I found it has vortex cubes scattered around. They are worth some money, not a huge amount, but enough to make it worthwhile picking them up. I think I had 25 or so after a half hour of exploring, which was worth half a million space bucks.

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On another planet, came across these strange creatures, they look like an inflated rubber glove with eyes drawn on each finger as they hop around. Pretty strange.

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I've been on an exploration kick for a bit, trying to get the Atlas pass upgrades, but the Gek dude never gives me the option, so on I go. After a string of mostly desolate and barren planets, I finally hit a lush one with plenty of creatures. So here's some pics.

This guy isn't flying, though you think he might be related to those cows with tiny wings that can fly. Nope, this guy is swimming, as in, an aquatic creature. Yep.

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The reason I found these guys was the building I had marked as a waypoint was underwater also.

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Way back before the game was released some of the preview video showed huge dinosaur creatures that the community nicknamed "diplos" after, I presume, the dinosaur of a similar name, diplodicaus or something like that. Anyway, I found some, though they are a bit smaller in stature.

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This guy, though, is not a diplo, but he is dinosaur sized.

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More flying worm-snake things

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With the ship for scale:

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Luckily this nightmare fuel is friendly

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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