No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Art Blade

Started anew.

This time Creative Mode, enough of this normal mode nonsense :anigrin: I know achievements are disabled but those that I still haven't got are those that I wouldn't have tried to get, anyway, and most of the rest is already in my pocket. O0

Art Blade


The game isn't acting up on me any more. Plus, creative mode apparently gives me an inhabitable base every time I scan for it, on the planet/moon I'm on. Those planets and the moon were "normal" even though I ran into a predator right from the start. I went off to a different planet and that was better already. Now the moon doesn't have any animals AND I can set up my base here :) Stuff doesn't cost anything. Nice :) Already got my Yellow Fellow II freighter and my red Fire Fighter II (sticking with compact and tight, for better fights.. not the looks)

Creative also rids me of those stupid missions. It's free roam right from the start. O0

Art Blade

On a separate note,

freighters can store SIX not nine ships.


Sounds like the game was penalizing you for being away from it for so long :huh-new:

In answer to your earlier question, no, I don't have any saved games. Any that were on my old PC are gone now, and I used to play offline so if there are any saves at Steam, there really wouldn't be much point in retrieving them as I wasn't very far into the game when I switched to offline mode.

At the moment, I can't rip myself away from FO4 anyway :gnehe:

Art Blade

Art Blade

Something I want to get off my chest quickly before going to bed

I've been playing this game more or less from day one using my controller almost exclusively. I'm confident and proficient with it when flying space craft, fighting and defeating pirates (with proper weapons and ship) is actually fun now (it's just game mechanics.. you can't turn your head and follow with your ship because head movement must have been limited a lot during recent updates but hey.. still OK for casual gaming) and fighting sentinels and predators is good enough that I don't panic, actually I'm doing quite well. And menus are just made for controllers. In other words, I know how to handle this game using my controller.

Now, having started my first moon base, I experimented with three land-based vehicles.

It is a horror-show with the controller. Because, for reasons that are beyond comprehension, HG changed EVERY control for that type of vehicle. For instance, the "gas pedal" is now used for firing a weapon, what was up and down in a space ship is now the gas/brake, steering works now with what used to be looking around and it's 3rd person. :banghead:

WHAT THE HELL is wrong with those idiots! :angry-new:

It's a lot easier with mouse and keyboard. But damn, I need to learn how to operate those vehicles either way rather than intuitively getting in and on with them. Bloody hell, I'm faster with my ship and on foot than using those stupid land vehicles. :angry-new:


Wow, that's too bad about the controls in land vehicles, I had no trouble getting in a driving away as I always used mouse & keyboard. The only thing I don't like about them, and it's not too bad, is that you can't steer independently of where you're looking. In other words, if you look left, you steer left. I like to be able to look to the side and still go straight ahead in the same direction I was going.

Is there any provision for changing the controls when using a controller? I never bothered to look. I don't think the config file I edited to make my keyboard controls w0#k has anything to do with the controller config.

I do hope you get it working to where it satisfies you, I still think the dune buggy is the best thing they have in game for traveling on the surface. Now we just need to be able to customize them like the ships and weapons, right?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that would be cool but no, of course not, you can't change the controller the way you can with mouse and keyboard. They only allow you to change those keys that are already assigned but you can't use empty slots. When I tried, I was able to use the one button (A) that already existed for I think it was jump, and assigned it to fire which was the right trigger button. The result was that I had (A) assigned to both jump and fire at the same time and the trigger wasn't assigned. :banghead: When I tried to assign the trigger to forward (gas), which wasn't assigned, it wouldn't let me. :banghead: Plug in your controller to see what does what.. it's batshit crazy. Also, the camera that is looking AND steering at the same time, sometimes goes down under the vehicle and into the ground.. it is just useless. Mouse and keyboard are a lot better, indeed. And yes, like you, I like to be able to go ahead while looking elsewhere.

As to no silly missions.. they came later. I strictly refused to talk to that clown Artemis, kept radio silence, yet the mission is in my log, still. :banghead: I want to build a base, got the free of cost gimmick of the creative mode, yet oh, the game decides to put me on a base building mission that includes finding materials THAT I DON'T NEED. And I can't skip the mission, either. And it bugged out when I needed the guy for the weapons tech, it told me to find an armourer yet it didn't show me where. By chance it was in the galaxy map. How about "open the galaxy map" but no, they don't tell you. It was possible to find a Gek and a Korvax in the space station, why wouldn't it be possible to find a Vy'keen armourer there? There were other Vy'keens in the station but not an armourer. :banghead: And all of those guys keep sending me on their own missions. Now I've got more missions than ever to deal with! :banghead:


Sounds like you're having a good time of it, lol!

They should really get it sorted with the missions when it's obvious you're in creative mode.

I'm back at base after a bit of exploring, getting more farming set up and crafting more circuit boards. I also used some extra materials to put in glass windows so I can see out while walking around. Making glass uses the same material as used in part of the circuit boards, so I don't have a lot left over, but when I have enough, I put another window in.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Yep, good time.. it was probably as rewarding as flu. :anigrin:

I used a lot of glass already as it doesn't matter what I use. And it's cool to look at the landing pad and other stuff outside. I even slapped down an observation something. I can go in there and look out in all directions.


Wow, there's a lot of head-butting going on back there, Art :gnehe: Understandable though.

Art Blade


Controls that can't be changed are a pet peeve with me, which is why I go to such great lengths sometimes to change them. I'll have to poke around the files I used to change stuff, see if there's anything relating to controllers.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

as long as it doesn't completely screw up the rest:  :thumbsup: ;)


It shouldn't, at least I figured out how to get the keyboard working the way I want, the only thing that's messed up is the on screen prompts for the various controls that I changed, they no long show up, so I just have to remember them. But since now I have them all the same across all the modes (play, build, quick menu) I don't need to remember too much.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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