No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Art Blade


Here's an interesting article on NMS multiplayer. I guess doing any fighting in ships is out of the question, there's a bug that does more damage to your own ship than anything else when you fire weapons. But the person writing the article was feeling really guilty about his actions. I don't think too many players are going the piracy route, it's too unpredictable.

Be sure the watch the YT video linked at the end where he steals their save point then immediately apologizes in chat.

I did a little base building and some leg w0#k on some quests I've had hanging around. Well, when I say base building, I mean I added a landing pad:

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Here's a more zoomed out shot so you can get an idea of the location. It's on a hemisphere of floating rock suspended above a vibrant blue ocean:

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Thing is, when you use the teleporter, which I have inside, your ship follows you, so you aren't stranded when you get there, but when you go back, it doesn't land on an available landing pad, nope, it plops down right in front of the door to the base. Would be nice if you could set it to land on the pad.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe, nice parking space there. Actually parking space seems to be almost too literal.. :anigrin:

They've been pushing out patches almost every day now. Today another 60MB patch.. the game needs it. Always has, by the way..


They are fixing stuff and tweaking some things like the growth of crops. I'm too busy with GTA and Farcry 5 to really do much in NMS right now. Maybe after a few more weeks, I'll get back into it, at least for more than an hour or so here and there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


So I finally find a place to restore my old base from my previous save. This planet is awesome, first off, it's ringed, so the ring arc is in the sky all the time:

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The sentinels are relaxed so it takes a lot to piss them off. There's mostly harmless animals, they also take a lot before they get mad and usually don't even then. There's rocks around where you can directly mine pure ferrite, an important building material that you normally have to mine ferrite dust first and refine it. The weather so far is calm, no storms and the temperature has so far been moderate.

So, I find a place where I can reclaim my old base and activate the recall:

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And it appears in a flash:

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There's just one issue, when it recalled the base, it didn't "mow the lawn" so to speak and the grass is growing inside:

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So, the way to fix that, I found, was to place foundations under all the domes or to pick up and replace the base parts, so I spend an hour doing that. But, the base computer, the thing in the middle of the last picture, can't be moved, and you can't place anything around or under it, so that room will always have grass in it I guess. I accidentally removed the dome from around it and couldn't place it back down again, and had to reload my last save from an hour before and lose all my progress. Once I get it back to that point, I'll try removing the land underneath that dome to get rid of the grass. But there are a lot of complaints about not being able to move the computer, it is kind of annoying, if you don't place it exactly where you want it the first time, you're screwed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice planet, never mind that old base. :anigrin:

But seriously, what the heck.. can't they implement a "flat terrain without plants" mode when moving base, like literally moving base?


That planet looks almost terrestrial - except for the rings in the sky, of course. Which look fantastic 8)

Man, I hate it when I have to mow the carpet :gnehe:


Yeah a bit of an oversight, people have been asking for both, ways to remove grass and ways to put it back, because once you edit terrain in any way, the grass goes away and never comes back. With a few tries and reloads of the save game, I got it looking pretty good, no grass inside and fairly decent outside. There's just a little bump next to one of the domes where I drilled underground to remove the terrain so the grass would go away inside, then built it back up again so there wasn't a hole under the base. So it turned out pretty decent.

I did a bunch of running around with the buggy looking at the local landscape and there's a trading post type thing nearby where I can buy some of the more rare or hard to make items to create upgrades. So that is handy. Strange thing though, one of the guys in there gave me a mission to go hunt down a pirate, so I did that, and the quest marker to hand in the quest moved to a completely different planet, so I went there, found a completely different guy, turned in the quest and then went back to the other guy and he was ready to give me another quest, so go figure.

Oh yeah, I made a mistake, the planet my base is on doesn't have rings, it's a moon of a much larger planet that does have rings, but it's so close, the rings show all the time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

the best places I've come across were always moons.


Finally got my ship's hyperdrive upgraded to the point I can go a decent distance now, and made it back to the system I left my freighter in. Once I got on board, a ship landed that I had to buy, an "A" class explorer with TIE fighter wings.

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So I took it out for a spin, and grabbed a shot of it outside my freighter. I was so glad the freighter didn't change configuration with the new updates like my old cargo ship did:

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So, I went out exploring the planets of the system. I had already explored them but the NEXT update reset everything including planets. Just like the previous update. Anyway, the planets are all changed and most of them lost the names I gave them which is kind of a bummer, though I'm still credited with discovering them. I landed at a trading post and this guy came along:

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An "S" class, top of the line fighter ship. I couldn't pass it up, and it only cost two million, and I have plenty of money. This thing is fast and maneuverable, compared to my old hauler, which is essentially a flying brick, it's a feather on the wind. (Two sc-fi TV show/movie references there). Now I just need to figure out how to get both the fighter and the the explorer back to the freighter and then get the whole thing back to the new home system where my base is.

Funny thing, I helped another freighter with a space battle and was offered the ship to buy, and it cost something like 50 million, and was almost the same as my current freighter which cost me over 200 million. And when I priced an "A" class hauler, it cost something like 47 million, so a single seat hauler costs nearly as much as an entire freighter?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

only reading about all those resets and changing stuff you owned and the crazy price tags makes me roll my eyes back into my skull, damn those devs.


Well, freighters, at least the one I looked at, are much cheaper, by a factor of 4, so that's a thing. But high-end ships in A or S class are pretty expensive. And it seems there's a premium on storage space, the more slots, the more expensive, no matter what class it is.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


They now have "Community Events" which are kind of like the random missions in GTAV, where you have to go find something, etc...

Only there's no competition between players, all you see of other players is a floating orb with their name, and the messages they leave behind. I took a video of starting the mission by going through the portal, first time I've done that, and finding the facility that holds the information I need to bring back to the anomaly for the reward.

The reward in this case is the new currency, quicksilver, which is used to buy new decorations and gestures and other stuff that's trivial to the game and can be ignored if you aren't into that.

A bit of a warning on the video, I hit a bug in the sound system as soon as I went through and it freaked out with an ear-piercing noise, so turn it down before playing. I tried a few things in game to make it stop then had to quit and restart. I stopped the recording after about 10 minutes because after that was a bunch of running around gathering stuff to get the facility working again to get the data, and I didn't want to have to edit a bunch of video, probably should have live streamed it.

Anyway, here it is, and remember to turn the volume down.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

tinnitus-inducing sound, much rather turn sound off until reload. :anigrin:

The worst thing wasn't the sound but the low-life messages left there by other players, like the one regarding 9/11. WHAT THE F!


Yeah I should have reported that message as inappropriate, maybe I'll go back and do just that. Since I made a small base at the portal to be able to use it again:

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Now I can land there or use the teleport system to get there fast from any other base or space station.

The community event is still going on, any sentinels you kill give you more quicksilver to spend on trinkets. Plus I'm going to need the brain of a walker unit to build something, I forget what exactly, but you need to destroy one of those to get it. That's the sentinel that looks like an AT-ST from Star Wars, the two-legged mechanical walker tanks. Thing is, the sentinels are so relaxed on this planet, it takes a bit to get them to the point where a walker is summoned, and the last two times I did it, it never showed up even though I got the warning for it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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