No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Well, over 5,000, and I'm stopping here. In a slot that used to hold 250. Maybe that programmer DID screw up...

So what now is the point of having a Cargo area in your Exosuit with high capacity cargo slots if you can put over 5,000 of something into any ordinary suit slot? Hmm.


Just had a quick squiz online and it's not a glitch, the last update did indeed bump the basic limit of slots from 250 (Exosuit) to 10,000. I don't know if that limit is doubled for Cargo and Starship slots, I didn't pursue the matter that far. With that kind of slot capacity, I didn't think I needed to...

Art Blade

I imagine if you filled your pockets reasonably well, they'd bulge out you'd look like a pregnant elephant and you couldn't possibly walk anymore anywhere at or above 1G. So those pockets need compressors (without damaging the stuff in them) hehe, magic :) Imagine at zero G, you fill your pockets, then land some place with normal gravity, and realise you just broke through the floor board of your ship, and get crushed under the weight of your own pockets :gnehe:


Yeah, the backpack or whatever you pack all your stuff into must be the size of a shipping container. Maybe it uses the same technology as Dr. Who's phone booth :huh-new:

The new slot limit is a dramatic increase, but when I first fired the game up after the update a once-only message from Hello appeared to the effect that the changes to gameplay that had been made (including, I presume, the slot capacity) were in response to popular demand from the playing community. I'm fine with it regardless, I'm finding it to be a very welcome addition.

I'm wondering if the change was made to cope with the greatly increased number and types of items you can now carry around with you. Maybe all the extras were beginning to test the original maximum suit/ship slot limit. Whatever the reason, I'm loving that I can dedicate a single slot to a paticular mineral now without worrying about spillover into additional slots - unless I mine over 10,000 of something.

Here's one change that has made me a very happy little space jockey - the asteroids have at last been corralled. Now, not only do they look like proper asteroids, but they are restricted to fields, not strewn throughout space. One of my long-standing gripes with NMS was the ludicrous density of drifting rocks in space and how they didn't even look like asteroids. Now they look as they should and they are contained to fields, with plenty of empty space in between. It's a tremendous improvement.

The new-look Space Station.

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Space Station docking areas are now flanked by two spacious elevated concourses like this, with every type of vendor and "consultant"-type service you need and a good number of idle aliens hanging around for you to interact with. No more of this "single corridor with pokey little room at the end containing three glued-to-the-spot aliens and that's it" nonsense. NOW the space stations look the part, I like it. And finally, idle aliens at the stations and elsewhere will traipse about and do things instead of never leaving their spots. They still spend good dollops of time standing in one place pecking away at their devices (who doesn't) but then they might decide to mosey over to a new location and resume pecking there. Or one might approach another and initiate a (silent) conversation, or yet another might wander over to a seat and sit down. They also have much improved gestures and movements and are far more animated. Quaint stuff maybe, but this is NMS and thus it represents a quantum-leap of NPC behaviour.

Cockpits appear to have had major facelifts too, at least since I last sat in one.
Now THIS is more like a proper office!

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Yeah, I flew right through the rings, it was cool!
They're actually a long, long way off from here - I had to use Pulse drive
to reach them in a reasonable time.

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A couple of other snaps.

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And yay, I'm finally in a system with barely any pirate activity in it (its Conflict Rating is "Trivial". Yeah, systems have Conflict Ratings now - so much for my wished-for life as a Space Quaker). I've had one weak attack which was easily fended off, but for the most part I can buzz around with some ease here.

I'm actually enjoying this escapade at present. Wonder how long it will last this time...

Art Blade

There has always been a "rating" or better, several ratings, for systems regarding population, economy and how dangerous they are. The rating in the galaxy map is colour-based, like red is dangerous or highly populated and stuff like that. Maybe you haven't tried it but in the galaxy map you can toggle between those ratings. I don't remember the details but I do remember that I carefully chose where to go to, hoping to avoid too much pirate activity.

Asteroids looked mostly like oversized potatoes hehe, good if they changed that. :bigsmile: Also the density of asteroid fields.. I purposely chose to fly around in fighters with truncated wings and especially no oversized tail fin so I wouldn't constantly hit random asteroids when trying to escape or mine them. The worst was coming out of some hyperdrive flight and ending up in front of an asteroid, surrounded by a densely-packed asteroid field. Good if that changed, too :)

The cockpit looks better now indeed.. I don't think I've ever seen any steering devices in them :anigrin:


I think I found a magic crystal :gnehe:

There's planet in the system I'm currently on that has big crystal growths sticking up out of bodies of water which, when mined, yield Chlorine. Chlorine is pretty valuable on the Galactic Market so I thought I'd start mining these crystals to make some dough. Each crystal yields about 60-100 Chlorine before the mining laser disintegrates it.

Prob was that the Sentinels are pretty alert around here and if I mine too much they come and investigate, so I have to either wait for them to go away, or I can try another spot.

Well, I found an inexhaustible crystal. So far I've mined 5,000 Chlorine out of one single pillar and it never disintegrates - and no Sentinels ever show up. So I'm going to stay here, fill up my slots with Chlorine from the magic crystal and sell it for a packet.

Later I'm going to see if I can replicate this elsewhere. I'm wondering if the distance from the Mining Laser is the cause. Like maybe the crystal is just at the very edge of the Mining Laser's range, and two different parts of the program are arguing over whether the crystal is being hit by the laser or not. One part says it is and awards the minerals, another part says it isn't and thus isn't recording any damage to the crystal.

Whatever's going on with it, I'm definitely taking advantage 8)

Art Blade

I wouldn't call it "magic" but "bugged like hell." :gnehe: Still, nice one, I hope you'll make a lot of money with that stuff. Please do yourself a favour and check where you can sell it for the highest profit, not just any random dumping price galactic gangster :anigrin:


Nice to see you're enjoying the game again fragger, it definitely has had some major overhauls lately. Yeah, 10,000 is the capacity of inventory slots now, so that helps, I carry around a lot of random stuff and it's nice that I can haul a huge amount of it now. My main suit inventory is almost entirely occupied by suit upgrades, protection modules, air tanks, etc. so it's nice to have a complete cargo area to store the stuff that you need to actually play the game. Stuff like materials to build the geobays to summon your vehicles, stuff to trade with and of course, stuff to recharge all those suit upgrades taking up your main inventory, lol.

I take it you haven't visited the Nexus yet and seen how Nada and Polo have upgraded their digs from the old one room with a weapon trade station in it to a giant structure that can hold 32 players, several merchants, teleporter, trade stations, suit upgrade station, etc. If you hang around long enough, some kind soul will probably hand you some fusion ignitors or activated indium worth 10 or 15 million money units. Someone might even join you on a mission, though I've had hit and miss luck with that. Usually I'm doing them alone. There are new things to buy with the quicksilver you get from the community missions, like things to decorate your base with and new suit options.

Speaking of money units, I recently topped one billion. I was going to take a video of it flipping over, but didn't think I was that close yet when I sold some storm crystals and it added a digit. It now scrolls back and forth as the extra digit makes it too long to fit the spot in the UI lol.

There's also automatic mining and resource storage now, though I haven't done anything with that yet. That's how people are making their billions, finding a planet to mine activated indium on, setting up a huge mining operation and letting it sit for a few hours. This gives them enough to give away at the Nexus as once you get a billion units, what do you spend it on? I could buy another fleet of frigates and send them on missions, but I still have about a dozen C class ones that I want to give enough experience on missions to upgrade them before I buy any more. I could buy any freighter I come across, but don't want to lose all the building I've done in the one I have.

I also haven't done much in animal taming beyond what's required in the few Nexus missions I've done. You've been able to feed animals for a while, but now you can feed them the type of food they like, make them tame and then farm them and even ride them around. I plan to go back to my home base and tame a few of the animals there to use to ride around. Just haven't gotten there yet. I end up exploring new systems I go to for the community missions. That's one thing that could be improved, once I scan a planet from space, I know what it's going to be like when I land, there isn't much mystery anymore. Once in a while I'll find one like the kind with the giant caverns but beyond that, it's still pretty much the same as it was at release.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

interesting read there, Dweller, I didn't know a lot of the stuff you mentioned. Cheers :)


Wouldn't you know it, the magic crystal magically disappeared when I was asleep. It was gone when I next fired up the game. Still, I got 6.5 million units' worth of Chlorine out of it before it left.

Thanks for all the info, D_B :thumbsup: I have a long way to go yet before I can dream of fleets of frigates. I found the Nexus last night actually and visited for the first time, it's pretty cool.

I want to try setting up a base on a planet, but haven't found a suitable one yet. They're all too toxic, too barren, too hot, too cold, too stormy, too garish, or have too many predators. I have to find one that ticks all my boxes :gnehe:

Art, regarding being able to see a system's Conflict Rating on the Galactic Map, you first need to have a Conflict Scanner installed on your ship (and for the system's Economy stat, an "Economic Scanner"). I only just managed to get hold of the blueprints for the Conflict Scanner, but I need the brain out of one of those big Sentinel Walkers to manufacture it. Great. But that's why I've been having to take chances on the level of pirate activity in systems.

Incidentally, the latest update (the "Beyond" update) was released on August 14, just a couple of months ago, so for anyone who hasn't played since then, there should be some new stuff for you to check out.

Art Blade

cheers, fragger, I'll give it a shot. And yeah, damn it, I simply didn't think about needing those scanners first :banghead: :D You're absolutely right. :-[ Only shows how unfamiliar I am with this game now :gnehe:

Art Blade

OK, checked. Man, since I gave up on using a controller, getting back into this game is even harder. I couldn't even find the bloody space station ??? While cruising in my fighter looking for that blasted station, of course I got scanned and attacked by pirates. I have no idea how I managed to defeat them but still couldn't find that @#*%& space station. Didn't show on my screen. I saw my base, my freighter and all that but well.. since I set up my station just beneath a trading post (lol) I could at least see some guys there. In my freighter I noticed a pilot standing next to their ship so indeed, that was better than talking to a ship :gnehe: So I checked my exosuit which was loaded with all kinds of *bleep*. Turned out that I could now stack old maximum packs of 500 on top of each other, freeing up cargo slots. I observed my approach from space down to a planet, noticed the transition. I went through an asteroid field which was densely packed and the potatoes now looked a little less than potatoes.

But overall.. I don't know what to do with that game. It doesn't inspire me anymore, not at all.


Yeah Art, some systems don't have stations, it's rare, but happens. Unless this is a system you've been in and it did have a station then, it should still have one. I use the controller to fly much like I use it in GTA to drive, otherwise I use mouse & keyboard while on the ground walking.

Pirates don't concern me anymore, since I have a couple "S" class combat frigates, they take care of any pirate activity that happens. I just ignore their radio calls, and when they  try to attack, the frigate shoots them down. I can still go battle them if I want, but mostly I just wait a couple seconds and go back to jump speed toward whatever planet I was heading towards.

Fragger, if you find a planet with storm crystals on it, hang around until there's a storm, then collect them. they are only available during a storm and will glow with light and shoot out sparks, they will also show up as lightning bolt icons on your scanner. A typical storm will net you 5-10 million if you hustle around collecting them. Once you get a ground vehicle it becomes extremely easy. Then you can probably gather enough to get you 20-30 million in one storm. I gave up farming to make circuit boards like I used to, storm crystals were much more profitable and fun to bomb around in my buggy or motorbike to get them.

There's also salvageable scrap on some planets that can be worth a good amount of money, but it's hit or miss with those. Same goes for burial sites where you find fossils sometimes worth millions but it's also a gamble. There's the ancient ruins where you find crates that sometimes are worth quite a bit too, both on land and underwater.

I still find enough to do in the game, even though some of it is now repetitive, more varied planets would be nice.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

D_B, it's still the same system I joined you once, everything was discovered by you :) When I joined you I had to create a new career on normal difficulty or what that's called since I was only playing in that construction mode or whatever that's called. So I had to start my own base in your system and do some basic tutorial missions to gain access to some tech stuff.

From what you say, mentioning those frigates, it sounds as if you moved around in a freighter but I was flying around in a fighter. My freighter wasn't far though, still those buggers attacked me. Need to erm, acquire, some hard-hitting S-class frigates for protection it seems, as well as stop flying fighters.


I'll keep an eye out for a planet that has those storms D_B, cheers.

There is a motorbike? I knew about the buggy, not about the bike.

I still have plenty to w0#k towards at this point so I'm not short of things to do, but whether my enthusiasm lasts long enough to do it all is another matter :gnehe: I'm having fun with the game for now, though.

🡱 🡳

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