No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Green stars?  I'm not sure one way or another on that but I have heard of "green pea" galaxies.

A Google image search has some interesting pics and artist renditions.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


yeah interesting, never heard of such a thing, pretty cool really.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the info, mandru :thumbsup: I'd never heard of green pea galaxies until I read your post. That is very interesting indeed.


Here we go, another huge update. This one is Endurance, and does a big overhaul on freighters. You can now build many more things on freighters and even go outside (though you still have to be careful you don't fall off). New expedition to go along with the update as well. Notes and video:

The best part? You now no longer have to walk up 10 flights of stairs to get from your freighter landing bay to the bridge, new teleport modules zip you from one to the other. Worst part? For some reason they removed ramped corridors which let you make a ramp up or down to a new level in your freighter, and replaced them with ladders. Not sure why.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


OK time to necropost this thread again, with the Waypoint update video:

New update that also coincides with the release on Nintendo Switch, does an overhaul of the inventory system that some people are really salty about because it nerfs a lot of things and I can understand that. Upside is that storage is no longer an issue, and if you've got the in game money to buy new storage, it can be extremely large now.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



I think there's quite a lot of improvement done, especially with inventory which was getting out of hand. The fact that it nerfed some things is a bit of a bummer, but I was able to get most things back to almost the level I had them before, except for my explorer ship and it's range. A new update coming soon says they are going to re-do how ship stats are counted which should bring that back close to what it was before. So we'll see how that goes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


D_B, do you think maybe Hello might be getting a bit too carried away with the updating? A few times I've toyed with the idea of giving NMS another go, but at this point the game has become such a different animal from what it was at the beginning that I get daunted by the prospect of having to re-learn everything. And at this remove, it would be sure to entail a start from the very beginning, which is not always a very good place to start :gnehe: In my case anyway, not having played the game for (egad) years.

:D @ "necropost"


There has been a lot added for sure, and if you haven't played since early on, then might as well start a new game as it's much better to get everything fresh. One thing they did add was a game customization option, where you can set pretty much every aspect of the game play the way you like it. Don't want to go around collecting everything needed to make base parts or upgrades for the your weapon or ship? Make everything free. Don't like being attacked by sentinels? Make them easier or turn them off completely/ (At least I think you can turn them off, I haven't really looked at all the options). Stuff like that. Used to be that inventory was the big stumbling block as it was limited in so many ways that you had to be ever vigilant of what you had and where it was stored etc, but now it's pretty much unlimited. Well not totally unlimited but so much easier to deal with. And that's where a custom game rule would come in handy, as I spent well over a billion in game money to upgrade my personal and ship storage, which would take quite a while to rack up in normal game play. I haven't started a new game with the new system, I don't know how much you start off with now.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


New "Fractal" update just dropped. New ship & robot, better VR and I presume regular graphics, new expedition, etc.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Looks like a nice upgrade  :thumbsup:


I only just barely had time to start the newest expedition and make a save point before I had to succumb to sleep lol. But it's all about base building so far and the goal is to restore the system as it's been abandoned I guess. So we'll see how the storyline goes for that, as usual, I'll get to the Nexus hub as fast as possible and claim all the better gear I have available there from previous expeditions that make things much easier lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sounds like a plan  O0

I assume you're still playing FC6?  I'm thinking of getting back into the Far Cry series because UBI*bleep* has still not released a Games+ mode for Valhalla.


Yeah Far Cry 6 I play on Saturday's stream, though only the insurgency now, as everything else is done. I just finished Far Cry Primal, got everything 100%, so on to Blood Dragon which I never finished either, so that will take over most of the Saturday stream.

The new expedition for No Man's Sky was a bit short, and really not that varied. You are stuck in the one system until you land on each planet in turn and build a base there and then do a few quests, then on to the next planet to do the same thing. I think they caught onto the way everyone was playing expeditions, which are kind of meant to be a slow progression through the tasks, but a lot of people (me too) would go to the Nexus hub and claim previous expedition loot and ships which are much more powerful and let you progress faster. Since they blocked that in this one, you had to stay with what you find and are started with but it still went pretty quickly.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yesterday I was looking at reports on game maps and No Man's Sky came up as number one in the largest game map ever  :o

I just found out that they are nor planning a Game Plus mode for Valhalla, so I'll likely not play that any more. I just do not have the patience to start a new play through being a complete newbie and having to go through what would now be ridiculous busy w0#k.

I'm enjoying some of the old games now, FC2, JC2 (both modded) and three of the early AC games. I just saw today that the PS5 is finally available at regular retail price so I might get one. There was no way I would purchase one above retail, which is already bad enough. However, the large capacity SSDs, graphics, etc make it at least a potential for me.

An alternative might be a gaming laptop, but I've not done any research yet into which might be the best.

So much gaming potential, and so little time!  :gnehe:

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