No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Art Blade

Ah, regarding missions, it helped to go to the anomaly and that priest Adama or some such, since I've finished the Atlas stuff, I asked for provisions for exploring, activated "explore the universe" in my log and zipped off and away. I hated those every-2-seconds-reminders. Now I can just do what I want, even if that consists of exactly nothing. :anigrin:

Turns out that editing my ships, the max amount of percentage is 1,000. Makes a beast of everything, including multi-tool but most notably the jump range of the freighter.. now at just under 22,000ly. :gnehe:

Art Blade

Something else: the button "upload ALL" located on the left hand side where the planets and systems are, does NOT upload the anything from the right hand side where animals, plants and that stuff is listed. You still need to go through those lists for every planet.  :banghead:


Report that bug to Hello Games :anigrin: Nice to see how NMS evolved from a lackluster game to something that's worth playing now  :bigsmile:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

yes, it's definitely worth playing now. As long as I have a savegame editor. :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

It is still a bit weird, this game.

I fought a space battle and came across a nice if smaller freighter, went in, and traded it for my old one. Mainly to be able to look up the seed for it so I could reproduce it with the editor. However, it was a real situation for any player with enough money and a freighter to trade in. In my "old" freighter, I had parked my exotic ship as well as another fighter and an explorer ship. So when I traded my old freighter for the new one, I was wondering whether or not Halo Games had considered that situation and transferred my ships, miraculously. They hadn't. When I went looking in the old ship, they were still there, however. Stupid design, if I wanted to take one of those, I had to leave my current ship and leave that behind.

Hmm. I decided to just risk it, savegame dropped, and actually, I don't even remember anymore what happened exactly but I do remember that it went pear-shaped. I remember getting forced out of my ship and creating a savegame in my old freighter which wasn't my freighter and at the time I was being turned almost on my head and slapped at the wall. That was my restore point. Not going to happen, really, but without, I wouldn't have had the new freighter.

Funny how the game didn't create a restore point (savegame) when I had landed before buying that new freighter and buying it didn't create one, either. So I alt-tabbed out with the borked savegame, checked the savegame editor and copied the seed of the new freighter, and replaced the savegame with my backup. I edited in the seed, loaded the savegame and.. saw the old freighter with some flickering textures.

Hmm. Jump through a black hole, call in the freighter, and ahh, looks like the new one, so the seed worked after all. Only weird thing, there was another HUGE freighter nearby that looked exactly like my old one. I flew over and landed in it, game kicked me out of my ship, slapped me head-over-heels (lol) at the wall while dropping a savegame. Excellent.  :banghead:

After some playing around I still have that ghost freighter following me but I might get rid of it by warping away from it before jumping.. HG really need to do their homework. ::)

Art Blade

My new freighter, as found in my actual game
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It's smaller but still big. I prefer it because I have an unobstructed path flying in and out of the hangar bay. The old one had those ball-shaped tanks almost in front of the hangar bay, had to dodge every time I went out
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Weird how I can jump over a million light years through a black hole and still only be a few light years closer to the core (last time I checked it was some 700kly, now it's some 615kly distance)
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Sounds like HG have gotten themselves into a bit of a knot with all the updates, if your experience is anything to go by. Those wrinkles really should have been ironed out even before the initial release... But we all know the story there, don't we?

About that black-hole thing, it sounds like yes, it does get you closer to the galactic centre, but not directly. It could even be jumping you clear across the centre to some point on the other side, or at angle to the centre. As I recall, black-hole jumps don't give you any indication of which direction you've just travelled in, unless that's been changed now.

Art Blade

indeed, but it's weird. I can "aim" at the centre, go 20kly in one straight jump yet the distance indicated doesn't change UNLESS you use black holes.  :banghead:

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on December 09, 2017, 05:06:20 PMIt could even be jumping you clear across the centre to some point on the other side

I realised exactly that had happened. I realised because the "you are here" is the yellowish thingy in the top left mini map of the galaxy map, it is North of the centre. Last time I checked with that some 700kly distance, it was to the South.

Still it eludes me how, no matter which, black holes always take you closer to the core, even if they slam-dunk you into a system twice as far from the last position than that was from the centre. Almost as if you had to go to Sydney but using you own car, you would never really get any closer while if you had a driver do it for you who just so happened to be travelling through New York, you would manage. On top, he'd end up closer to Sydney even if blindfolded and not being told where you wanted to go as long as he was able to pass through New York. What kind of logic is that.

Regarding story.. and bugs..

Why is it that the game keeps forgetting that I am done with and finished the Atlas path. Why does it miraculously find "anomalies" when I go through black holes and, despite my decision to explore freely, tell me to enter the anomaly and my log tells me so as well, no more "explore the universe." So when I visit that damn space ball of an anomaly and talk to that walking toaster called Priest Entity Nada, I am given those three choices again. Help you Atlas if you decide to ask to seek the Path to Atlas, it will put you on a mission you can't get rid of, again, and help you the dark force if you decide to ask for a shortcut to the centre as the same will happen. So anything else but requesting resources to aid exploration will screw you over and sideways, properly. Scratch that, you'll end up talking to that Nada muppet anyway because once your nav system produces a space anomaly again.. same story, reset and repeat.  :banghead:

And when I look at my freighter now.. yes, it is the same pink freighter..
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Art Blade

The freighter changing its colour, that seems to be a known glitch, I came across some headlines around that subject when looking up something else. Well done, HG, well done.  :banghead:

Well. Something nice now. Here's the seed for my newly generated exotic ship. Still the Pen and Pencil style.
Golden and orange-ish, looks really cool, the fin is shorter now so it doesn't clip through the ceiling of a hangar bay anymore. Only one jet exhaust but with some type of roof covering it up. Makes it look rather interesting.

exotic 0xD0F54FB10276AFFA
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I came across some exotic ships that landed in my freighter, they were all the Pen and Pencil style (probably triggered by mine) and the prices were between 13m and 17m. They didn't look cooler so I let them go. I also came across some type that looked like a Swiss Army knife with its very long wings folded up pointing up but man, I don't like those extremities because you can't go through those asteroid clouds without picking up everything around you while taking damage and during space battles, basically the same plus you offer a much larger surface to hit. Also, you can't fly by any ships in close proximity without thinking, "Ah s***, I'ma hit it, I'ma f***ing hit it!" which is why I got that second red fighter called Fire Fighter. Compact, tight, and a force you won't be able to tell anyone about when I'm after you. :gnehe:

Fire Fighter, on a peaceful planet.
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Art Blade

Speaking of peaceful planets, I finally wanted to build a base, preferably on one of those but so far, I only found that one planet and all other planets in that system were nightmares which is why I never built one. There once was a planet the atmosphere of which was described as "boiling super-storms"  ??? and it had a "habitable base" or some such there. So I went down and checked it out. And ran away screaming. Not going to build my base in a frying pan surrounded by marauding pirates and chased by starving predators as soon as I set foot outside my base. No thanks and F you all -- and off I went.

When I bought my chameleon freighter, I noticed for the first time a pop-up message where normally the mission reminders pop up, telling me about how a freighter can be used to build one's base in it. WHAT! ??? Alright! :gnehe:

So I've been fiddling around with base-building a little. Now I constantly find myself in need of weird components in order to create some elements for the building. And it is weird when you compare it to building stuff in FO4 settlements which I think is easier (maybe because I got so used to that) so I have quite some stuff to learn and try ahead of me. At least I can carry my base around with me and now "returning to base" when returning to my freighter sounds a lot better. :anigrin:


It sounds as though you took a wrong turn into a bad galactic neighborhood there, Art. Relentless Sentinels, nasty wildlife, hellish climates... Bloody hell ???

I like the decorative gold filigree on Pen and Pencil, on that spherical part, whatever that is. Very stylish O0

When, or if, I am able to tear myself away from the radioactive ruins of Boston, I might give NMS yet another shot. I've got the rig to handle it now. But starting again right from scratch... Oh man.

Art Blade

Art Blade

By the way, I compared the pink with the blue freighter seed, they're identical. :banghead:

So here is my new generated freighter. Short.. but cool. :anigrin: I didn't like that chameleon blue/pink thing. Let's hope this one stays the way it is.

Seed 0x314E5D2FE21C890E

Looks like a temple, the structure above the command centre :anigrin:
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better view across
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landing, unobstructed path.
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