Cooking for the Labor Day weekend

Started by PZ, September 05, 2017, 03:58:51 PM

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We had a couple of friends over for the Labor Day holiday and made wood fired pizza (cherry wood) and a brined chicken in the SRG using GMG fruitwood pellets for smoke. We decided to do it differently this time - make 6-inch mini pizzas to share so each person could have a bite-sized slice while another pizza was cooking. It turned out to be lots of fun with plenty of chit/chat and enjoyment of being outside on the deck. 

We cooked the three pizza types below and then took orders for each person's favorite - everyone wanted to continue the sharing of each of the varieties, so we will do this kind of pizza party in the future.

These are the three pizzas we made this time:

  • Pimento and cheese - my wife and love pimento and cheese sandwiches, so we thought a pizza might be good - turned out to be my favorite of the day. The cheese is topped with slices of heirloom tomatos, salt, and pepper.
  • Bean dip with pork sausage - I make a homemade bean dip from pressure cooked black and pinto beans, sour cream, chicken stock and spices. The other day I ground up some fresh pork for sausage and we thought the combo might make for good pizza. Using the bean dip as a base, we topped with sausage, cheese, and tomato slices.
  • Smoked chicken - pizza is loaded with olives, tomato slices as a base instead of sauce, feta and cheddar/mozzarella cheese, zucchini and mushrooms.

My wife uses a crust preparation technique in which salt is on the bottom so when you take a bite, you get a nice salty crust flavor. All crusts were crisp yet tender - an advantage of cooking at 800 degrees.

Click the pics to toggle full/normal size

Cherry wood is the fuel for the day. It takes an
hour or two to bring the oven to temperature.
   Oven temperature was maintained at
about 800 degrees F (measure on the floor). Any
higher and it becomes difficult to keep from
burning the crust.
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The pizzas were small so we cooked two
at a time
   The pimento and cheese was my favorite
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This is how we cut the mini pizzas - into
four bite sized pieces so each person had a
mini "slice"
   Another pimento and cheese on the left, and
a SRG chicken pizza on the right. The chicken
pizza was smoky, savory, and full of flavor.
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Art Blade

oh my goodness, PZ, that looks so wonderful! And I reckon the taste was similarly wonderful.. DROOL ??? :anigrin: O0


There must be a law somewhere against guys like him    :banghead:
I'm not drooling, honest I'm not...... :undecided-new:
Respect is earned, not given.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Man, that does look tasty. It's been a long time since I had a decent wood fired pizza, the place I used to go closed down a few years ago and is sorely missed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks guys - it is a great way to leisurely spend the day with friends - good good, drink of course, and fine conversation.


Very cool PZ.  O0 +1

It's pleasing that you have been able to set your home up as a great place to entertain and have the imaginations, creativeness, and the gift of genuine hospitality to give your guests the best of reasons to want to return.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade


Thanks guys - and of course, any of you gents is welcome at my place  O0

Art Blade

Be advised: I'll eat everything. :gnehe:

Perhaps I'll make an exception when it comes to poodles.



She's a bit too stringy anyway - likely tough as beef jerky  :gnehe:


I too excel at making a pig of myself :gnehe:

Those mini-pizzas do look delish, PZ :thumbsup: Great idea!

Sounds like a lovely Labor Day was had by all at the PZ residence :)


Thanks fragger, and it was a good time indeed. I'm going to continue to do the mini pizzas for guests from now on.  O0

🡱 🡳

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