2018 release for Scorn

Started by mandru, September 06, 2017, 09:40:50 PM

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The best way to describe this up coming release is as a Horror Survival based in a H. R. Giger nightmare.


(I hope that link's right, it looks weird even though I cut the HTTP bit off the front but it plays for me in the preview mode)

Not my cup of tea but some of you may be interested.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Cheers mandru :) I watched that trailer just last night, as it turns out. I actually did post an earlier Scorn trailer some time ago when it was in very early development. Might have been on the old site.

Being a bit of a fan of Giger, I'm sort of interested. But I'll wait until the reviews come out after release next year. A brooding Gigeresque environment won't overcome the gameplay for me if it turns out to be yet another walking simulator, or one of those sneak-and-hide stress tests posing as a game. I don't like those sorts of things. I like to game for stress relief, not intensification :gnehe:

I'll be keeping tabs on it anyway.


Looks cool, but here's my reaction:

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I was OK until the baby walked by dragging the dead corpse of it's conjoined twin.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


I have seen the earlier preview as well Fragger, which makes the graphics power of this review less shocking than it may have been. This title looks to me as a poor DOOM remake. Too many doors, keys and empty walkways with possible creeps to appear.
"No hay luz"


Besides, the guy has dirty hands just like in FC2  :-X

Art Blade


And he handles all sorts of gooey-looking things. I wouldn't want to shake hands with him :undecided-new:


... and his gun is essentially made of two weird creatures, one with it's mouth clamped on the butt of the other one?  I think someone on the dev team has some issues....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



Unresolved issues, evidently...

Art Blade

gives "backfire" a whole new meaning..


Speaking of Giger-related stuff (in a tangential sort of way), I watched Alien Covenant earlier and it made me cranky, so now I have to vent before I go to bed :angry-new:

What in the world is Ridley Scott playing at these days? He nurtured one of the most original and expertly-crafted sci-fi/horror films ever with the original Alien, only to try smothering it with a pillow in its old age. Prometheus was a letdown. Covenant? I'd have to jackhammer a big hole through the floor, through the cement slab under the house and keep going for several dozen more meters in order to make letdown room. It's not an altogether terrible movie, but it constantly flirts with terribleness and on occasion, it shrugs off its reserve and goes for it.

Consider some of these gems of conceptualization:

"Oh no! The ship has been hit by a 'neutrino storm'! And instead of all the neutrinos just passing harmlessly through the matter of the ship and our bodies like neutrinos do throughout our entire lifetimes, this giant expanding bubble of highly visible neutrinos has physically impacted and severely damaged the ship!"

"Being awakened from hyper-sleep by all that damage really sucked and we don't want to go back into hyper-sleep again for another seven years to that thoroughly suitable, pre-surveyed planet that we were sent to colonize. Instead, let's take our payload of 2,000 hyper-sleeping colonists to this totally unknown and un-surveyed alien planet that we have just serendipitously been made aware of. Even though it's on none of the charts despite only being three weeks' flight time off our course and we know squat about it, it's closer, and that's the important thing. And won't we all have a jolly good laugh when we finally wake up all those colonists and tell them what happened!"

"This planet has severe 'ion storms' which can last for months at a time and totally kill communications systems; the terrain is incredibly, tortuously rugged and covered in dense, dripping jungles; it's wet, dank and overcast all the time; and the fauna and flora is totally undocumented and could be dangerously hostile. In other words, a far better place to set up a colony than on that idyllic planet we were originally headed for!"

"So we'll be landing on this totally unknown alien world, but we won't need environmental suits or breathing apparatus. Everyone knows there are no such things as spores, pollens, bacteria, microbes and pathogens, so we can just step outside and take a deep breath as soon as we land".

"Oh-oh. The terrain is too rugged and jungly to land on, so we'll have to land on that lake over there. But that's okay because there's a huge, flat open area of dry land right next to the lake, with hundreds of square meters of wheatfield right next to that, so when we land on the water's edge right next to the huge flat area of dry land, we can just drop the ramp onto it and not get our feet wet".

"Now that we've landed on this potentially dangerous world and everyone else has gone off to explore leaving me here at the ship all by myself, I'll go outside and check out the landing gear, accompanied by this spindly robot on wheels that does absolutely nothing, because it has absolutely nothing attached to it to do anything with".

"I'm going off all by myself into the jungle to take a leak, i.e. have a smoke. We're on a mysterious and unknown alien planet, so what could possibly happen? Of course, the audience knows I'll be the first one to die in a horrible way, but being a mindless idiot who got chosen to be an astronaut, I don't. Anyway, I'll be out of here soon, to begin my new career as an expendable red-shirted security dude on the USS Enterprise".

"Wow, look at these scary-looking alien fungus-like plants with black spores drifting out of them and lazily swirling around in the air! I know - I'll stick my nose into one and see what it smells like... Oh dang, now I feel sick and my skin's going funny. But I'm sure I'll get over it".

"Hey, this guy is sick and his skin is going funny! Let's take him straight into the ship, along with all the potentially contaminated blood that he projectile-vomited all over us. I'm sure we can deal with his crawling skin and explosive convulsions once we get him on the examination table. Oh, and put on your gloves! Don't bother with a mask, you won't need one. Microbes are a myth, remember?"

And so on. And that's just in the first half hour or so. It goes on for the rest of its running time like that - ludicrousness piled upon ludicrousness.

If you're a fan of the original Alien, don't sully your appreciation of it by watching this ridiculous, dull, formulaic and utterly predictable piece of hawked-up alien phlegm. Scott has done to the original Alien what the alien did to Kane, only the creature that he has ripped out of the original movie's chest is far from a perfect organism - it's a misbegotten mass of gasping blubber begging to be put out of its misery.

Long story short - Alien Covenant stinks.

Ah, that's better. Now I can go to sleep 8)

Art Blade

+1 :thumbsup: for that, fragger  :D

Excellent. I see a career for you, script writer, and big names like Ridley Scott will come begging to you to sell your scripts! :)


🡱 🡳

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