2018 release for Scorn

Started by mandru, September 06, 2017, 09:40:50 PM

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Here's my +1 as well fragger.  (better you watched it than me  :laughsm:)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Thank you for the plus-ones chaps :)

Maybe I'll become the Fiach of filmdom - "Watching atrocious movies so you don't have to" :gnehe: No, I don't really want to become that...

Usually if I see a bad movie I just forget about it, but this one really bugged me. Scott's stature as a film-maker has taken a few severe hits lately. He's gone from being innovative and novel to just another purveyor of run-of-the-mill Hollywood action/adventure crapfests.

I could have gone on and on. Thinking back, I still can't get over some of what I saw in that movie. And I forgot to mention the really sad part - Covenant has very obviously left itself open for yet another rehash :banghead:

So stay tuned for "Alien Rechurned", coming to a dumpster near you soon.

Art Blade


When Alien Covenant came out, I read a review that said something along the lines of "Can someone just give Ridley Scott enough money to make his messiah movies and leave the Alien franchise alone?" Because it seems that he's making some sort of Jesus reborn (in the form of that robot dude who's name I forget, the one who has a duplicate on the new ship [of course so they can switch places later - ooops, spoilers!] who is trying to re-create the aliens, but, no, he actually created them in the first place!) but Scott seems to be making movies that are a retelling of the Bible story more than Alien movies.

In the last one, when they brought in the new race of "engineers" who were shown to be the same as the creature in the original movie where they found the eggs, but, no, that's not a creature, that's their space suits that look like that! I was really disappointed, they could have made something so COOL, but nope, let's do a messiah movie instead.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Thanks for all the warnings. I was in a way disappointed by the last "alien" movie (Prometheus) as I had hoped it to return to its original power but in itself, it wasn't really that bad. However, I don't want to watch anything like a bible story in a sci-fi film. And the way fragger described it, I'd call its structure illogic. And I hate that. You know, like the scene with the black spores alone in a hostile environment but GO ANYWAY and stick your nose in that stuff, that kind of against all common sense and by that, illogical decisions. Bah.. and if all that gets drenched in religious ambitions, I could vomit on a bread.


I should point out that the guy who goes off for a smoke by himself and gets infected, and the guy who sniffs an alien plant and also gets infected are two different characters, but they are as dumb as one another and the silliness of it all still stands.

What annoys me about Prometheus and Covenant is the way humans are made all-important again and are placed squarely back into the centre of everything. Part of the disturbing nature of the original story is that humans are clearly not at the centre of anything at all, and are not even of much import to the rest of the universe. They find the long-dead remains of an alien life-form (and it was clear that the Space Jockey was a dead bio-mechanical creature, not just some kind of empty suit) which knew nothing of humans and was possibly dead before humans even went into space. This creature had been killed by a life-form which was as alien to it as both species would be to us, and the whole scenario was totally mystifying to the humans when they encountered it.

The inference of Alien was that there is life untold out there, space-faring civilizations which are blissfully unaware of our existence, and we don't figure into their considerations at all. Far from occupying some privileged position in the grand scheme of things, humanity turns out to be a relatively insignificant race existing unremarked on the periphery of galactic life.

With these new movies and all this Engineer business, they've made the story all about us again. They have re-situated all-important humanity upon its cosmic pedestal at the centre of creation and totally killed all the mystique in the process.

Art Blade

that's indeed what made the original alien original. Those are two carefully and well-placed originals there, aren't they :gnehe: When alien struck mankind, mankind was essentially helpless. The only way of coping with alien was to purge it into space, with a lot of luck and trickery. I totally agree, putting humankind into the centre reverses the story. Of course, the point of view of the story-telling humans is understandable and since we're following the humans, it's completely alright. But they're like dust particles in the living room of the big boys and girls. Insignificant. All they can do is watch, observe, float down to the ground and get stomped on, without anyone else realising that they got stomped on but them, and then realise their insignificance, if their mind is already big enough to do so. Some of them may need a lot more stomping-on to get to that point, I suppose.


Quote from: fragger on September 12, 2017, 12:19:27 AM
I should point out that the guy who goes off for a smoke by himself and gets infected, and the guy who sniffs an alien plant and also gets infected are two different characters, but they are as dumb as one another and the silliness of it all still stands.

At first I thought that no one on the planet is stupid enough to behave that way, but then I remembered politicians.

Art Blade


Yeah, the whole disconnect between what the Space Jockey was in the original movie and what they twisted it into for the new movies is a new level of double think and something that really disappointed me. Then the whole Engineers creating humans (that is what they are implying in Prometheus, right? It's not exactly clear) and also creating the aliens as a sort of doomsday weapon (as revealed in Covenant) just seems a cheap trick of getting the story back around, as fragger pointed out, to focusing on the humans. I wish I could find that review and I'll keep poking around to see if I can, but it was pretty much point on for what Ridley Scott is doing. He's not making alien movies, but something more creationist. As in, the Engineers are God, who created Man and also created the snake (the aliens) and now the creation of the creation (the robot guy who was created by man who was created by God) has now come back to destroy God (as in the robot guy dumped the black spore stuff on the Engineer city and killed them all).

Just like the saying goes "Han Shot First"  - now we can add "The Space Jockey is not a suit".
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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